Tag Archives | Want Ads

Introduction to WordPress Themes

Introduction to WordPress Themes

Without a doubt, WordPress is one of the most popular blog and website creation tools. That is, WordPress.org which is the WordPress version that is hosted on the hosting company of your choice. WordPress.com is rather limited and is hosted on WordPress own servers. It is free, but you are limited to a small number of themes and the customizations options are limited. As long as you are willing to pay for your own hosting service, ie – Go Daddy, JustHost, MonsterGator, etc., WordPress.org is the way to go.

Most of the top blogs use the WordPress platform. By looking at these blogs, you can see a great variety in their design. In fact, many of them don’t look like blogs themselves, but look like traditional websites.

The reason for this is that WordPress allows users to create their own themes, and upload them to the WordPress website. Many people do this for fun or the good of the community. However, some create what is called a premium theme which is basically a paid version. Some of the themes offer a free starter theme, but a paid version gets you more features.

One of the strengths of WordPress is also a weakness. There are almost too many themes out there. It can get frustrating finding a theme that suits your purposes, especially after reviewing hundreds of similar themes.  To eliminate some of the frustration, consider the following:

What do you want in a theme. On one hand, there are people who are just interested in their blog writing, and they want it to look nice. Commercialization or ads do not interest them. On the other hand, there are other people who are interested in their blog, but would also like to make a little money.

This generally involves AdSense, banner ads, etc. However, the placing of these ads (or the HTML code that supports them) on a blog or website is of prime importance to the advertiser, and also to the website owner. You don’t want ads to distract from your website, but complement it.

WordPress accomplishes this by having areas of your blog where you can place widgets. Widgets are basically place holders where you can place a great variety of content. It could include a link page, a poll, a photo, text, or HTML code that generates an ad.  However, depending upon the theme, widgets will be in different places and different sizes.

The WordPress database allows you to search for specific elements of themes.

For example, when you search the WordPress database, you will find hundreds of themes that say “”ad sense ready.””  Many of these themes have only a few widget areas available for ads, and some have as many as 11 different widget areas.

Generally, the more widget areas the better in a theme, because no matter what your purpose, it gives you more flexibility. 

Another factor that comes into play is that many themes are highly customizable.  Don’t be deceived by the initial appearance, look at the option page before you move on.   Many themes have great features, you just need to choose the appropriate option.  Background image, color, placement of widget sidebars, etc. are all common things that can be customized.

Finding a theme you like is a trial and error process.  However, before you begin, have an idea on what you want to accomplish.  Do you want widget space for small rectangle ads?  Or do you want widget space that will accommodate skyscraper ads, leaderboard ads, and the other popular banner ad formats? Do you want a widget space that will accommodate a particular photo dimension format?

The process of looking for a theme you like is a daunting task, but if you have a general idea of what you want, it will make the process go faster.  With the thousands of WordPress themes out there, you are bound to find one you like.


How to Add Banners to a WordPress Website

How to Add Banners to a WordPress Website

Being able to monitze your website is the ultimate goal for your website.

Making Money!

My first advice is to be careful with making it all about making money. If you are building a blog it is important to remember that its about the content, not about the ads. I would highly recommend that you focus on building great content and traffic before you even consider adding any type of advertisement on your site.

The main reason why you don’t want to add ads to your site is you simply don’t have any traffic, so why even have ads if there is no one to click. The best advice I can give you is to focus on building solid content and driving traffic to that page.

Once you have a ton of traffic which you have built value with, begin slowly adding banners, Google ads, etc. I have seen to many new bloggers start to throw ads all over there site, hiding their awesome content. The visitors is there for your content not the banners, always remember that.

Now that is out of the way, you have a ton of traffic and your ready to add a banner to your site. Be tasteful, don’t turn your site into a banner crazy site that could turn your visitor away in 1 second flat. I only have one banner on my site with only my strongest affiliate… Keep it clean and simple.

You will find in this WordPress Quick Tip a very simple plug-in which will allow you to add ads to your site. It’s very simple and easy to do.


Tips to Make Money with your PPC Ads

Tips to Make Money with your PPC Ads

If you’ve begun implementing PPC ads into your arsenal of marketing, but are having trouble making money off of your ads then follow these tips. I will be sharing will you some tips that will help you turn your PPC ads into profit pulling machines. When you first jump into PPC ads it’s difficult to get a high quality score and it’s even harder to make a profit. If you try implementing the below tips into your PPC ad campaigns I can assure you that you’ll be happy with the results.

#1 – Always go for Long-Tail Keywords

Whenever you set-up a new campaign you should only target long-tail keywords in your campaigns. You need to think about what the person will search for when looking for the information on your blog. For instance if you sell doctor notes then instead of targeting doctor notes you could target phrases such as Fake Doctor Notes, Buy Doctor Notes among many others. The best way to find long-tail keywords to target in your campaigns is to utilize a keyword tool.

#2 – Target Buying Keywords

What I mean when I say you should target buying keywords is simple, you should think about what someone would search for when ready to buy a product. Bid on keywords with the product name, review keywords and comparing keywords. These keywords will turn in the highest conversion ratio and this is what you want to be aiming for in PPC campaigns.

#3 – Create Targeted Ads & Creatives

You want your ads and creatives to be targeted around a small set of keywords which are all highly targeted towards what you’re selling or promoting. The more targeted your ads are the higher quality score you’ll have and the better luck you’ll have with PPC.

Turning PPC campaigns into profits isn’t rocket science, but it isn’t simple either. When you first start out expect to have a small budget that you can waste for testing purposes. Take a few products from different niches and begin doing small tests on the niches. See which one converts the highest and which one is bringing in the most profit. Once you have a good niche that is converting well then start spending more on your campaigns in that niche.

When you run a PPC ad campaign you need to check the results each and everyday. If you don’t then you risk losing too much wasted money especially in the early stages. A lot of PPC ads is testing and once you find out what converts then you just need to ride that wave until it ends. Once it ends then you need to have other campaigns running to create your revenue. Never just rely on one product because you never know when the money from that product could stop rolling in.