Press Releases Can Help Build Your Credibility

Press Releases Can Help Build Your Credibility

A press release is a written statement sent to the news media for publication. Many marketers use press releases as a way to brand themselves, gain credibility and increase sales. If written well, a press release can position the marketer as an expert in their industry.

There are many things to write up a press release about some of which include the announcement of your business’ launch, business events, sales and discounts, giving away free items, achievements and more. Two main advantages of press releases are they build up credibility for your business and they help build page rank when you distribute them online.

Press releases are a cost effective form of marketing that builds strong credibility. Because of this credibility, they give the marketer an edge over their competition. With each PR you write and publish you become more trustworthy to customers. They begin to realize that you know what you are doing and are more likely to buy from you than your competitors.

A way to really build the faith in your customers is to write a well written informational release that is valid and researched with facts and statistics. People like facts instead of opinions in a press release.

Another benefit of press releases is they increase your page rank and rather quickly. This is due to the news sites being authority sites and having high page rank. Search engines look favorably on links that are on authority sites.

Not only will publishing press releases on any of these authority sites help with your page rank, but placing them on sites such as social networking or newswire sites will help as well. Also, many sites and blogs may pick up your PR and place it on their pages which will increase your page rank as well.

In addition to publishing your press release on the sites above, you can also optimize your PR for higher ranking and more traffic. People will be searching certain keywords on the Internet and if your PR is optimized with these keywords, it will be displayed to these people increasing both your traffic and sales. Be sure not to overstuff your press release with keywords as search engines frown on this. Also, you will want to include your keywords in the first 250 words which are most important when optimizing.

Press releases are a very effective way to get the word out on your business and drive loads of traffic to your website. To take the most advantage of them, be sure to write up and publish at least 1 PR a month as typically the news sites only keep them up for no more than 30 days. This will have you receiving a consistent flow of daily traffic which will increase your sales.

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