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Become a WordPress Pro

Become a WordPress Pro

WordPress is my website platform of choice nowadays. I find it extremely easy to use and with so many templates or themes to choose from and I do not need to ever hire a web designer.

Add a few SEO plugins and you really have a powerful website. Yes, I said website. I use WordPress as a blogging platform and also as a website.

What I try to do is look through the thousands of templates until I find a theme that looks more like a static site. Then I go into the CSS and customize is just a little to make the theme a little different then the original.

When I want to add content I usually use the page feature. I add my content to a page instead of a post. Maybe each of my sites will have ten or 15 content pages. Then I go into the Options>Reading panel in the Administration area and change one of my pages to a static front page. And presto. I have a nice static website.

Now, if I want to also add a blog on the site, I will just post normally and I have a combination website and blog all rolled into one. The really nice advantage is that I can update anything instantly and I don’t need a html editor. I like this feature because I travel a lot and sometimes use other computers instead of my own. With WordPress I always have a way to update my web sites fast and easy.

For those that don’t know how to set up a WordPress site it is very easy. All you need to do is go to your cPanel of your website. Scroll to the bottom and select the smiling icon called “”fantastico””.

Select WordPress from the navigation bar on the left and then select install. Fill in the data fields which consist of your administration name and password, the name of your website and a short description. All this can be changed in the WordPress Admin Panel once the site is live. Click the install WordPress button and you have your very own WordPress site.

Now all you need to do is add some content and you will have a great professional looking website that would have taking you a lot longer to build if you had to do it in html and especially if you are not skilled with coding.


Seopressor WordPress Plugin Review!

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Why Migrate to WordPress – An SEO Expert Tells All

There’s a lot of hype about WordPress these days, which makes it hard to separate fact from fiction. In this video, SEO Expert Steve Wiideman discusses the advantages of migrating from a static website to WordPress, both for the site owner and for higher search engine ranking. Wiideman shows real examples of websites that have been migrated and reveals metrics proving the value of WordPress and search engine optimization. Learn how to save a fortune on website maintenance fees by writing and editing your own content. Use powerful plugins and customizations to check every SEO task off your list. Produced and narrated by Steve Wiideman of www.seosteve.com (@seosteve).


Guaranteed SEO Benefits With WordPress Plugins

Guaranteed SEO Benefits With WordPress Plugins

There are many ways to gain guaranteed SEO benefits for your website if you are using the WordPress CMS, some more effective than others. Most of your benefits will be with off site SEO but there can be some on site SEO advantages. People reading this article may or may not be aware that the majority of your SEO benefits will come from off site SEO, back linking is a huge one, especially if you are anchoring your back links with the correct text. Here I will not go into this aspect of SEO however, this article is more concerned with how you can improve on site SEO via WordPress plugins.

As you are probably already aware there are thousands upon thousands of WP plugins that all claim to benefit you in some way, not all are made equally however and sorting through all the garbage to actually find something of real use is extremely hard work, especially if you are new to WordPress and all the plugins that are available. I cannot claim to be an expert on every single plugin available, the number to be tested is just too many and would take a lifetime to test individually but the following list shows a few of the plugins that I find are most useful for my personal needs and do give me guaranteed SEO advantages of one description or another.

Your list may vary depending on the reason why you are building a WP site but I think most people will find the list to be of use for the basics plus a few added extra bonuses. While some of these plugins are not directly related to SEO they may help you to avoid disasters that will ruin your sites credibility with both search engines and visitors alike so do not be fooled by the simplicity of what some of them do. While on site and off site SEO are very, very important the integrity of your site as a whole does come into play. If your site goes down or is slow or littered with links that go nowhere these problems will all add up to a bad site that both man and machine will dislike and avoid. One more point that you should bear in mind when installing plugins: Do not over do it! I bring up page speed further into this article, one of the things that will slow your site down is a lot of plugins.

Certain plugins are non optional, a sitemap and a database backup are for example 2 things that you absolutely need but if others are going to be of little use to you, forget them! Use your head in regard to what you need for the function of your site. Never install a plugin just for the sake of it, only use them to improve functionality! WordPress plugins with guaranteed SEO benefits The first thing that any site needs is a sitemap, you don’t need to be a coding expert and create your own thankfully with ‘Google XML sitemaps’. There are other sitemap plugins out there but this is one of the most trusted out there and something that no WordPress site should be without. ‘Yoast breadcrumbs’ is a great breadcrumb plugin that will leave a trail for your readers to be able to find their way around with greater ease. If set up correctly it will also help with internal SEO as it makes the text bold for the current page in the breadcrumb trail and also allows to set your own anchor text for both the homepage and blog page. The ‘official Statcounter plugin’ is another great piece of kit for your website, while it does not offer any immediate guaranteed SEO benefits the information that can be garnered from Statcounter.com is invaluable in your future SEO decisions.

Where are your visitors coming from? Where do your visitors go from your site? What keywords are attracting visitors? With this information and more you can start to make future plans, see what is working and see what is a wasting your time. It is well documented that Google now takes into account the speed that your website loads, feeding cached versions of your sites web pages is a no brainer when you take also consider that visitors may also click away if your page takes too long to load.

Help to improve page speed by using the ‘W3 total cache’ plugin. If you also have a lot of things going on in your sidebars you may also consider ‘WP widget cache’. Something that every WordPress site needs is a backup system of some kind. I recommend ‘WordPress Database Backup’. Depending on how active your site is you can set the plugin to Email you a complete backup of your site anywhere from every 900 seconds to bi monthly. Guaranteed SEO benefits? Well… How good is it for your SEO if your site crashes and you have to start from scratch? Ever had your content stolen from your site via your RSS feed?

Then you will like the next plugin. It’s called ‘RSS footer‘, a simple yet effective plugin that shows a link on the post that they stole which leads right back to your site, if anybody scrapes your feed content the guaranteed SEO benefit is that you get free keyword optimized back links and maybe a few visitors from the thieving gits site.:-D Bonus! ‘Broken link checker’ Ever been in a rush and put a link into a post or page that is not correct only to find out days or weeks later? (Do you have some that you didn’t find at all come to think of it!?) This plugin will monitor your site and report any links that are not working so you can correct them immediately. Google hates broken links and your visitors won’t like them too much either, neither should you if you want your site to do what you want it to do and direct visitors where you want them to go. How often do you finish off a page or post and notice mistakes?

You go back and correct them and then you make a couple of improvements and tweaks to the page, hitting the update button every few minutes to put it right… Bad!! Every time you post or update one of your pages WordPress automatically pings the Pingomatic site, if you are repeatedly pinging all the time your blog can get banned from the update sites for ping spam. Cure this with ‘cbnet Ping Optimizer’ which will only allow pinging when you actually publish for the first time. Pinging on an update will be disabled hence protecting you from being labelled as a ping spammer. Best of luck with your WordPress site, I hope this information was of use to you.


5 Must Have WordPress Plugins – Are You Missing One

5 Must Have WordPress Plugins – Are You Missing One? WordPress is arguably the most used CMS (Content Management System) online. It is partly due to its flexibility as a blog platform, and partly due to the large number of plugins and themes made by its large community of users. However, this huge choice of plugins can easily confuse a new user. Therefore, for those of you who are unsure which plugins to use, here’s a list of the top 5 must use WordPress plugins: 1. Akismet – Akismet is pre-bundled when you install WordPress. It is made by the same company that makes WordPress. Akismet is a spam blocking plugin that works very efficiently to block out spam comments. If you run a large blog, you really need this plugin. The amount of spam doing the rounds online is tremendous. If you were to moderate these comments one by one, you would have to spend hours maintaining your blog. Akismet makes the whole process automatic and saves you countless hours of effort. 2. All in One SEO – What good is a blog if no one reads it? With All in One SEO plugin, all your in-site SEO needs will be taken care of automatically. It will create meta tags, meta descriptions, etc. on its own. If you want your blog to be found by Google or other search engines, this is a must-have plugin. 3. Google XML Sitemaps – This plugin automatically creates a sitemap of your blog to aid Google’s spiders in indexing it. Sitemaps are just what you think they mean: a map of your site. They can make it much easier for Google to find and index your site, so this plugin is a must have, regardless of the size of your blog. 4. One Click Plugin Updater – If you’re like me, you probably hate to update your plugins one-by-one. Most plugins have several updates a month, and updating them can be a real pain. One Click Plugin Updater simplifies the whole process by giving you the option to update all your plugins with a single click. A huge timesaver if you find yourself using too many plugins. 5. WordPress Database Backup – You never know when some unfortunate accident may befall your blog. Once, one very large blog of mine got hacked and consequently, I lost my entire database. I didn’t have a backup database, so I had to create everything from scratch (something that took me over 100 hours). With WordPress Database Backup, you can get it to make automatic backups and mail it to you on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. So there you have it: 5 plugins that are essential to any WordPress installation!