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Social Bookmarking is Vital for Bloggers

Social Bookmarking is Vital for Bloggers

If you blog nowadays then you already know how hard it can be for you too get the traffic you need at your blog, and I’m sure you’ve been scrambling for methods on how too get some traffic. Well since blogging has become so popular, so has social networking and one of the ways social networking has become so popular is through social bookmarking. There are thousands of people that are using social bookmarking sites right now too get their websites noticed, and millions of people are finding sites through these bookmarking sites. There are some sites that have most of the traffic, but you shouldn’t limit yourself too only those because there are many that offer do-follow backlinks which as we already know is very important.

The more do-follow backlinks that you build, the better your page rank and search engine rankings will get, which results in more organic traffic. Organic traffic is typically hat converts too money which is why you need to be doing social bookmarking. You will also get some good consistent traffic from your social bookmarking projects and although most of the traffic is junk some will convert to readers. This will of course depend on your blog and how much work you put into your design and content.

You have to remember that things take time when blogging, and if you ever want a successful blog then you need to begin working now. There are thousands of webmasters that are working everyday on their sites, so if you want too compete with them you need too make sure you put the work in. If you don’t have time to put the work in yourself then you will need to hire people to do the tasks or use software. You would be surprised at what software is available for social bookmarking, and there are a couple of programs out there that work wonders. The best one is called social bookmarking demon, and they are coming out with a new update soon. The software is a desktop application which makes it simple too use and you don’t need to have it on your server this way. If you use this software it will cut the time to bookmark your posts by 1000%.

It doesn’t matter how you do your social bookmarking as long as you make sure that you actually do it, and not procrastinate about getting it done. You should submit every post that you make, which means that you should be using these social bookmarking sites everyday. It should only take a half hour too get all of your bookmarking done with a software program, which means that it’s very quick to do. There are lists all over the internet that cover the many social bookmarking sites around, you should look for the ones that offer do-follow links and also niche sites. There are many niche social bookmarking sites which will give you more valuable links then the general sites.


Five Reasons to use Social Bookmarking Demon in your Marketing Campaign

Five Reasons to use Social Bookmarking Demon in your Marketing Campaign

If you don’t already know Social Bookmarking Demon is the number one used automated bookmarking tool on the internet right now and used by thousands of webmasters. Social bookmarking is very important to the growth of your website, but the number one reason people don’t utilize them is because the time it takes to submit there webpages. With social bookmarking demon you’ll be able to submit to roughly twenty social bookmarking sites per run.

The tool only submits to this number of social bookmarking websites so that it doesn’t get blocked. The last thing you want is to have your domains blocked by search engines due to social bookmarking spam and trust me this happens. With social bookmarking demon I’ve never had this problem though due to the fact they only submit to a few sites every time. We’ll now take a look at some of the reasons why you should use social bookmarking demon in your marketing campaign.

#1 – Lots of Free Traffic

Social bookmarking websites bring in lots of traffic due to there high rankings in the search engines, so by submitting to these websites with social bookmarking demon you can attract free daily traffic to your website.

#2 – Get Indexed Faster Then Ever

You can now get your websites indexed usually within a few hours of submitting to social bookmarking websites. This is great for a new website, but it also helps individual pages get indexed a lot quicker so it’s useful for every website.

#3 – Increase Your SERP’s

Link building helps increase your search engines rankings and therefore by building links through this automated social bookmarking tool you’ll be able to increase your SERP’s. It may take a bit of time to see these rankings take effect, but there is no doubt social bookmarking links help your SERP position.

#4 – Increase Your Page Rank

A lot of the social bookmarking websites that social bookmarking demon submit too are do-follow and this means that over time you’ll increase your Google page rank by submitting to bookmarking websites. Page rank doesn’t mean much except for assisting in making money through link ad sales.

#5 – Takes Minutes per Run

Each social bookmarking run only takes minutes to complete whereas if you we’re to submit to these websites on your own it would take about an hour per run. As you can see you’re saying a ton of your time which can be used to make more money.

Automated tools are becoming a lot more popular as they allow webmasters to focus on other aspects of marketing and promotion. You will need to spend some money initially to purchase social bookmarking demon, but it’s one of the only tools that is a one-off fee with lifetime updates. This means you only need to spend the money once and you can use it for your entire career online.

The value of this is worth far more then you’ll spend and in fact it should only take about a month before you make the money back from the investment. Once you get some traffic from the sites you’ll be able to convert them on your products which will pay for the program instantly. Anyone submitting to social bookmarking sites manually is really wasting there time because in all the hours you spend doing that you could have easily automated the process and spent time making far more money then you’d spend on the software program.


Blog Posting Networks

Blog Posting Networks

There are plenty of blog posting networks out there now and over the past couple years they have made people thousands of dollars. Blogging has become a great way for advertisers to advertise to a targeted market and many companies are taking advantage of this. Basically a blog posting network is a middle man between the blogger and the advertiser.

The network works on finding advertisers for their network marketplace and then as a blogger you can sign-up to the network and apply for jobs from the marketplace. There are some big networks out there already that offer quite a larger amount of advertising availabilities so you should be able to find some offers for your blog. Advertisers will post their needs in the marketplace and if your blog meets the requirements then you’ll be able to take on the job. Once you make the post, the network will confirm it’s been made and then in one month they will confirm that the post is still there and pay you for it. Most networks can pay you with either Paypal or a check. Before you can utilize blog posting networks you’ll need a blog with some traffic and preferably some page rank. If you have both of those then you won’t have a problem making a part-time income.

Most blog networks allow the advertiser to establish their own budgets for each blog post, so the price you get paid ranges from $3-$50 depending on how good your blog is. If you have a good blog then you can make $20-$50 per blog post that you make which is a lot of money. Some of the other blog networks out there pay a flat rate for each blog post which is alright, but I prefer working with the networks that don’t set a flat rate. You’ll make more money with the other networks, and there more ethical and not trying to take a huge cut.

Blog post networks don’t become valuable until after you’ve put a few months into blogging, but then you can reap the benefits. Many people have small personal blog networks that run solely off of these blog posting networks and make them a lot of money. If you have the time then the money can be made fairly easily, it just takes hard work and commitment. I want to take some time to give you a little bit of information about some of the popular blog posting networks out there that you should join once you have an aged blog with traffic.

PayPerPost – www.payperpost.com

This is by far the most popular blog posting network out there and the busiest. There are always hundreds of opportunities and if your blog is good enough then you’ll be able to do a lot of them. They pay new members $20 to do an introduction post onto their blog, and then you get paid by the advertisers for each post you do. They pay on a monthly basis and the easiest and quickest way to get paid is through Paypal.

PayU2Blog – www.payu2blog.com

This network is coming along and they have quite a few offers. They simply email you when they have a job that fits your blog and then they pay you on a monthly basis. Many people have found this network be good for a couple months and then the offers die down, but you can easily make a few hundred dollars in a few months doing the offers that they do have.

Smorty – www.smorty.com

Smorty is a well established pay per post network and they have been around for awhile now and I don’t think you need to worry about them going anywhere. They have a knack for attracting advertisers and therefore also have some awesome blogs in their networks arsenal. Smorty always pays it’s bloggers on time and they offer decent compensation for your work.

ReviewMe – www.reviewme.com

ReviewMe is one of the biggest marketplaces and there are tons of offers in the marketplace. They have a strong foothold in the marketplace and a long list of bloggers ready to make money. They attract some of the highest paying advertisers in the blogging industry and therefore have tons of bloggers looking for opportunities from them. If you have a good blog then you can easily make a part-time income with this network.

SponsoredReview – www.sponsoredreview.com

This is the last network that is on this list and should be all you need. This network has some high paying opportunities and although they don’t have the biggest marketplace you get paid almost twice as much here on average. I recommend this network highly if you’re serious about writing sponsored blog posts.

These five pay per post networks are plenty enough to get you into the world of blog post networks and you should be able to get going immediately pending you have a blog. If you already have a blog then you can join today and get paid within the next thirty days for your first few reviews. There is a lot of money spent in advertising dollars online so grab your piece of the pie today by writing sponsored reviews.


Blog Link Building

Blog Link Building

Bloggers absolutely need to obtain backlinks on their blogs or they won’t ever result too much and there will be hardly any traffic. Ideally as your blog ages you should be getting search engine traffic and if you’re not then it’s probably due to not having enough backlinks pointing to your blog. You should not only work on getting backlinks for your homepage but also for important blog posts and pages. These are called deeplinks and help a lot when you’re trying to rank in the search engines. All of the search engines use different methods for ranking sites but one of the main techniques used is through backlinks. If you have a lot of relevant backlinks on the topic of your blog pointing to the posts and pages then you’ll generally have good search engine rankings. If you have only lousy links that aren’t even on topic with your blog then you will need to begin looking for some better ranking links so that you can then begin ranking better. Many forums can offer good link opportunities but you can also use many techniques to find high page rank links to get backlinks on.

You should start building links for your blog as soon as you begin posting on it and make sure though that you only use natural methods of building backlinks and none other or else you face the risk of getting banned by the search engines. Article submissions, social bookmarking and directory submissions are all things you should do in the early existence of your blog. Make sure you spread your time out amongst these different options so that you build links in many different areas. You should also become active on blogs in your niche so that you can begin gaining some reputation. It doesn’t take long for the owner of a blog to notice someone commenting daily on their blog and in most cases as long as you’re not spamming the owner will usually begin talking with you. This can result in future joint ventures and having relationships with the other bloggers in your niche is vital to the success of your blog.

There is never a time that you shouldn’t be looking to build links to your blog, but over time you’ll get help from that through link bait. This is where you post a good article or report on your blog and people link to it and post it on there blog. This can gain you hundreds of backlinks a day and is the most effective method to one way link building. Blogging is a ton of work and you haven’t already notice this then you soon will as you start building backlinks and having to post daily to your blog.

Try exchanging links with other bloggers in your niche, but make sure you don’t crowd your blog up too much with other people’s links. Try spreading the other people’s links across different pages so that it doesn’t eat away at your page rank juice. Only exchange links with blogs that are the same calibre as your blog and don’t accept a link exchange with a blog that isn’t updated.

Over time link building becomes easier and takes a lot less time but in the beginning you need to set-up the blog to ensure it will do well in the search engines. Building links is part of ensuring that traffic from the search engines is steady and this is why every serious blogger needs to allocate the right amount of time each day for building links.



Video Training Unplugged

All about a keyword rich domain

A good domain name will get you a good page rank. It’s always a good idea to register domain names with keywords that you are planning to target. For example, if you are selling toys online, then it would be better for you to register buytoysonline.com

In the above case, When people type in the keyword “buy toys online”, there is a high chance that – your site will be popping out in the first page of search results.

After you register a domain name – in a manner like we have explained above, you can start getting content for the site. Even in the articles that you are gonna publish in your site, keywords are important. Doing so, can get you in the first page of search results in most of the search engines including Google.

Create as many content pages in your site as possible and link between the pages at appropriate places. You may link to the keywords that you are targeting. It would be helping the link juice in your site to flow throughout the entire site.

After creating content pages in your site, you may create some free blogs and write content related to your niche on those sites also. The advantage of doing this is that – in the middle of the articles, you’ll be able to put links to your original site. This can get traffic and also increase the number of backlinks to your original site. When linking to your original site, give hyperlinks to the keywords that you are targeting – and they should point to pages in your original site(the one you’re gonna promote). For example, if you are planning to sell toys, then link to the words “buy toys online” or something like that. And the link should point to pages in your original site.

After that, you may also try some SEO tricks and methods to increase the PR of your newly created site. You can attempt blog commenting, article marketing in sites like ezinearticles, and social submission and social networking as well.

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All about name suggestion tools

Finding names to register is not an easy task. The process may take days and even months. If you are in such a situation, then you may seek the help of name suggestion tools. You won’t be having to pay any fee for using such services offered by nameboy.com, makewords.com etc. All you have to do is – just enter the keyword that you are targeting – and the site will give you different combination of words that you wanted to search. They will even tell you whether those names are available for you to register or not.

I normally register many domain names in one go. And finding names for my websites was one of the toughest thing for me in the domain registration process. But it was only until I came to know about name suggestion tools. I use a lot of name suggestion tools. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages. All the name suggestion tools that I have came across till now offer their services free of charge. Honestly, these tools have helped me save a lot of my precious time which otherwise I would have wasted for no reason.

These name suggestion tools can sometimes do miracles. Who knows, sometimes they can come up with some real cool names that are available to be registered. These tools have helped me to register domain names that got high page rank from the very first Google update. Some name suggestions sites will help you search for random names which are brandable! Should I tell you anything about a brandable domain name? Hey, take the case of Google – it’s a brandable one. And now it has become a noun – people started using it for the word “search engine”. So, if you want to register a quality domain name then you should be surely trying your luck with a domain name suggestion tool.

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