Tag Archives | wordpress themes

Highest Paying Niches to Work in

Highest Paying Niches to Work in

There are thousands upon thousands of niches you can work in and some of them are obviously more competitive then others which are why choosing your niche is important. Another important reason of choosing a good niche is that some niches just don’t have the potential too make money like some of the other niches out there. Today we’re going to look at some of the highest paying niches and how you can make money in those niches by blogging.


The health niche is one of the most competitive niches on the internet and companies spend millions on promoting there websites on the internet in this niche. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to make some money in this niche though including pay-per-click ads, private ads and affiliate sales. You can make upwards of $1 per click on Adsense in this niche which is incredible as most niches pay $.10 or less per click. There is also a magnitude of products to sell in this niche and they usually range in the $100+ price range which allows room for high commission payments. If you can manage to build traffic in this niche then you stand an excellent chance at making some serious money in the health niche.


With the world’s economy lowering on a daily basis right now there is no better time to get into the financial market online. The competition is very stiff in this market and gaining a market share is nearly impossible, but in a billion dollar industry if you get a fraction of a percent of the market share then you’d be laughing. Commissions are amongst the highest out there in this niche as well as you can make money from credit card applications, payday loan applications and much more.


If you want to leave the mainstream industry and move into the adult industry then there is tons of money to be made. You can make blogs very quickly in this niche and content isn’t as important as the mainstream niches. You can get away with small blog posts and still make a nice income if you build links and traffic to your blog. Sponsors pay up to $100 per paying customer or you could also take a lifetime percentage per customer although $100 per person is usually more profitable and you get it at one time.

These three niches in my opinion offer the most opportunity for making a full-time income and if you can draw in the traffic then they’ll spend money. It’s proven that these three niches are amongst the top for people spending money in, which means that if you can achieve traffic you’ll usually make money. It needs to be targeted qualified traffic in order to make money, but if you want the best chance of succeeding online and don’t know where to start then I recommend starting with one of these niches. They are very competitive, but a lot of niches these days are so you need to find out how to better then your competitors.


lynda.com Tutorial | Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress 3.0—Welcome

Watch the entire course at www.lynda.com In Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress 3.0, author Joseph Lowery shows how to create web sites using WordPress and Dreamweaver together. This course demonstrates workflow best practices and techniques, including installation and set up, how to create content, work with WordPress themes, customize CSS, and add widgets. It also covers how to extend WordPress pages, add Spry elements, add and customize plug-ins, integrate WordPress-stored data in Dreamweaver dynamic pages, and how to administer and publish a WordPress site.


Having a blog is something very common in cyber world

Having a blog is something very common in cyber world. What makes a blog more superior than other millions of blogs is its friendliness with SEO. The acronym “SEO’’ refers to “search engine optimization” which means the process of improving and elevating volume of traffic to a website from search engines via normal search results. Blogs with better SEO gets heavier traffic and readership compared to the ones with poor SEO. In this case, WordPress websites are able to create SEO friendly sites.
Nothing beats WordPress when it comes to content management systems. WordPress works with themes that are CSS- based. Therefore, it is wise to pick SEO- compliant designs for WordPress which will propel your blog to success. Search engines prefer designs that are CSS- based whether you have a static site or content management systems. It is advisable to exclude Flash or large amount of Javascript because search engines do not read these well. Design features that take ages to load despite fast connection also makes your site less popular in search engines. WordPress countered the problem with its structured configuration that disallows too many design features.
WordPress is also very versatile when it comes to choosing themes. Choosing appropriate theme for you blog is very important to narrow down search. Themes or designs that are associated with certain keywords or keyword phrases are equally important. This is because when your site is indexed by search engines, they will actually review the blog contents and themes. WordPress makes this possible with its easy customization of blog themes. Whether it is Kubrick theme or custom theme, WordPress setup is so user- friendly that switching themes is not difficult to match your website. Your theme is a fundamental approach to appeal to search engines.
WordPress is SEO friendly with its easier customization of URL structure. Users can easily modify and edit their permalinks through WordPress dashboard. All they need to do is to go to ‘Customize Permalink Structure’ page and select ‘Custom Structure’ Option. The main purpose of doing this is to list the Post Name and Post ID number in URL to customize it as /%postname%/%post_id%/. After installing and activating Permalink Redirect WordPress Plugin, you are able to change your .htaccess file before updating your new permalink structure. Simple steps like these will ensure that only one URL is associated with one blog entry. This makes your WordPress URL very SEO friendly.
Furthermore, permanent texts on your WordPress front page make your website more SEO friendly. This can be achieved with WordPress template which can be easily modified to include a text box right under blog header. Bloggers just need to write texts that show up on permanent basis. Texts that are associated only with your blog makes your blog pop out in search results. From this way, your blog will stand out among crowds of other findings because of your significant permanent texts.
It is advisable to sign up for RSS feed for to optimize search for your WordPress blog. “Really Simple Syndication” of simply RSS is a feed format used for blog entries, news and headlines in a standardized format. Each update of your blog entry will be featured in mailbox of people who subscribe to your feed. Also, with RSS feed, it is easier for people to track down your blog titles. WordPress makes RSS customization a simple job with its clear instructions that even beginners can follow. Resolving your RSS customization would mean that the chance of your blog entries being found in search engines is rather high.
To make your WordPress more SEO friendly, there are many plug- ins that you can install. There are as much as 24 plug –ins that WordPress bloggers are recommended to install. Although having a matched theme for your website is sufficient, you can always make your website outstanding since your downloaded theme might be used by other bloggers too. WordPress bloggers can install Akismet, All in one SEO Pack, Feed Copyrighter Plugin and Homepage Excerpts. These plug- ins make your website popular to readers as well as appealing to search engines.
In conclusion, the presence of your blog among a sea of other blogs does not mean that yours will be engulfed quite easily. Making your blog SEO friendly solves the problem easily as well as creating a path to your blog success in long- term.



Getting traffic to your site

Getting traffic is not something impossible. If you have time to spend online for your sites, then you’ll be getting traffic free of charge. First of all, you should make the habit of reading blogs regularly. This will make you comment on posts. This in turn, will give backlinks and traffic to your sites. This is just one of the many ways to get free traffic to your sites.

I know you’ll be having a lot of other methods in your minds. But don’t go for spamming – it’s not good in the long run – it can even create a bad impression on your sites as well. Why should you be doing all those spamming works, if you can get traffic easily, the natural way. Online communities can bring in a lot of traffic to your sites. People have a natural tendency to visit others sites. And this is something which we should make use of. You should be staying active in various online communities helping others and interacting with others. You won’t be feeling as if you are doing these things for driving traffic to your site. But it’ll be easy and fun for you.

After you create a good reputation over online communities, then slowly you can start to promote your sites. Again, don’t go for spamming online communities. Why can’t you do things the right way? There will be places to enter your website urls – enter at just those places! Yeah, doing just that, won’t bring you decent traffic – you should find some other ways as well. If you have accounts in forums, then you would have come across signatures and other such stuffs. Promote your website links using the signature spots.

You can try orkut, facebook, myspace and other such online communities as well. Once you join these sites, you’ll surely be meeting people like you – who have registered there with the primary aim of promoting their sites. After staying active at these sites for a week or two, you’ll start learning their tricks and tips without they even telling you. So, don’t bother to ask them personally, you’ll come to know about them automatically. Just wait and see.


Five Reasons to use a Blog Automation Tool

Five Reasons to use a Blog Automation Tool

Setting up a blog network isn’t something that is done easily and you need to be ready to work hard to succeed. The thought of running a blog network is overwhelming for most people, but with the new tools that have been introduced into the market as of late anyone can start their own blog network. There are a few different blog automation tools on the market and you’ll need to research the different available products to see which one will work best for you. In this article we’re going to take a look at five reasons why you should use a blog automation tool to start a blog network.

#1 – Automatically updated content

If you dislike writing blog posts or you intend on running a large blog network then you need a tool that automatically creates and adds content to your blog. With a blog automation tool you’ll be able to upload RSS feeds to automatically update your blogs on a daily basis.

#2 – Multiple Income Sources Implemented

Most of the automation tools out there have multiple income sources added into the software already. You can also upload product datafeeds into some of the programs and this allows you to display every product from the store where you grabbed the datafeed. Many affiliate networks out there have already implemented datafeeds so go and get your today and start cashing in on them.

#3 – Control Your Link Exchanges

You should use a blog automation tool that has a link exchange feature added into the program. With this you’ll be able to automatically control your link exchanges for all of your blogs in one central location. If you’ve ever tried running link exchanges for multiple blogs then you know how hard it can be, so make sure you find a tool with link exchange feature added.

#4 – Gain Massive Amounts of Links to Your Flagship Blog

As long as your blogs are on different C-Class IP’s then you can use them to gain massive amounts of links and traffic to your flagship blog. Many people have done this and made it work effectively, the goal is to send as much traffic and increase the SERP’s of your flagship blog. You work on making money and converting on the flagship blog. This works well due to the fact that automated blogs might not last forever so if you use them simply to feed a flagship blog you’ll never lose the work you’ve put into it.

#5 – Allows You to Spend Time on Other Projects

Once you have your blog empire started with a blog automation tool then it might take about an hour a day to check over the network and make sure everything is going ok. This will allow you to spend the rest of your time on other projects while your automated blog empire brings in money for you.

There are more reasons why you would want to use a blog automation tool to start your own blogging empire and I’m sure you have your own reasons as well. Starting a blog network isn’t possible for one person to do, but an automated blog network can be done by anyone with a bit of programming experience. If you want to cash in on the world of blogging then you should start thinking on investing in the tools that will create your future today.


Five Reasons to use Social Bookmarking Demon in your Marketing Campaign

Five Reasons to use Social Bookmarking Demon in your Marketing Campaign

If you don’t already know Social Bookmarking Demon is the number one used automated bookmarking tool on the internet right now and used by thousands of webmasters. Social bookmarking is very important to the growth of your website, but the number one reason people don’t utilize them is because the time it takes to submit there webpages. With social bookmarking demon you’ll be able to submit to roughly twenty social bookmarking sites per run.

The tool only submits to this number of social bookmarking websites so that it doesn’t get blocked. The last thing you want is to have your domains blocked by search engines due to social bookmarking spam and trust me this happens. With social bookmarking demon I’ve never had this problem though due to the fact they only submit to a few sites every time. We’ll now take a look at some of the reasons why you should use social bookmarking demon in your marketing campaign.

#1 – Lots of Free Traffic

Social bookmarking websites bring in lots of traffic due to there high rankings in the search engines, so by submitting to these websites with social bookmarking demon you can attract free daily traffic to your website.

#2 – Get Indexed Faster Then Ever

You can now get your websites indexed usually within a few hours of submitting to social bookmarking websites. This is great for a new website, but it also helps individual pages get indexed a lot quicker so it’s useful for every website.

#3 – Increase Your SERP’s

Link building helps increase your search engines rankings and therefore by building links through this automated social bookmarking tool you’ll be able to increase your SERP’s. It may take a bit of time to see these rankings take effect, but there is no doubt social bookmarking links help your SERP position.

#4 – Increase Your Page Rank

A lot of the social bookmarking websites that social bookmarking demon submit too are do-follow and this means that over time you’ll increase your Google page rank by submitting to bookmarking websites. Page rank doesn’t mean much except for assisting in making money through link ad sales.

#5 – Takes Minutes per Run

Each social bookmarking run only takes minutes to complete whereas if you we’re to submit to these websites on your own it would take about an hour per run. As you can see you’re saying a ton of your time which can be used to make more money.

Automated tools are becoming a lot more popular as they allow webmasters to focus on other aspects of marketing and promotion. You will need to spend some money initially to purchase social bookmarking demon, but it’s one of the only tools that is a one-off fee with lifetime updates. This means you only need to spend the money once and you can use it for your entire career online.

The value of this is worth far more then you’ll spend and in fact it should only take about a month before you make the money back from the investment. Once you get some traffic from the sites you’ll be able to convert them on your products which will pay for the program instantly. Anyone submitting to social bookmarking sites manually is really wasting there time because in all the hours you spend doing that you could have easily automated the process and spent time making far more money then you’d spend on the software program.


lynda.com Tutorial | Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress 3.0—Including widgets

Watch the entire course at www.lynda.com In Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress 3.0, author Joseph Lowery shows how to create web sites using WordPress and Dreamweaver together. This course demonstrates workflow best practices and techniques, including installation and set up, how to create content, work with WordPress themes, customize CSS, and add widgets. It also covers how to extend WordPress pages, add Spry elements, add and customize plug-ins, integrate WordPress-stored data in Dreamweaver dynamic pages, and how to administer and publish a WordPress site.


Creating Unique Valuable Content Is the Only Way to Blog

Creating Unique Valuable Content Is the Only Way to Blog

There are now so many blogs in the blogosphere and more created each day that if you think you can take any shortcuts to creating a successful blog you’re crazy. Blogging is now mainstream and everyone who is anyone has at least one blog if not many blogs. Some people and businesses even have teams of writers who write for a network of blogs. These blogs are typically the authority blogs in the niche and they make all there money through private ad sales to businesses. Now the key to the success of these blog networks though is that they have teams of writers who write real content that is useful to the readers. This ensures that the people reading the blogs come back and then before you know it they have a huge source of traffic. It’s really hard to do this unless you have a team organizing it all and lots of investment money for the initial start-up of the network. You can however take a piece of a smaller niche and write content for it that is useful and educational. People like reading things that offer some value to them and not something that they’ve heard thousands of times before.

A lot of webmasters I see lately are trying to use anything automated that they can to make their work easier, but what they find is there work is ruined. If search engines detect any type of automated promotion of a website then they’ll remove it from their index without warning and it can be difficult to get back into the index. There are programs being advertised for everything from automated article distributors to automated social bookmarking tools but they all could cost you your site.

There has also recently been an influx in programs that supposedly create unique content from an article, these are known as rewriter programs and they spit out nothing but garbage. Anyone who uses these to create content for their blog is never going to have a blog that is worth any money and you definitely won’t have any return visitors. Then there are the RSS feed autoblogs that are being created every second of every day right now and they are simply useless. They don’t offer anything to the readers as its just copied text from an authority blog. You may get some indexed pages in Google which you can use for backlinks on your other sites at your own risk, but I don’t recommend it because if you do this often search engines will punish your main site for getting links from an autoblogs network.

Having unique content is important to the success of your blog and if you plan on making money from a blog you need good solid unique content that is educational. You don’t ever start making money from blogging until you have return visitors coming to your blog, and once you have this then you can start trying to monetize the traffic. In the first few months though you will make hardly anything and you need to strictly focus on building natural strong backlinks and unique educational content.