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Boost Your Affiliate Commissions With WordPress

Boost Your Affiliate Commissions With WordPress

Any affiliate marketer would love to increase their earnings. If the increase in earnings can be made without additional work then that will be fantastic for you.

Now many marketers will promote affiliate programs through web 2.0 properties or article marketing, but that isn’t the only way. What if you could increase your commissions whilst building valuable virtual real estate?

Hosting a site on your own domain is a great way to build your virtual real estate empire. Throw WordPress in to the mix and it quickly becomes the affiliate marketers dream. WordPress is such a powerful piece of software you will soon wonder how you managed without it for so long.

WordPress has many benefits for the affiliate marketer. Firstly, it is loved by the search engines and is simple to set up. You can create an amazing looking site without any technical knowledge and in just a few clicks of a mouse.

WordPress also allows you to extend its functionality by using plugins. This means that with a couple of clicks you can enhance existing features or add new features to it. This allows you to create the website you want with advanced features without a technical background.

WordPress is very useful for the affiliate marketer. Out of the box it is already very search engine friendly, but add in one of the popular SEO plugins and it becomes a dream piece of software that the search engines will literally drool all over.

On top of that you can get free plugins which will not only cloak your affiliate links but also track clicks for you. Often affiliate marketers spend a lot of money on software like this, but here you can find it for nothing with advanced features.

Plus it is very easy to make very pretty looking sites that your visitors will really like. It doesn’t take a lot of work and you don’t have to know any HTML or other web design languages. So long as you can point and click you will be able to configure WordPress and make it look fantastic.

If you also monetize your website through AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network then plugins exist which will allow you to instantly add these contextual adverts to every page on your website. If you have pages on your website already then this is a massive time saver for you.

With additional plugins you can add ClickBank products, turn keywords into affiliate links and without any additional plugins put Amazon widgets anywhere in your site.

WordPress is a very powerful platform that if you are not using as an affiliate marketer then you are missing a trick. By building valuable virtual real estate built on the WordPress platform you are creating a long term sustainable business that will earn very well for you.


Top WordPress Gallery Plug-In

Top WordPress Gallery Plug-In

WordPress is known for it’s wonderfully easy to use blogging platform that basically anyone can get the hang of within a day or two. In the past year or two thousands of developers have been developing WordPress plug-ins which is used to make your blogging a more unique experience. Some of the plug-ins is for the blog owner’s enjoyment and some are for the blogs reader’s enjoyment, either way they are very fun and helpful tools that everyone should utilize. One of the hardest things to do, and also one of the most time consuming things to do on WordPress is create a picture gallery so that it appears nicely with proper thumbnails. Many people have given making a WordPress gallery plug-in a shot but not many have made a plug-in that works properly and efficiently. The NextGEN Gallery plug-in for WordPress is absolutely the number on WordPress gallery plug-in currently and it has many great features.

One of the best features of the NextGEN gallery is the ability to be able to create thumbnails automatically without having to do them yourself. The plug-in also has some nice usable effects that you can utilize if you’d like and best of all it has an easy to use
admin interface. Adding picture galleries onto WordPress posts or pages has never been easier with the NextGEN gallery and also has never looked nicer. As WordPress blogs become more well designed and over more content it’s important that you keep yourself in this top league and by using this plug-in you’ll ensure you’re competing with the best pictures on the web. The thumbnails created look very nice for the readers and the interface to manage the pictures is better then any other. Thousands of people have already been integrating picture galleries into their blogs and it’s been helping them all out with boosts in traffic due to higher interactivity then other blogs. People like to see that you’ve spent time on your blog and not just thrown it together in minutes and although it only takes minutes to set-up each gallery it ensures a very attractive looking blog that people will want to visit often. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/


Tips Search Engine Optimization

Tips for Search Engine Optimization

Tips for Search Engine Optimization are widely sought after as this is a crucial aspect to generating traffic and income from your website. SEO experts will focus on different tips that have helped themselves or their clients to be profitable. Here are some that they all agree on.

1. Don’t put any time or effort into a website without first taking a look at your search engine optimization strategy. Your efforts will be wasted if you do so.

2. On the other hand, you can do all of the SEO that you want but if it is not based in good content, then this is also a waste of time. Make sure that the content you are offering on your website is original, valuable and problem-solving. This will bring in the best kind of links — the organic ones. People will link to you naturally because you have something of value that they want to provide to your readers. Updating your content will increase your rankings. Try to add fresh, useful content to your pages on a regular basis. The search engines favor this. The “look and feel” of your website is also important, but not as important as the content. However, photos, graphs, pictures, or images and an easy-to-navigate site will help you in terms of sEO.

3. Make sure that you include an original title tag on every page of your site, and make sure that it includes your keyword. Many people make the mistake of putting the name of their company in these titles but in general your company name will not get too many searches while your keywords will.

4. Don’t forget internal linking. When you use anchor text within your site, make sure that the linked text is a keyword or keyword phrase, and not something like “click here”.

5. This is one of the more overlooked tips for search engine optimization. Most people think of link-building in terms of quantity. But the reality is that the quality of the incoming links are much important than the quantity. One simple link from a high-quality site can offer you much greater results than lots of poor quality links, which can actually hurt your ranking.

6. Broaden your way of communicating to include video, powerpoints, podcasts, news, press releases, social content and so forth. The more different ways you can communicate what you have to offer, the better you will look in the eyes of the search engine. If you were to choose just one other form of communication, let it be video. Video is extremely hot and growing in popularity every day.

7. Make it easy for your visitors to increase your site’s ranking. Add what can be termed “viral components” to your web site or blog such as bookmarking, reviews, ratings, visitor comments, and sharing tools.

8. And the last of these tips for search engine optimization, do not underestimate or discount the power of social marketing. This is a great contributor to SEO.


Internet Marketing Course – 4 Recommended Plugins for WordPress Blogs

Internet Marketing Course – 4 Recommended Plugins for WordPress Blogs

WordPress is probably the best interface for anyone who wants to setup a blog style website but has little or no HTML coding knowledge. I had to write HTML codes for websites generation when I was in college. When WordPress was born, it is heaven to many. I personally believe that WordPress was one of the key reasons to an explosion of websites launches over the past decade.

The following are essential WordPress Plugins for anyone who wants to monetize a website, especially one with a blog style.

1. Akismet

Most Blog style websites have a comment box at the bottom of every post that allows the readers to leave their feedback or comments. These comments are great for SEO traffic. However, the comment box is also a magnet for spam.

Akismet is a Plugin that checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam and allows you to review the comments before approving it. To activate Akismet you will need a WordPress.com API key which is free for personal websites use.

Although Akismet is a good tool, you will want to check your comments folder regularly because some good comments may actually get filtered out. This plugin works like a computer anti-spam software that automatically put junk mails into your junk box. If you know how it works, it is not perfect. But this is not to say that you don’t need an anti-spam software.

2. Social BookMarking Links Plugin

This plugin automatically add links to your favorite social bookmarking sites on your posts, pages and in your RSS feed. You can choose from 99 different social bookmarking sites! Furthermore, you can also send a link to your post via email, AIM, Facebook, Twitter and more. WordPress version 2.6 or above is required though.

When you integrate social bookmarking with your posts, visitors can bookmark your web page with their social bookmarking accounts and that creates great backlinks for you that are well-liked by Search Engines.

3. Google Sitemaps Plugin

Google sitemaps creates a compliant XML-Sitemap of your WordPress blog. It supports all of the WordPress generated pages as well as custom created ones. What’s cool about this plugin is that every time you create or edit a post, your sitemap gets updated automatically and all the major search engines that support the sitemap protocol such as ASK.com, Google, Bing and Yahoo are notified about the update.

This simply means your blog pages will be more SEO friendly.

4. Google Adsense

This plugin provides a very easy way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. It is a very simple and yet almost maintenance free way of generating passive income from your blog. After you install and activate the plugin, go to the widgets under appearance and then add the AdSense tool to the sidebar or any where you like on your blog.

Before you install this plugin, please ensure that you have an approved AdSense account from Google, which may be a painful process for some because Google mercilessly rejects your application if it thinks you are generating junk sites.

For more WordPress tutorial and SEO tools, check out Adam Short’s Niche Profit Programs which offers countless video tutorials for the serious Internet Marketers in mind.

Get Educated. Market Smart!


WordPress Themes-An SEO Friendly WordPress Theme Will Increase Search Engine Visibility

WordPress Themes: An SEO Friendly WordPress Theme Will Increase Search Engine Visibility!

Want to start your own website and do not want to hire a website designer. You have great chances of successfully starting a website with the WordPress blogging software. WordPress is easy and absolutely manageable and within a day you have mastered the art of maintaining and managing website without too much hassle. There are hundreds of WordPress themes to choose from, moreover for those who cannot spend too much on their website you can use the free WordPress theme for the purpose of starting the website.

Most of the web hosting packages allow use of WordPress, you need to install this software and start using it. Another way of using the WordPress is by logging on to the website and getting your own domain name. For those who want to use a hosting package, using WordPress is the easiest way.

When you start a website, one of the most important components of making it visible to search engines is making it search engine optimized. Not all themes support direct optimization that is putting in of Meta tags, Meta description as well as title of the website. However, some themes allow just this thereby making it very easy for the user to make a great blog which can be modified easily and at the same time make it easily visible to the search engines.

There are some themes which use the tags as keywords and submit those to search engines. This makes it very important that you keep an eye on the keyword and density when submitting website to search engines. There does happen to be a popular belief that Meta tags and description do not have any significance for the search engines. On contrary to this belief, most search engines do make a primary classification and categorization with the help of Meta tags and web page/site description.

Some themes allow ease of use, you can change text color, background color, font, etc. i.e. almost every feature according to your liking. You may not have to pay for each of these fabulous themes. Free WordPress themes are available in abundance. Some do not allow all the features to be used unless you have purchased the theme. However, you can make basic changes.

Benefits of purchasing the themes:

Not purchasing a particular theme will save you money. However, it also means you will not be able to use the theme to its 100% ability. Also, you will get help from the developers, you will get reference material that those using the free version of WordPress theme will not have access to. Moreover, using the paid version is also a way of repaying back all the hard work that is done by the programmers. Only those who are hard on cash end up using the free version.

SEO friendly WordPress themes are most famous. Here are some of the examples like the Atahualpa, SEO Basics, Clearline Theme, etc.


Web Search Engine Ranking

Increasing Your Web Search Engine Ranking Are you looking for ways to boost your web search engine ranking? If so, you need to learn the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or hire someone to handle this part of your business. Either way, you should be involved in this aspect since it is so important to its success. Don’t worry. When most newcomers to the net hear the term SEO (or even worse, Search Engine Optimization), they get a deer-in-the-headlights sort of look. But SEO is really not complicated at all.

Web Search Engine Ranking

The concept is very simple. The methods that you can use to optimize your site can be time-consuming and mundane, but they are not really hard to understand. And there are many, many ways that you can increase your web search engine ranking. There really is no "best way". They all work as long as you stick to them and do them consistently. But one of the most popular ways of increasing your site’s visibility is to write and distribute articles about the products or services that you offer. Actually, the articles will not necessarily be directly about your products or services. Rather, they will be focused on the terms that people are typing into their Web Search Engine Ranking when they are looking for what you have to offer. These terms are called keywords, and your articles will be based around all of the keywords that are relevantto your niche. Find the keywords that you want to target at the Google Adwords Free Keyword Research tool.

Web Search Engine Ranking

Write a 500-page article or so that includes one keyword in the title and then in 3% of the rest of the article. Submit this article to EzineArticles.com and link it back to your website. It is important to remember here that your link can only be included in your "bio box" or "resource box" that comes at the end of the article. This short paragraph must compel the reader to click on the link. If you’ve written a good article and can follow it up with the promise of more in your resource box, then your readers will click. The reason that you want people to click on your website link (besides the fact that you just want visitors) is because you then start to establish what are called backlinks to your site. Backlinks are important for web search engine ranking because they tell the Web Search Engine Ranking that others find it worth their while to link to you. They key is that the links should come from high quality sites (such as EzineArticles.com). If you get links from low-quality sites, this will not increase your rank, and it might actually hurt it. You can also look at your competitor sites and do some analysis to find what links they are getting so that you can go for the same links. Backlinkwatch.com is one site that will show you the sites that are providing backlinks to your competitors so you can then get into contact with these sites and establish links as well. Web Search Engine Ranking


Boardwalk WordPress Theme – A Fun and Unique Look For Your Blog1

Boardwalk WordPress Theme – A Fun and Unique Look For Your Blog

WPnow are a popular source for WordPress themes, and with the Boardwalk WordPress theme, they certainly do not disappoint. Gaining scrutiny from web masters, WPnow have been known for creating absolutely stunning themes for the blogging platform, however, they are quite heavy on most hosting accounts, loading slowly, and providing an overall unoptimized experience for visitors to blogs sporting their themes.

The Boardwalk WordPress theme still has not improved entirely on previous problems with their loading times, however this can easily be fixed using a super cache plugin. In fact, this is the only situation that I would personally use one of their themes. Having said that though, their themes are stunning, and require very little work with their included admin panel making customization very quick and easy, and regardless of the load times that can be fixed with the use of a plugin, this is a great theme that suits those who want a colorful blog that has an outdoors style appearance.

The theme itself has somewhat of a magazine style layout, not more suited to those who want to run a personal blog, but those who want to create an information based website. Posts are laid out quite well on the front page of the theme, making blog contents very easy to access. Navigation is also very well thought out, with the strange addition of “”click to drop down”” menus in the category navigation for second tier pages and posts, which although seems a little strange, is a welcome addition to this theme.

From an SEO perspective, the theme can be optimized quite well, however keywords would need to be emphasized in titles, as they are created using H2 tags. Text can be used in the H1 format for the blog header, however if the need to use an image arose, this would mean that you would lose the ability to have keywords in the header, however this can be emphasized by using title tags for the images by using the editor. Thankfully, the coding structure behind the Boardwalk WordPress theme is labelled well, and fairly easy to understand, even for those who have a very basic understanding of website coding.

Before I lead us into the part where I will cap off this article, I will make it very clear that this theme is a theme that is not suitable to all bloggers. Whilst there are some great themes out there, such as Thesis and Frugal that serve many purposes, and are heavily customizable, the Boardwalk WordPress theme is one that is suited to those who already like the layout of this theme, and are prepared to use that theme, as is, for their blog. Sure, certain customisations can be made willingly, if you have the know how, however, for the kind of layout that this theme uses, there is only going to be a certain level of customization that is available.

Having said that, this theme is an outstanding theme, it is easy to use, it is pretty to look at, and it is easy to customize within its own boundaries. It may not be as fast as possible, but this can be solved using the super cache plugin. The plugins that come with this theme are welcome, and offer extra functionality as well, all in all, for bloggers and publishers of news, out of the various top WordPress themes that re available, this one should turn your head a little.


Installing WordPress Themes on Your Fingertips

Installing WordPress Themes on Your Fingertips

Installing WordPress themes? No, I can’t do it! Of course you can! It is not a difficult task at all. WordPress themes are the latest and most widely sought after tools on the internet and more people by the day are using them. They are available free of cost and some premium themes are also available. Depending on your expertise and the revenue you want from your blogs, you can go either ways.

But first, after selection of the theme, you need to install it on your web server for everyone to see and experience a piece of your individuality and creative genius! Let us assure you, installing a WordPress theme is easier than installing other software application on your computer.

Installing WordPress

Before you even select the WordPress theme, you need to download the most recent WordPress Codex from the site. Most easy to install is from the.zip or the.rar files. Using suitable software, unzip the Codex installation files and install with the setup files.

On the web hosting server, you need to make a MySQL database. Preferably adding a user follows that.

After you have added the user, grant him administrative privileges, i.e. ensure that the user can make the necessary changes to the blog and use the settings to the fullest.

For installing WordPress, you need to make a directory (for your ease of use) on the web hosting server with a public HTML type view.

Add the desired file structure to the directory you just created on the web hosting server. The admin panel will help you achieve that.

You have to define all the permissions from the new earliest directory created to the latest created. By defining, we mean the access type should be mentioned. For individual use, make all the directories under the purview of the administrator.

You will find a file named wp_confi_sample.php. Rename this to wp_confi.php followed by opening the file and adding the desired username and other details. The renaming of the file is done to change the default configuration settings.

You can use any web browser of your choice. Open that and type the name of your desired website to initiate the launcher and finalize the WordPress installation.

Follow the instructions and you’re done.Installing a Theme

Check whether the installation files are pre-downloaded or have to be downloaded.

From the WordPress admin dashboard, under add new themes – select and add the desired theme. The already downloaded installation files will help you add the desired theme.

Upload the link of the theme on your server. Activate the theme and you’re ready to use the theme of your choice.The advantage of using free themes is that you can change the themes as and when desired. But make sure you keep the themes relevant to the blog posted.