For an extensive full link tutorial on how to create a custom website with WordPress using the same theme as the one I used for thi… For an extensive full link tutorial on how to create a custom website with WordPress using the same theme as the one I used for thi…
Well Done, I was Looking For that. keep comming more video to help for
newcomers. thanks alot and God bless you.
Thanks Nadeem, will do!
That did the trick, thanks again Mr Sculptor.
Awesome. You’re welcome Andrew.
Thanks Josh for another excellent easy-to- follow tutorial. I installed a
video gallery on one of my sites after watching this tutorial in under 30
You are welcome KJ, I really appreciate you letting me know!
Thanks Josh, but is it poisble to put different video playlist on different
pages? And if so where can i look up? Thank you again.
That is an excellent question Ricardas! At first glance, I didn’t think you
could do that but I was wrong! You can actually have complete control and
can have as many unique galleries as you want using shortcodes. I’ll add
how to do that to the video description. Thanks for commenting!
awesome! love most of you tutorial. superb!
Thanks Misty! You are extremely welcome! I’m glad I can help.
Thanks Dan! I’m glad you are able to utilize them!
Thanks SO much.
You’re very welcome!
Very helpful, THANK YOU soooooooo much!!!!
Thanks! Haha. You are welcome!
These tutorials are very easy to follow. You’re a good teacher, thank you.
Thanks Ryan! I appreciate your comments!
How do I use TUBEPRESS to access my UNLISTED videos from my channel?
I have been watching videos regarding wordpress these days to find out if
there is a technique/strategy that I am missing out. Anyway, despite the
fact that I already know this strategy even before I watched your video, I
would still commend it for I cannot deny that your tutorial is very clear.
Newbies will surely find this very informative.
Is there a way to create more than one playlist to create different
galleries to use on different pages? Any advice?
Thank you for the vid WPSculptor
thanku sir
So easy and clear to follow. Really great to have someone who takes time to
go through all the options and not just rush through. Great tutorial,