Tag Archives | Niche

The 3 most effective ways to monetize your blog

The 3 most effective ways to monetize your blog

Today internet is full of multiple blogs making money in various possible ways. But among them one should choose the most popular ones to earn solid amount within a couple of months. Perhaps, you thought that now I will show the google adsense income as one of them. But on this point, not everyone is successful, as for making huge income one need to choose the most popular niche and get paid per clicks more than just a few pennies. So this article is related to the 3 most wide-spread money-making methods with blogging, not including google adsense:

1. Use your blog as an online place for expert consultations and then recommend affiliate products or services.
Do not try to simply advertise this or that product. Here the most important thing is to provide your readers with real valuable and interesting information that they need to hear from a specialist in this area. Therefore before starting any blog, sit down and think thoroughly in what field you are considered to be good, even if not expert. So after you have decided this main moment, then create your blog and choose products and/or services related to your niche. It would be better to choose those affiliate programs that will provide you guaranteed monthly residual income. But you would be better first to test the products yourself and then recommend them. In this way you will gain more credibility of your readers.

2. Create and sell your own info product.
This money-making method is the alternative way, if affiliate programs are not for you, though many people are making a six-figure income every year, just by selling others’ products. Today almost everyone who comes to the internet try to create his own info product, mostly e-book. So why do not you also try? If you think over your experience in this or that field, you will surprisingly discover how many areas exist in which you have some valuable knowledge or experience you could share with others and earn money for that. So why not format this information that can be useful for many people into a unique info product? After having created your own e-book, you can promote it with various methods online and get constant income from the sales. For example, you can sell it on your blog or website, if you have one, or you can promote it on others’ sites or e-zines.

3. Sell ad places on your blog.
Today selling places to various companies for putting their banner on your website or blog is one of the most popular ways to earn passive income on monthly basis. You think it is a very hard job to find the clients to willing to put their advertising on your website? Not at all! You need just huge traffic on daily basis. If you’ll have, let’s say only 100 visitors a day, then companies will themselves find and offer you to advertise their services.


How to Create a Profit Pulling WordPress Blog Today

How to Create a Profit Pulling WordPress Blog Today

The WordPress Platform has come a long way since the early days, so much so that you can now easily control every function of your WordPress Blog from an easy to manage WordPress Admin Dashboard ….

Install your WordPress Theme, Install your WordPress Plugin, Install Affiliate Products, Optimize your WordPress Blog.

Now if you have never used WordPress before you may be breaking into a cold sweat just thinking about this ….

Worry not, it is simpler than you may think….. I would suggest following the simple steps before you even start to think about the technical stuff.. now most would tell you get a domain name etc etc

Ok, that is half right, but if you follow the steps suggested below, then the likelyhood is you will get your WordPress Blog setup right – First Time ……

Step 1 – Research and choose a Niche

This is an important first step, this will get your creative thinking head on, just get a blank piece of paper and write down maybe 5 things that interest you. Once you have your list, then you can check how popular these ideas may be by using for example the Google Keyword Tool Anylazer…

Step 2 – Choosing your Domain Name

Choosing a Domain Name could be a two minute job, for example if you want to self-brand yourself, if so it would be a case of registering yourname.com

If you are looking to blog about a certain niche, then some basic research is required. I would also suggest you look to try and chose a keyword rich. For example, if you are blogging about Bonsai Trees then try and have this within your Domain Name.

Step 3 – Registering your Domain Name

There are many Domain Name Registers out there, I have used a few, over the last year I have used Namecheap.com for a number of reasons, they are reasonably priced, offer free WHOIS Gaurd to protect your Personal Details and with their money off coupons you can secure your Domain Name for under $9.00! . If you enter “”Namecheap Coupon Code – July 2009″” then you can save money on the cost.

Step 4 – Setting up your Webhosting Account

It is important you get this step right, I have in the past lost out with Webhost companies disappearing overnight and with it your websites and business. It can be personal choice who you decide to host with, I would recommend Hostgator.com, the reasons behind it they are reliable and cheap, offer 24-7 customer service and to help you get started you could get the first months hosting for only 1 cent!

Step 5- Updating your DNS Nameservers

This step is required to have your Domain Name Register, ‘point’ your Domain Name to your ‘webspace’ so when people type your WordPress Blog Domain Address into their Internet Browser, it will automatically go to where your WordPress Blog is installed. Your Webhosting company will supply your Nameservers Information – for example- ns1.yourwebhoster.com, ns2.yourwebhoster.com you would access ‘Transfer to Webhost’ in your Domain Control Panel and enter the Nameserver Information and Update. It can take up to 24 Hours to propgate the information and point to your webspace.

Step 6 – Installing your WordPress Blog

As I mentioned in Step 4 it is important to choose the correct Webhosting Company for your webhosting needs, one of the reasons being that they will supply a powerful function called ‘Fantastico De Luxe’ , so with a few clicks of your mouse you can have your WordPress Blog installed in under 3 minutes.

The steps above are just the start to creating your profit pulling WordPress Blog.


Five Blog Writing Tips Anyone can Implement

Five Blog Writing Tips Anyone can Implement

There are plenty of us out there who are blogging and looking to become the next authority blog, but to do that it’s going to take a lot work. One of the most important aspects of your blog is the content, and without useful content you won’t make it very far in the blogging world. You’ll need to be able to offer people that noone else can offer them and you can’t become like most bloggers and regurgitate information that is found everywhere else. I want to spend some time looking at some tips you can implement into your writing so you can assist your blog in becoming successful.

Unique Content

As a blogger one of the worst things you can do is steal content from somewhere else and claim that it’s yours. Not only is this wrong in so many ways, but chances are your readers will catch on eventually and you’ll be stuck with a blog that has no traffic and no resale value. You need to make your blog your own by writing the content yourself so that you can interact with your readers. To gather loyal blog readers the only way to go is by offering unique content that is new and useful as well as interacting with your audience.

Know Your Niche

I’ve seen hundreds of bloggers in hundreds of niches that don’t know what a niche is. If you create a blog to write about airplanes then you shouldn’t ever be posting about recent celebrity news in your blog. Your visitors found your blog because they want airplane information and not celebrity information so make sure you know your niche. It’s important to not only know your niche, but you need to know what you’re talking about. The worst thing possible for a blogger is when your readers start correcting your information because it’s wrong. Take the time to write one good post each day and if you have to spend time researching the topic so that you don’t look stupid in front of your readers.

Keep Readers in Mind

The blog that you’ve created has probably been created so that you can eventually make some money off of it. Before you can make any money off of your blog though, you need a loyal readership that trusts you. In order to gain a loyal readership you’ll need to offer content everyday on topics your readers want to read about. You need to consider the different ways your readers have found your blog and then write content on those topics that are popular. It’s important to write what the readers want to read and not what you want on your blog if you want to have a loyal readership.

Reply to Comments

When someone takes the time out of there day to make a meaningful comment on your blog then you should spend the time to reply to the message. It doesn’t take long to reply to a couple comments everyday and if you do reply then you’ll be showing you care about your readers. A lot of people who make comments will come back to see if it’s been answered so make sure you stay on top of your comments in moderation.

Work with Competitors

Once you’ve established who your competition is you need to become friends with them and share resources. There is plenty of competition out there so by teaming up with a few other bloggers in your niche you’ll have a slight advantage over some of the other bloggers. It’s important to gain relevant backlinks so by swapping links in blog posts will other bloggers in your niche is important. You should also become an active reader and commenter on your competitions blogs as you’ll gain backlinks from your comments.

Writing is a huge part of blogging and if you think you’ll be able to get away without writing much content then you have another thing coming. Blogging is all about being able to offer readers useful content to read on a daily basis, so before you commit to blogging make sure you’re ready to write lots of content. All of these tips can be implemented immediately as long as you have the time, but if you don’t have the time for this then I recommend leaving blogging along and stick with static websites.


Some Methods for getting Activity on your New Forum

Some Methods for getting Activity on your New Forum

If you’ve made the decision to make a forum then I must warn you that you’re looking at a long road ahead and you can’t give up. It takes a little while to get a new forum off the ground, but once you do then it basically runs on autopilot and earns you money. There is no limit to how big a forum can become either and that’s the great thing about starting a forum. You might make nothing, but you might also become popular and make thousands of dollars. There is definitely some risk for you when starting a forum though because you need to buy a forum license and some tools for your forum. You’ll also need to purchase a design for your new forum so that it stands out from others. It can cost you anywhere from $200-$1000 to get a decent forum started, so you need to decide if you can risk that amount of money. There is no guarantee your forum will become successful which means that your money might go down the drain, but like in most things you need to spend some money to make some money. We’ll now take a look at some of the methods you can use to gain activity on your forums while it’s new.

Choose a Niche

Often when people make a forum they want to cater to every topic out there because they think it will bring them more traffic which isn’t the case. You should choose a niche for your forum and then from there start adding content that is on topic with the niche you chose. People aren’t going to join an empty forum so in the beginning you need to do a lot of the posting to get some information into the forum so that people have a reason to join.

Hire Guest Posters

There are some websites out there on the internet that have a staff of people who strictly post on peoples forums. This will cost you some money, but often you can find deals for as low as $.15 per post which is literally pennies. Of course these members won’t stay once there done there job, but it’s a good way to get some activity on the forums so it at least looks busy. Also don’t hire just one person to do the work, you want as many different people doing small amounts of posts so that the member number increases. Don’t invest too much on forum posts, but spend a couple hundred bucks to get some activity on the forum.

Social Media

You can find hundreds of social media websites on the internet now and a few of them happen to be amongst the most popular websites on the internet. If you want to draw in some more forum members then you need to utilize these websites. You can do this by submitting your forum to social bookmarking websites with proper keywords, and also by submitting some viral videos on websites like Youtube. If your video becomes viral then you could generate a hundred or so members just from one video, so don’t overlook the power of social media.

Run a Contest

Running a contest will be a sure-fire way or you to increase the activity on your forums. Some people will only post while the contest is being run which sucks in a way, but there will be members who stick around if they like the forum.

All of these methods can bring in new members and make your forum look more active, but if the people don’t like the forum then it will be hard to keep them. You need to offer awesome information, have members post daily and a great theme before you ever make money on your forum. You will probably spend a year designing and building traffic for your forum, but once it’s active and moving then you can sit back and watch the money start rolling in.


Web Design Dublin-WordPress Training and Websites for Small Business

WebDesignDublin.org Get your FREE 7 part course about building a great website for your business and FREE ebook about the legal issues of doing business online.WebDesignDublin offers a wide range of training courses in website creation,social media,email marketing,affiliate marketing,search engine optimisation and many more.Our courses cater for complete beginners to more experienced users and focus on the many aspects of building a web presence and profile for your business.Courses include the WordPress for beginners course or the more advanced course ranging from 1 to full 1 day intensive course in using WordPress to create great seo optimized websites.


What Do I Need to Start Building a WordPress Website- WordPress Website Builder

What Do I Need to Start Building a WordPress Website? WordPress Website Builder

Building a WordPress website seems easy for some people, however I have showed various students how to do this and it takes everyone at least 3 lessons to get it down pat. That’s not bad either. We are talking about creating a website, much like building a house, it can become a cyber property with true value.

When you start using WordPress you will be amazed at how fast you can have a website (or blog) up and running. After learning a few simple tricks you could probably get a WordPress website built in less than five minutes. The thing is, I believe that anyone can do this and that practice makes perfect.

What do I need to be a WordPress Website Builder?

1. Web hosting that has Cpanel and Fantastico so it is easy for you to install websites. I use HostGator but there are heaps of website hosting companies that compete with each other. They all are trying to give good service to their customers so they can stay in this highly competitive field.

2. You will also need to buy a domain name. There are plenty of places to buy a domain name. I use Namecheap but you can use any name reseller or if you have a spare domain name lying around you can use that. LOL Am I the only person who has 37 spare domain names lying around?

3. You will need self discipline and determination. You also have to be an action taker!

Please note if you are not willing to pay for hosting and a domain name then you are not serious about building websites. I suggest you start a blog at blogger.com until you prove to yourself that this is for you.

Steps to building a WordPress website:

1. Buy WordPress website hosting if you do not have it.2. Do keyword research and find a niche.3. Buy a domain name with your niche keywords in it.4. Point your domain name to your hosting account.5. Go to your cpanel to add on a domain. See how to add a domain in your hosting.6. Go to the Fantastico icon in Cpanel and press on the WordPress link.7. Install a WordPress website/blog.


Importance of One Way Links

When you’re a webmaster you need to build one way links to your blog or site in order to make sure that you increase your search engine rankings. One way links are the hardest links to get because they involve the most amount of work to get, but this is why they are valuable in the search engines and highly sought after by webmasters. There are lots of ways you can gain one way links to your site or blog and they’re all typically useful in some way but there are some that will rank better then others.

The best type of one way link to receive is through another site or blog related to yours where they give you an in-content one way link.

This can happen from you posting great content on your niche and sometimes you can also ask to be mentioned on a blog in return for content or links on other sites of yours. If you can build your links this way then you stand an amazing chance at getting lots of search engine rankings in time.

Another few methods you can use when you build one way links to your site or blog are article directories, directories in your niche, social bookmarking and blog commenting. All four of these methods can get you lots of one way links and in time they will end up helping your site or blog rank well. The methods above don’t have a sudden impact on your search rankings but as they start to age the rankings will start to improve.

You can build hundreds of one way links to your blogs and sites by using the methods outlines above and if you’re serious about taking your sites to the next level then you need to spend the time building links. You won’t really see fast results from your efforts but as your links age they will begin to rank better in the search engines and you’ll soon begin to have great rankings.

To make money off of your sites you need search engine traffic for the most part, well as long as you want to make money without money then that’s your option. If you want to spend money to make money then you can try other methods, but for the most part if you want to make money without spending any then search engine traffic is your best friend.

You can make a lot of money through the right keywords and you’ll need to figure out which keywords you should optimize on your blog or site. Ideally you should rank for many terms in the search engines and in time you will begin to, you just need to always promote your blogs and sites with one way link building campaigns to get the rankings.

Once you’ve achieved the rankings you want then you also need to still continue building one way links so that you hold the position and noone steals it from you.


Importance of Directories for Bloggers

Importance of Directories for Bloggers

A lot of people in the online business say that directory submissions are played out and not worth there weight and gold anymore. I disagree with this completely though and I feel that directory submissions are basically mandatory for bloggers. Directory submissions won’t help bring in direct traffic to your blog, but they do build your backlinks up fairly quickly and therefore boost your SERP rankings. You’re much better off taking your time with directory submissions and not doing them all at once. You’ll notice a brief increase in SE traffic from submitting to directories quickly, but if you take your time and only do a few everyday then you’ll notice a more steady flow of SE traffic. There are both free and paid directories that you can submit to and I personally don’t use any of the paid directories. Either I feel there not worth the value or in some cases just too costly for a blogger to spend on directory submissions.

Instead of spending money on directory submissions I simply submit to five directories everyday that I haven’t used before and this way I’m getting a guaranteed five backlinks each day for my blog. Google will notice that backlinks are being built everyday on a consistent basis and most importantly the links will seem naturally built to Google which is vital. When you submit to too many directories at once you run the chance of Google thinking that your submissions were done through automation which would hurt your SERP rankings. Being completely natural is the only way for you to go when building links to your blog and that’s why submitting to only 3-10 directories daily is ideal.

Since you’ll be submitting to so many directories there isn’t really a need to list any here because you’ll end up finding them anyways. There are regular directories, blog directories and niche directories, now you’ll want to submit to all three types of directories on a regular basis. Regular directories allow any type of site from almost any category you could imagine, blog directories only accept blogs and niche directories will only accept sites/blogs from the niche that the directory is about. I find that blog directories and niche directories hold good value so you should seek these types of directories out first and then move on to regular directories. There are hundreds of directory lists with thousands of directories on them which you can find easily on the internet. One of the best resources that I use for finding directories is DirectoryCritic.com which always has an updated list of directories. They also have niche directories so it’s a site worth checking out.

You’ll notice that some directories take awhile before accepting your submission but that is fine and don’t expect them to do it in one day every time. Directory owners are usually busy approving and rejecting hundreds of submissions each day so sometimes they won’t get to yours for awhile. One last thing that you need to know about directories is that some will require a reciprocal link and some won’t. I personally only submit to directories that don’t need a reciprocal link unless it’s a good blog directory or niche directory. There isn’t any reason a regular directory should ask for a reciprocal though and generally when I come across ones that do I skip them.