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The 3 most important blogging tips beginners should certainly consider

The 3 most important blogging tips beginners should certainly consider

You have decided to start blogging as do many people? On this point, there are some important things you should certainly take into consideration to ensure your success, regardless of the blogging area.

1. Start blogging on the niche for which you have a passion or in which you are an expert.

Do you know why most of beginner bloggers fail? Because of the 2 most common reasons: One of those reasons is that they do not choose the niche that fits them best.
So, as you understood, the first important step is to choose the right area. Many people tend to choose the most profitable niches even though they do not expertise in those fields. As a result of that, most bloggers quit blogging just at the beginning, as it seems them to be a hard job. But if from the beginning you choose the area for which you have a passion, and something to share with others, then you will most likely succeed. If you enjoy your job, you’ll be able to achieve all your goals you have set to reach by blogging.

2. Be persistent in blogging and do not quit just at the beginning.
The second reason of the blogging failure is that many new bloggers give up this great job in a short time. All beginners want to be winners, but they forget that blogging is not a get-rich-quickly scheme, though sometimes as an exception to the rule, some bloggers can get solid profit just in a couple of weeks. So people, looking for an easy way to earn money, get disappointed and quit this undertaking. To be successful, it is not enough to desire it, it is essential to be persistent in work you’ve just started up. Actually, tenacity is the main key to success in any work.

Create a weekly blogging schedule and strictly follow it.
Irregularity is the third obstacle that may cause failure not only for beginners but also for experienced bloggers. What to say about beginners, when sometimes even skilled bloggers may need some motivation for posting on daily basis. It is needless to say that fresh content is not just king but vital for the success in any business.
You can fix your chaos by making a list of daily posts you are going to do for one week. Determine and write down the titles for the next 5-7 days in advance, and then strictly follow that weekly plan. If you do it regularly within several weeks, then you’ll be able to turn it into a daily habit in a short time.

So do not be a quitter if you want to be a winner. The main secret of the other bloggers making huge profit from their blogs is just their persistency in the blogging. If they were able to do that, then you can also become the owner of profitable business, just by sharing what visitors look for and want to read in your posts.


Niche Blogging

Niche Blogging – What Exactly Does It Mean?

As blogging became more crowded and more blogs were being created everyday there came a time when there were to many general bloggers around and many smart webmasters decided to start creating blogs based solely on niche markets. A niche blog is a blog that is narrowed down in topic so that it doesn’t fall into a general category. An example of this would be instead of having a celebrity blog you would have a Paris Hilton blog. As you can see you’ve went from the entire celebrity niche which is too big for person to blog about to just Paris Hilton niche which is easier to blog about and remain on top of all the news. As you know some celebrities have enough news that a blog could be updated everyday with new content and there are also some celebrities that have thousands of search engine searches everyday. This means that by narrowing your audience down you cut down on some traffic possibly, but you’re also going to have a more authority blog by making it in a niche. Many niches to this day don’t have an authority in the niche and that simply means there is still opportunity for more people to take control of a niche market.

There are niche markets everywhere and for every topic you just need to use your imagination. One important thing to remember is not to make your blog to narrow of a niche though because then you simply run into problems with content. It can hard to constantly update a blog about a certain tool or something so instead of blogging about a brand of hammers blog about all hammers. Hammers would be considered a good niche because you’re narrowing it down from the general niche of tools. You can take anything basically and make it into a smaller niche and the reason it’s smart to do so is because you can make a lot more money. Many internet marketers talk about how important it is to get targeted traffic to your products and lead offers and the best way to get targeted traffic on the internet right now is through a niche blog.

If you think about all of your traffic should be targeted because frankly I don’t know anyone who’s looking for clothes find there way onto a blog about hammers. It simply doesn’t happen and if it does then it’s a mistake obviously and it won’t a visitor who stays very long on the blog. All the traffic you get should be people interested in hammers, this means you know have a bunch of people interested in hammers coming to a blog you own. Lights should be going off in your head right now, because by having people at your blog interested in hammers you can now sell hammers on your blog and make a pretty penny.

It could take months to build up the readership on the blog before you start making money but once it starts coming in you’ll be set for a long time to come. If you choose like hammers then if you market yourself properly you could ensure income for life because people will always need to buy hammers. The fact is more people are moving online to buy products and if you can make a niche blog about a certain product then you could be in for big money. Don’t choose a product that gets upgraded every year though because then all the work you do is a waste once the upgrade comes and people stop wanting the old version.

There is an unlimited amount of money that can be made for bloggers who begin narrowing their efforts down to niches and if done properly it’s a goldmine. There is also a lot less work when you create a niche blog because often times it doesn’t need to be updated to often, basically only when there is something going on in the niche of the blog which could be once a week or even once a month. You’ll want to post at least once a month so that you can ensure your blog maintains its traffic and revenue though. When you begin marketing your niche blog you should try finding directories that are specifically related to your niche as they will be valued higher then general directory submissions. Also try obtaining links from other webmasters that already have blogs or sites in your niche, this is a sure fire way to get the search engines you want to see in the quickest amount of time. Remember to stay natural with your link building campaigns though or else you could face problems down the road once the search engines catch on.


Never Buy or Trade Traffic for Your Blog

Never Buy or Trade Traffic for Your Blog

No matter what niche of blog you have there always seems to be a traffic exchange system where you can either trade or buy traffic. Now for the most part you never want to trade or buy traffic for your blog simply because it’s a waste of money. You only want to change trade traffic if the other traffic is coming from another website or blog that is similar to yours and offers good traffic. If it doesn’t offer good targeted traffic then there is no reason why you would want to trade traffic with the website and you should stay away from it because it won’t help you out.

If you trade all your hard earned traffic then your blog visitors will be leaving your blog and you’ll be receiving visitors from the website you’re trading traffic with. Now if the website you trade with is a toplist or something then the traffic isn’t going to be worth exchanging traffic to get. You need to determine which trades will offer you equal or more traffic for your traffic, and the traffic needs to be targeted. There is no reason sending away your targeted traffic to get junk traffic in return that won’t amount to anything.

Now for those of you who have been thinking about spending money on buying traffic I would advise against doing so. You don’t want to buy traffic for your blog because the only reason traffic is for sale is because it isn’t good targeted traffic. If it was targeted traffic then you would never see people selling traffic by the thousands for dollars. The reason they sell their traffic though is because there traffic is garbage and they make more money by selling it then trying to convert it into sales. Now you could try and hope to convert the bought traffic into sales, but for the most part you won’t even see one sale from any traffic you buy. Unless you find someone who is selling some private traffic that is targeted and converts then you shouldn’t buy traffic.

Some people buy traffic to try and boost there website stats before selling it, but the problem with this is that it won’t help you. People will want to see the referrer stats and once they see that the traffic has been bought then they won’t want to buy your blog or if they do they won’t pay much. Buying traffic seems dodgy because the only reason people really do it is to boost their stats and other webmasters don’t like buying blogs with bought traffic.

Buying traffic from bad areas can also cause your blog problems in the future with the search engines. The more unnatural stuff you do the more likely the search engines are to find something wrong with what you’re doing and penalize you. The last thing you want to do is get penalized by the search engines so make sure you follow the rules. Stick to building links and getting organic traffic and the revenue will begin to build up. Buying traffic is just a waste of your money and you shouldn’t spend time even considering spending your hard earned money on useless junk traffic.



Video Training Unplugged

All about name suggestion tools

Finding names to register is not an easy task. The process may take days and even months. If you are in such a situation, then you may seek the help of name suggestion tools. You won’t be having to pay any fee for using such services offered by nameboy.com, makewords.com etc. All you have to do is – just enter the keyword that you are targeting – and the site will give you different combination of words that you wanted to search. They will even tell you whether those names are available for you to register or not.

I normally register many domain names in one go. And finding names for my websites was one of the toughest thing for me in the domain registration process. But it was only until I came to know about name suggestion tools. I use a lot of name suggestion tools. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages. All the name suggestion tools that I have came across till now offer their services free of charge. Honestly, these tools have helped me save a lot of my precious time which otherwise I would have wasted for no reason.

These name suggestion tools can sometimes do miracles. Who knows, sometimes they can come up with some real cool names that are available to be registered. These tools have helped me to register domain names that got high page rank from the very first Google update. Some name suggestions sites will help you search for random names which are brandable! Should I tell you anything about a brandable domain name? Hey, take the case of Google – it’s a brandable one. And now it has become a noun – people started using it for the word “search engine”. So, if you want to register a quality domain name then you should be surely trying your luck with a domain name suggestion tool.

Video Training Unplugged