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The Competition Wins with Joint Ventures

Joint ventures are the abstract idea of teaming up with another individual or group to undertake an economic transaction that is profitable for all parties involved. Whether it is for a short-term project, an assignment, or an ongoing venture, joint ventures are created by agreements to basically become equal partners in a joint entity. Created to help further an idea or project, joint ventures can give the competition the edge they need to dominate the marketplace.

There are many reasons that an individual or corporation would choose to enter into a joint venture. Besides the obvious financial aid that a partner adds, the old adage that two heads are better than one comes in to play nicely. Not only can more active participants increase productivity, but it can also strengthen, solidify, and improve the product or concept being promoted. Because where one party may lack in a certain department, the partner in the joint venture may excel. Being able to efficiently work on a product/concept/project allows for a greater head start on the competition. Being able to be the front runner in any market always has its advantages as customers like to go with older established companies.

The basic principles and ideas of a joint venture revolve around the idea of teamwork, but they work better if the execution of the joint venture is efficient. Partnerships and teams are easily made, but if the proper partner is not brought in on the agreement or assigned the best task, the joint venture may fail. The competition knows that it cannot have any delays in productivity so it is key to find teams that will execute their plan well. After all, what good does a joint venture do if one cannot gain from it?

The key players in a joint venture contribute to the expenses and overhead of the project, but they also share in the revenues. They have the means and the resources to accomplish their goal alone, but know that it will be a lot easier to have the aide of knowledgeable peers. A joint venture usually is made between people with common fields.

Joint ventures combine the time old theory of teamwork and two heads being better than one, and create an agreement that is usually lucrative for all the parties involved if they are successful. The competition is always going to look for its edge; if it has to jump ahead of the game with its own head start, a joint venture would be more than sufficient in helping them. But since everyone is someone else’s competition, there is no reason that not everyone can enter into a joint venture to get their edge over the competition.


0 Responses to The_Competition_Wins_With_Joint_Ventures

  1. NathanielSteele June 18, 2010 at 4:44 pm #

    Kennedy/Corcoran JV Sells 75 Pleasant St.: A panership between Kennedy Associates and Corcoran Jennison sold the…

  2. FastWomen July 2, 2010 at 4:45 am #

    4 Steps for Resolving Conflict in a JV Panership –

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