Tag Archives | Niche

Never Buy or Trade Traffic for Your Blog

Never Buy or Trade Traffic for Your Blog

No matter what niche of blog you have there always seems to be a traffic exchange system where you can either trade or buy traffic. Now for the most part you never want to trade or buy traffic for your blog simply because it’s a waste of money. You only want to change trade traffic if the other traffic is coming from another website or blog that is similar to yours and offers good traffic. If it doesn’t offer good targeted traffic then there is no reason why you would want to trade traffic with the website and you should stay away from it because it won’t help you out.

If you trade all your hard earned traffic then your blog visitors will be leaving your blog and you’ll be receiving visitors from the website you’re trading traffic with. Now if the website you trade with is a toplist or something then the traffic isn’t going to be worth exchanging traffic to get. You need to determine which trades will offer you equal or more traffic for your traffic, and the traffic needs to be targeted. There is no reason sending away your targeted traffic to get junk traffic in return that won’t amount to anything.

Now for those of you who have been thinking about spending money on buying traffic I would advise against doing so. You don’t want to buy traffic for your blog because the only reason traffic is for sale is because it isn’t good targeted traffic. If it was targeted traffic then you would never see people selling traffic by the thousands for dollars. The reason they sell their traffic though is because there traffic is garbage and they make more money by selling it then trying to convert it into sales. Now you could try and hope to convert the bought traffic into sales, but for the most part you won’t even see one sale from any traffic you buy. Unless you find someone who is selling some private traffic that is targeted and converts then you shouldn’t buy traffic.

Some people buy traffic to try and boost there website stats before selling it, but the problem with this is that it won’t help you. People will want to see the referrer stats and once they see that the traffic has been bought then they won’t want to buy your blog or if they do they won’t pay much. Buying traffic seems dodgy because the only reason people really do it is to boost their stats and other webmasters don’t like buying blogs with bought traffic.

Buying traffic from bad areas can also cause your blog problems in the future with the search engines. The more unnatural stuff you do the more likely the search engines are to find something wrong with what you’re doing and penalize you. The last thing you want to do is get penalized by the search engines so make sure you follow the rules. Stick to building links and getting organic traffic and the revenue will begin to build up. Buying traffic is just a waste of your money and you shouldn’t spend time even considering spending your hard earned money on useless junk traffic.


Make Money like the Top Bloggers

Make Money like the Top Bloggers

Very few people expected that blogging could give them profits which
could encourage them to dump their regular jobs for it. However, it is
also a fact that most of the top bloggers had a humble beginning as
they did not start the blogs with the profits in mind. Nevertheless, the
blogs created by them were able to attract huge traffics which in turn
resulted in great profits for these bloggers. So what did these bloggers
do differently to make these mounds of money?

This article aims at discussing some strategies which were used by
some of the top bloggers for making money:

Create a blog on a niche of interest

All the top bloggers were able to make money through their blogs
because they were passionate about it. It is very crucial to determine
on a niche which is of great interest to you and many others. This will
ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the niche of the
blog, which in result will encourage you to add quality content to your
blog which will inevitably attract people with similar interests.

Create blogs with WordPress or Blogger accounts

Most of the successful blogs can be found with WordPress or Blogger
accounts. One of the reasons for the huge popularity of these blogs is
that they are more SEO friendly and hence receive more hits and

Always add Content and value to your visitors

Even if your intention is to commercialize the blog, make sure that the
blog has content and ads which are of value to the visitors of your
blog. A blog which is able to draw the interest of a loyal audience will
result in increased traffic, which can play a vital role in heightening
your profits.

Pay regular visits to popular blogs on the same niche

Be interested in blogs on the same niche. This will result in increased
knowledge on the niche. Leaving comments on those blogs with back
links to your blog will result in increased audience for your blog. One
must understand that almost always, higher traffic leads to more and
higher paying ads which implies more profits for you.

Try selling advice

If you have considerable experience as a successful marketer, then
you can try selling advices in the form of full consulting packages. On
the contrary, you can also sell brief advices for a relatively lower fee.
This will almost inevitably result in increased cash flow, more content
and boosted traffic.

Spread your wings by creating blogs on different niches

If you are already the proud owner of a relatively established blog,
then it is high time that you start another blog on a different niche.
Placing the ads of these blogs on the established blog can result in
traffic for those blogs as well, which in turn will earn profits for you in
the long run.

It is very important to mention here that if you are interested in
making money like the top bloggers, then it is quintessential to
cultivate an attitude like them. Almost every blogger who has made it
big in this industry has dedicated a lot of time and effort to make their
blogs a hit. Like in any other job or industry, hard work is a must for
making it big in the world of blogging.


Highest Paying Niches to Work in

Highest Paying Niches to Work in

There are thousands upon thousands of niches you can work in and some of them are obviously more competitive then others which are why choosing your niche is important. Another important reason of choosing a good niche is that some niches just don’t have the potential too make money like some of the other niches out there. Today we’re going to look at some of the highest paying niches and how you can make money in those niches by blogging.


The health niche is one of the most competitive niches on the internet and companies spend millions on promoting there websites on the internet in this niche. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to make some money in this niche though including pay-per-click ads, private ads and affiliate sales. You can make upwards of $1 per click on Adsense in this niche which is incredible as most niches pay $.10 or less per click. There is also a magnitude of products to sell in this niche and they usually range in the $100+ price range which allows room for high commission payments. If you can manage to build traffic in this niche then you stand an excellent chance at making some serious money in the health niche.


With the world’s economy lowering on a daily basis right now there is no better time to get into the financial market online. The competition is very stiff in this market and gaining a market share is nearly impossible, but in a billion dollar industry if you get a fraction of a percent of the market share then you’d be laughing. Commissions are amongst the highest out there in this niche as well as you can make money from credit card applications, payday loan applications and much more.


If you want to leave the mainstream industry and move into the adult industry then there is tons of money to be made. You can make blogs very quickly in this niche and content isn’t as important as the mainstream niches. You can get away with small blog posts and still make a nice income if you build links and traffic to your blog. Sponsors pay up to $100 per paying customer or you could also take a lifetime percentage per customer although $100 per person is usually more profitable and you get it at one time.

These three niches in my opinion offer the most opportunity for making a full-time income and if you can draw in the traffic then they’ll spend money. It’s proven that these three niches are amongst the top for people spending money in, which means that if you can achieve traffic you’ll usually make money. It needs to be targeted qualified traffic in order to make money, but if you want the best chance of succeeding online and don’t know where to start then I recommend starting with one of these niches. They are very competitive, but a lot of niches these days are so you need to find out how to better then your competitors.


Monetize Your Blog

Monetize Your Blog

A blog is certainly the best possible platform for your creative outlet.
But, if it can earn you a regular income, then it undoubtedly is the
cream of the cake. Contrary to the popular belief, blogging does not
have to be limited to your pastime. With a bit of effort and dedication,
it is indeed possible to turn your blog into a money making machine.
In this chapter, we are going to discuss some easy yet smart ways of
monetizing your blog.

Make money through Google Adsense or other pay per click

Joining Google Adsense or any other pay per click (PPC) program is
undoubtedly the easiest way to monetize your blog. One must
understand that these pay per click programs allow you display ads on
your website and you get paid for every click on those ads. Though it
is the easiest and smartest way of getting money, it might be difficult
to earn a considerable amount in the initial stage of the blog as
majority of the pay per click programs including Google Adsense only
pay a few cents per click.

Sell Affiliate Products

Using your blog to sell products can prove to be very profitable way of
making money. Selling affiliate products do not require you to supply
them yourself; you don’t even have to deal with any issues regarding
the deal. Selling affiliate products can result in very good profits,
provided you are smart enough to sell products or services which are
closely related to your blog’s niche.

Sell Ad areas or spaces on your blog

If you have worked hard enough to make your blog popular and if you
have already earned one of the top three page ranks on search
engines, then it is more than a probability that many advertisers will
be more than willing to advertise on your blog. You can sell ad spaces
on your blog at a very good price.

Advertising link publications
In this case, you strike a deal with the owners of websites or blogs
who are trying to increase traffic for their blogs or websites. You offer
to publish the link to their website in your blog statement, at an
agreed rate. If your blog has a good traffic rate then it is more than a
probability that you might be contacted by numerous potential

Monetize with your own products

After getting assured of regular traffic, you can concentrate on
creating your own products. These products can be anything like an e-
book or a membership site which can be promoted through your blog.
Since you already are aware of the pulse of your readers, it would not
be a difficult task to encourage them to purchase something which
could be of use to them. You can even go one step ahead to offer an
e-course to your readers.

It is highly recommended that you concentrate on one way of
monetizing your blog in the initial stages. Once you see that the
strategy is giving you guaranteed returns then you can spread your
wings over other methods as well. It also pays to take ideas from
popular blogs on the same niche.


Choosing Your Niche

Choosing Your Niche

Too many people spend way too long debating on what niche they would like to create there next website on, and in a lot of cases people could have a website live in the times it takes them too choose a niche. There is no magical niche on the internet that is guaranteed to earn you money, the simple and plain fact is that you need too work hard to make money online. The niche you choose won’t reflect how much money you make at all.

You need to understand your niche, and by this I mean you should have an interest in the niche you choose. If you’re not interested in the niche you choose then you’ll quickly become bored of the work involved with making the site successful and in most cases you’ll just let the site sit there. If you have an interest in the topic you choose then most of the time it will seem less like work and more like a hobby. You’ll also be able to communicate with your audience, imagine how hard that would be if you have no interest in the topic you we’re writing about.

It’s very hard to sell something to someone on a website and you usually need to gain some sort of trust with the reader before they trust your website enough to buy anything. If you choose a niche where you can provide helpful, educational and unique content that nobody has seen before then there is a good chance you’ll have return visitors come to your website which can turn into potential buyers. If your content is just regurgitated information from another website then you can’t expect people to want to come back to your website because you’re not offering them anything out of the ordinary.

When you’re choosing your niche you need to make sure that you can picture yourself sticking with the niche and idea for months down the road. It takes months to even see the potential of a website so if you give up before this time then you’re not even giving your website a chance. This is what most webmasters do though and why they have dozens of blogs sitting on many hosting accounts all over the place.

Try too choose a niche and stick with it and you’ll see a lot more results then switching niches every week or every month. It takes determination in order too get your website up to the level it needs to be to make money and you need to ride the wave right until the end. You’ll be building links and adding content to your website on a daily basis in most cases and this means you’ll need a strong liking for the niche you choose.

Other niches may seem more profitable on paper, but if you don’t like the work you’re doing then there is no way you’ll be happy working on the site and you’ll give up. When you choose your niche you can do the normal keyword and niche research too see what’s profitable, but make sure that whatever you choose you can picture yourself writing about in the next year.


Creating Unique Valuable Content Is the Only Way to Blog

Creating Unique Valuable Content Is the Only Way to Blog

There are now so many blogs in the blogosphere and more created each day that if you think you can take any shortcuts to creating a successful blog you’re crazy. Blogging is now mainstream and everyone who is anyone has at least one blog if not many blogs. Some people and businesses even have teams of writers who write for a network of blogs. These blogs are typically the authority blogs in the niche and they make all there money through private ad sales to businesses. Now the key to the success of these blog networks though is that they have teams of writers who write real content that is useful to the readers. This ensures that the people reading the blogs come back and then before you know it they have a huge source of traffic. It’s really hard to do this unless you have a team organizing it all and lots of investment money for the initial start-up of the network. You can however take a piece of a smaller niche and write content for it that is useful and educational. People like reading things that offer some value to them and not something that they’ve heard thousands of times before.

A lot of webmasters I see lately are trying to use anything automated that they can to make their work easier, but what they find is there work is ruined. If search engines detect any type of automated promotion of a website then they’ll remove it from their index without warning and it can be difficult to get back into the index. There are programs being advertised for everything from automated article distributors to automated social bookmarking tools but they all could cost you your site.

There has also recently been an influx in programs that supposedly create unique content from an article, these are known as rewriter programs and they spit out nothing but garbage. Anyone who uses these to create content for their blog is never going to have a blog that is worth any money and you definitely won’t have any return visitors. Then there are the RSS feed autoblogs that are being created every second of every day right now and they are simply useless. They don’t offer anything to the readers as its just copied text from an authority blog. You may get some indexed pages in Google which you can use for backlinks on your other sites at your own risk, but I don’t recommend it because if you do this often search engines will punish your main site for getting links from an autoblogs network.

Having unique content is important to the success of your blog and if you plan on making money from a blog you need good solid unique content that is educational. You don’t ever start making money from blogging until you have return visitors coming to your blog, and once you have this then you can start trying to monetize the traffic. In the first few months though you will make hardly anything and you need to strictly focus on building natural strong backlinks and unique educational content.


Blog Link Building

Blog Link Building

Bloggers absolutely need to obtain backlinks on their blogs or they won’t ever result too much and there will be hardly any traffic. Ideally as your blog ages you should be getting search engine traffic and if you’re not then it’s probably due to not having enough backlinks pointing to your blog. You should not only work on getting backlinks for your homepage but also for important blog posts and pages. These are called deeplinks and help a lot when you’re trying to rank in the search engines. All of the search engines use different methods for ranking sites but one of the main techniques used is through backlinks. If you have a lot of relevant backlinks on the topic of your blog pointing to the posts and pages then you’ll generally have good search engine rankings. If you have only lousy links that aren’t even on topic with your blog then you will need to begin looking for some better ranking links so that you can then begin ranking better. Many forums can offer good link opportunities but you can also use many techniques to find high page rank links to get backlinks on.

You should start building links for your blog as soon as you begin posting on it and make sure though that you only use natural methods of building backlinks and none other or else you face the risk of getting banned by the search engines. Article submissions, social bookmarking and directory submissions are all things you should do in the early existence of your blog. Make sure you spread your time out amongst these different options so that you build links in many different areas. You should also become active on blogs in your niche so that you can begin gaining some reputation. It doesn’t take long for the owner of a blog to notice someone commenting daily on their blog and in most cases as long as you’re not spamming the owner will usually begin talking with you. This can result in future joint ventures and having relationships with the other bloggers in your niche is vital to the success of your blog.

There is never a time that you shouldn’t be looking to build links to your blog, but over time you’ll get help from that through link bait. This is where you post a good article or report on your blog and people link to it and post it on there blog. This can gain you hundreds of backlinks a day and is the most effective method to one way link building. Blogging is a ton of work and you haven’t already notice this then you soon will as you start building backlinks and having to post daily to your blog.

Try exchanging links with other bloggers in your niche, but make sure you don’t crowd your blog up too much with other people’s links. Try spreading the other people’s links across different pages so that it doesn’t eat away at your page rank juice. Only exchange links with blogs that are the same calibre as your blog and don’t accept a link exchange with a blog that isn’t updated.

Over time link building becomes easier and takes a lot less time but in the beginning you need to set-up the blog to ensure it will do well in the search engines. Building links is part of ensuring that traffic from the search engines is steady and this is why every serious blogger needs to allocate the right amount of time each day for building links.



Five Blog Writing Tips Anyone can Implement

There are plenty of us out there who are blogging and looking to become the next authority blog, but to do that it’s going to take a lot work. One of the most important aspects of your blog is the content, and without useful content you won’t make it very far in the blogging world. You’ll need to be able to offer people that noone else can offer them and you can’t become like most bloggers and regurgitate information that is found everywhere else. I want to spend some time looking at some tips you can implement into your writing so you can assist your blog in becoming successful.

Unique Content

As a blogger one of the worst things you can do is steal content from somewhere else and claim that it’s yours. Not only is this wrong in so many ways, but chances are your readers will catch on eventually and you’ll be stuck with a blog that has no traffic and no resale value. You need to make your blog your own by writing the content yourself so that you can interact with your readers. To gather loyal blog readers the only way to go is by offering unique content that is new and useful as well as interacting with your audience.

Know Your Niche

I’ve seen hundreds of bloggers in hundreds of niches that don’t know what a niche is. If you create a blog to write about airplanes then you shouldn’t ever be posting about recent celebrity news in your blog. Your visitors found your blog because they want airplane information and not celebrity information so make sure you know your niche. It’s important to not only know your niche, but you need to know what you’re talking about. The worst thing possible for a blogger is when your readers start correcting your information because it’s wrong. Take the time to write one good post each day and if you have to spend time researching the topic so that you don’t look stupid in front of your readers.

Keep Readers in Mind

The blog that you’ve created has probably been created so that you can eventually make some money off of it. Before you can make any money off of your blog though, you need a loyal readership that trusts you. In order to gain a loyal readership you’ll need to offer content everyday on topics your readers want to read about. You need to consider the different ways your readers have found your blog and then write content on those topics that are popular. It’s important to write what the readers want to read and not what you want on your blog if you want to have a loyal readership.

Reply to Comments

When someone takes the time out of there day to make a meaningful comment on your blog then you should spend the time to reply to the message. It doesn’t take long to reply to a couple comments everyday and if you do reply then you’ll be showing you care about your readers. A lot of people who make comments will come back to see if it’s been answered so make sure you stay on top of your comments in moderation.

Work with Competitors

Once you’ve established who your competition is you need to become friends with them and share resources. There is plenty of competition out there so by teaming up with a few other bloggers in your niche you’ll have a slight advantage over some of the other bloggers. It’s important to gain relevant backlinks so by swapping links in blog posts will other bloggers in your niche is important. You should also become an active reader and commenter on your competitions blogs as you’ll gain backlinks from your comments.

Writing is a huge part of blogging and if you think you’ll be able to get away without writing much content then you have another thing coming. Blogging is all about being able to offer readers useful content to read on a daily basis, so before you commit to blogging make sure you’re ready to write lots of content. All of these tips can be implemented immediately as long as you have the time, but if you don’t have the time for this then I recommend leaving blogging along and stick with static websites.