Tag Archives | Search Engine Rankings

SEO Tips for Your Blog

SEO Tips for Your Blog

There are lots of different things you can do to increase the SEO of your blog and you should try to make sure that you work on all of the different aspects. Working on only a couple aspects of SEO will result maybe in a bit of search engine traffic but it won’t give you the results that you’re aiming for. There are both off site SEO techniques and on site SEO techniques that you need to work on and you should make sure you work on both but in this article we’re strictly going to discuss on site SEO tactics that you should be implementing regularly.

The first and definitely most important on site SEO tactic is content, you need tons of it to rank well. You should try posting on your blog everyday if possible so that you can add up the amount of content on your blog quickly and also so it appears to the search engines that you’re updating your blog regularly, which is another important of on site SEO. You need to make sure you update your blog enough so it looks like you’re still posting on it or else your search engine rankings will begin to slide. When you post new blog posts try and have each one targeted around a set of keywords so that you can eventually rank for them and get search engine traffic. The more content you have and the more keyword optimized the content is the more search engine traffic you’ll get to your blog.

You should also make sure you interlink your content as best you can, and the best way to do this is to place a couple links from old posts into every new post you make. Then this way you’re interlinking will begin to reach deep into the blog and over time the entire blog will become indexed and start ranking in the search engines which is when the big traffic starts coming. Also make sure that you don’t have too many outbound links on your homepage and posts pointing to other sites. The links will take away from your search engine rankings and if it appears that you’re selling links then your search engine rankings could completely disappear.

Finally you should make sure that all of your blog posts are completely 100% unique content because Google will penalize you if you use duplicate content and it won’t get indexed in most cases. You should also make sure when you write blog posts to make sure there is enough content in them. You don’t want to post a bunch of small 25-50 word blog posts in a day instead post one or two 250-500 word articles so that there is actually something to be learned in the article. You need to provide content that people want to read and search engines love content as well and you won’t see many 25 word blog posts ranking in the top 10 in Google for any terms.


Importance of One Way Links

When you’re a webmaster you need to build one way links to your blog or site in order to make sure that you increase your search engine rankings. One way links are the hardest links to get because they involve the most amount of work to get, but this is why they are valuable in the search engines and highly sought after by webmasters. There are lots of ways you can gain one way links to your site or blog and they’re all typically useful in some way but there are some that will rank better then others.

The best type of one way link to receive is through another site or blog related to yours where they give you an in-content one way link.

This can happen from you posting great content on your niche and sometimes you can also ask to be mentioned on a blog in return for content or links on other sites of yours. If you can build your links this way then you stand an amazing chance at getting lots of search engine rankings in time.

Another few methods you can use when you build one way links to your site or blog are article directories, directories in your niche, social bookmarking and blog commenting. All four of these methods can get you lots of one way links and in time they will end up helping your site or blog rank well. The methods above don’t have a sudden impact on your search rankings but as they start to age the rankings will start to improve.

You can build hundreds of one way links to your blogs and sites by using the methods outlines above and if you’re serious about taking your sites to the next level then you need to spend the time building links. You won’t really see fast results from your efforts but as your links age they will begin to rank better in the search engines and you’ll soon begin to have great rankings.

To make money off of your sites you need search engine traffic for the most part, well as long as you want to make money without money then that’s your option. If you want to spend money to make money then you can try other methods, but for the most part if you want to make money without spending any then search engine traffic is your best friend.

You can make a lot of money through the right keywords and you’ll need to figure out which keywords you should optimize on your blog or site. Ideally you should rank for many terms in the search engines and in time you will begin to, you just need to always promote your blogs and sites with one way link building campaigns to get the rankings.

Once you’ve achieved the rankings you want then you also need to still continue building one way links so that you hold the position and noone steals it from you.


How to Obtain Steady Blog Traffic

How to Obtain Steady Blog Traffic

Blogging is simple but getting steady traffic to your blog can be one of the hardest things you need to do and without traffic then there isn’t much point in even blogging because noone is seeing what you’re writing. If you want to obtain steady traffic then how hard you work the first couple months will determine everything, and basically if you work hard and give your blog time to establish itself then it will. It takes a little while before you’ll begin getting search engine rankings and this is what you’re aiming for as search engine traffic is by far the steadiest stream you’ll find. To rank in the search engines though you’ll need lots of links pointing to your blog and this can be time consuming. One thing that you should do is make sure you try spreading out the links you build by doing different marketing techniques.

In the beginning you do lots of social bookmarking for your blog and also as many Ezine submissions that you possibly can submit. These submissions will help you out tremendously with getting your blog indexed and into the search engine rankings. Usually you’ll need a solid few months before ranking steadily on the first page for any main keywords but longtail keywords can be obtained weeks after starting your blog.

The key is to build constant and natural links to your blog, meaning you shouldn’t submit to 100 directories one day and then none the rest of the week. Instead try submitting to 15 directories daily and it will seem like a lot more natural progression in the eyes of Google.

Social bookmarking will help to get your site indexed also and this also helps bring traffic to your blog. If you post daily and submit it to social bookmarking sites then you’ll have some traffic from there everyday but it won’t be that targeted or profitable of traffic.

The profitable traffic is the search engine traffic and once that starts coming into your blog in full effect then you’ll stand a lot better chance of having good steady profitable traffic on your blog. You need to ensure you offer your visitors valuable content though or else you won’t stand much of a chance when it comes to keeping your readers on your blog.

Return visitors are what keeps blogs alive and running and to have return visitors come to your blog you need to offer information that they are looking for. To do this you need to research your niche and then write content that is valuable to the people reading it. If you have a sports blog don’t write about space travel on it as most likely nobody there is interested in that topic. Instead serve up the hottest sports highlights from around the world everyday and you’ll soon see lots of traffic coming into your blog. The key is knowing your niche and then capitalizing on the information learned.


Common Mistakes Webmasters Make When Building Links

Common Mistakes Webmasters Make When Building Links

Every website owner needs to build links on a regular basis in order to compete with the competition, but many webmasters make severe mistakes when building links. If you make any mistakes when building links then it could cause you a massive headache and also ruin your website. You can’t just go out and get links anywhere you want too, instead you need to focus on building relevant natural links. Let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes webmasters make when building links.

Not Using Proper Anchor Text

The whole point of building links is too increase your search engine rankings in the many search engines, and you want to rank for the keywords people are searching for. Your anchor text when building links should be the keywords that you have been targeting on your website. Use different anchor texts when building links as well, but always make sure that the text is relevant to your keyword strategy.

Building No-Follow Links

No-Follow links are no use too anyone and they are only good if they can bring you lots of traffic from direct clicks. If you want to increase your search engine rankings though then you need to build do-follow links as there the only links that count for anything in the search engines. Don’t waste time building no-follow links and when you do build links spend the time to make sure your links are do-follow.

Building Non-Relevant Links

If you have a website that is about training dogs then you don’t need to get links from piano websites as there not even remotely relevant to your website. The search engines look for relevant links and if you build half the amount of links you do now, but make sure there all relevant then you’ll do a lot better in the rankings of the search engines. If you’re trying to increase your page rank then you’ll want to also build a few high page rank relevant links and that should do the trick.

There are plenty other common mistakes that webmasters make when building links on their website, and you should make sure you don’t fall into any of these. If you do then you need to correct the mistakes immediately as it could be the difference between ruining and saving your website. If you build links in link farms or spammy areas then you’ll need to deal with the risk of having your website de-indexed from the search engines.


WordPress How To Use WordPress SEO Training Optimization Plugin

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Knowing the difference between Do-Follow and No-Follow Links

Knowing the difference between Do-Follow and No-Follow Links

Not everyone knows the difference between a do-follow link and a no-follow link, but they are two links that differ by a lot and you should make sure you know how they differ. If you have no-follow links then the links won’t be counted towards any search engine rankings, but if the link is do-follow then you will get a boost in your search engine rankings for the given keyword phrase that the link is under. Do-follow links is the only type of links that will help you when trying to help you search engine rankings or when trying to raise your page rank. Not a lot of the links that you build will be no-follow and if you’re wasting your time on building no-follow links then you need to reconsider how you’re spending your time.

When you comment on a blog you should make sure that you spend time only commenting on the blogs that have do-follow links enabled. Usually a blogger will show you that their blog is do-follow by showing some image near the comment box that says something like U-Comment – I-Follow. This means that the blog should be do-follow and that the links will count towards helping you in the search engines. Not too many bloggers allow this though on their blogs, and when you do find them it’s hard to find any pages on the blog with page rank that you can comment on. Finding these links is over half the battle that you will face when searching for these links, but once you have them then you can re-use them on all of your blogs which can help you out in the long run.

Certain links on many of the social bookmarking sites are also no-follow, but these should still be pursued by you as a blogger because they offer an initial traffic surge. It only takes a couple minutes to do and will help your blog in the long run with building an established traffic base. Even if a link isn’t do-follow it can still be profitable pending it brings you in a lot of clicks, so sometimes it’s wise to get some links in high traffic areas even if they are no-follow links.

Most of your links that you’ve built in the past will most likely be no-follow links since there always abundant and easy to get. Once you find a couple high rankings pages that have do-follow enabled though then you should be able to increase your page rank and search engine rankings with just a couple links. It’s not always the amount of links that matters for search engine rankings as you’ll learn. For instance one of my blogs has thousands of no-follow links and is PR0 and another one of my blogs has roughly 100 backlinks and is a PR4 because it has strong do-follow backlinks.

You should also make sure that you remember the use of the different links when you blog on your own blog as well, because there is no point giving someone a do-follow link when they shouldn’t get one. If all of the links on your blog are do-follow then it could also hurt your search engine rankings simply because of all the outgoing links that you will have on your blogs. If you make the link no-follow then it won’t be credited a backlink from your blog which means that it won’t hurt your page rank or rankings in the search engines at all. Often people need to use a link in their blog posts which if you post daily can add up to a lot of outgoing links fairly quickly, so to avoid this make sure you use the no-follow attribute when adding your links to your posts.


Social Bookmarking is Vital for Bloggers

Social Bookmarking is Vital for Bloggers

If you blog nowadays then you already know how hard it can be for you too get the traffic you need at your blog, and I’m sure you’ve been scrambling for methods on how too get some traffic. Well since blogging has become so popular, so has social networking and one of the ways social networking has become so popular is through social bookmarking. There are thousands of people that are using social bookmarking sites right now too get their websites noticed, and millions of people are finding sites through these bookmarking sites. There are some sites that have most of the traffic, but you shouldn’t limit yourself too only those because there are many that offer do-follow backlinks which as we already know is very important.

The more do-follow backlinks that you build, the better your page rank and search engine rankings will get, which results in more organic traffic. Organic traffic is typically hat converts too money which is why you need to be doing social bookmarking. You will also get some good consistent traffic from your social bookmarking projects and although most of the traffic is junk some will convert to readers. This will of course depend on your blog and how much work you put into your design and content.

You have to remember that things take time when blogging, and if you ever want a successful blog then you need to begin working now. There are thousands of webmasters that are working everyday on their sites, so if you want too compete with them you need too make sure you put the work in. If you don’t have time to put the work in yourself then you will need to hire people to do the tasks or use software. You would be surprised at what software is available for social bookmarking, and there are a couple of programs out there that work wonders. The best one is called social bookmarking demon, and they are coming out with a new update soon. The software is a desktop application which makes it simple too use and you don’t need to have it on your server this way. If you use this software it will cut the time to bookmark your posts by 1000%.

It doesn’t matter how you do your social bookmarking as long as you make sure that you actually do it, and not procrastinate about getting it done. You should submit every post that you make, which means that you should be using these social bookmarking sites everyday. It should only take a half hour too get all of your bookmarking done with a software program, which means that it’s very quick to do. There are lists all over the internet that cover the many social bookmarking sites around, you should look for the ones that offer do-follow links and also niche sites. There are many niche social bookmarking sites which will give you more valuable links then the general sites.


A Review of Content Wizard For Blogging Online Marketers

Content Wizard Review For Blogging and Content Management

 Business automation started out way before the net existed, but the wish to enjoy the advantages of it is felt by all of us. There are so many mundane activities we need to do on a daily basis. Also, employing automation is an excellent use of leverage that saves us a lot of time. That is time saved so we can easily devote to money-making activities such as marketing our offers. Today we offer a review of Leslie Bogaerts’ Content Wizard WordPress plugin. Content Wizard is a cool little tool that packs a lot of power in the form of benefits and features. Even so, as you will learn, this plugin is quite feature rich, and Leslie has already recently updated (at the time of this writing) an autoblogging enhancement.

Blogs are, in a word, time sucking web sites that can be aggravating if you do not have much experience with them. Most of us know the pain of doing everything by hand such as category creation, tag creation and manually uploading content. On the front end, you are able to post content with simply one mouse click with Content Wizard. But don’t worry about managing post location since you can designate specific categories for each post. So this means you will not just be posting to where ever, and you will realize your posts are going where they ought to be.

Let’s speak about a few additional features and benefits of Content Wizard. The vast bulk of blog owners count on search engine rankings for traffic. No more manual tag creation to stress with using Content Wizard. We are uncertain how that ability may integrate with your SEO related plugins, to be fair. But I consider you can have all your questions answered by Leslie about specifics.

Automating your content management is crucial for many, and there is much more readily available with this plugin. Certainly you will have the power to schedule all future postings according to time and date. Leslie has already recently upgraded Content Wizard plugin for autoblogging. We know autoblogging has been pretty hot for a good while, so that should be appealing to some of you.

If you’re drawn to using PLR material, or articles, then there is a little something here for you, too. You can forget about the issue with SEO and PLR content because you can make your posts unique to the bots. We may speculate how well this will be able to handle a human evaluation by search engines; so do keep that thought in your mind.

Additional goodies for Content Wizard consist of an unlimited license, and you can use on any number of your sites with no restrictions. Naturally the upgrades are free for life which is great albeit not uncommon. For site flippers, you can sell sites that include this plugin – so that’s a pretty nice aspect. Also, there’s no developers license required if you build blogs to offer as a business.

A Great Software plugin for any wordpress Set Up.

Click HERE For more details on Content Wizard.

Thanks and Take Care,

One Dumb Aussie