Tag Archives | Niche Markets

Blogging For Money- Find a WordPress Tutorial

Blogging For Money? Find a WordPress Tutorial

The WordPress blogging platform is quite possible the most popular software for pro-bloggers and newbie bloggers alike. Now the difference between “”wanna-be”” blogging for money bloggers, and the pro-bloggers who make consistent money with their blogs – is that the pro-bloggers know how to use their tools!

WordPress is a powerful online marketing weapon – in the right hands! I think most blogging professionals will agree that  there is no more versatile or user-friendly blogging software than WordPress.

Until you learn exactly how to use the functions available in the software, you won’t realize the potential you have in your hands.

With available free plug-ins and free WordPress themes, you can have a truly spectacular web presence, and it won’t cost you hardly anything at all.

Now, of course the “”Pro-Bloggers”” already know this. But if you’re a “”Newbie Blogger””, then I’m here to tell you that you’re not too far away from being a money-making professional blogger, if you learn how to use WordPress effectively!

Before you begin your blogging for money adventure using the WordPress blogging platform you will have already learned about “”keywords”” and “”niche markets””, etc.

So, you should already have a business model in mind, knowing the keywords you are planning on targeting, as well as knowing how you intend to monetize your new blog.

But in my humble opinion, the most important thing you can learn – is how to use the WordPress blogging platform software.

There are so many things you can do with WordPress that it becomes a little scary and confusing for the new blogger.

You can find forums and articles, free websites, and even WordPress video tutorials that will help you to understand your new WordPress blog.

The more knowledge you have, the more likely you are to succeed in your blogging for money efforts.

In conclusion, there is only one certain way to succeed at blogging for money using WordPress… And that is to understand the WordPress software as well as you possibly can.

If you are going to be a welder, you have to know how to use a welding machine, and all of the tools that go with it.

If you’re going to make money as an auto mechanic, you better learn how to use the tools and equipment in an auto repair shop.

And if you’re going to be a professional blogger, and succeed at blogging for money – you better learn to use the tools of the trade. You better find a good WordPress Tutorial!

The most important tool for the Newbie WordPress Blogger to learn, is the WordPress blogging software itself.


Niche Blogging

Niche Blogging – What Exactly Does It Mean?

As blogging became more crowded and more blogs were being created everyday there came a time when there were to many general bloggers around and many smart webmasters decided to start creating blogs based solely on niche markets. A niche blog is a blog that is narrowed down in topic so that it doesn’t fall into a general category. An example of this would be instead of having a celebrity blog you would have a Paris Hilton blog. As you can see you’ve went from the entire celebrity niche which is too big for person to blog about to just Paris Hilton niche which is easier to blog about and remain on top of all the news. As you know some celebrities have enough news that a blog could be updated everyday with new content and there are also some celebrities that have thousands of search engine searches everyday. This means that by narrowing your audience down you cut down on some traffic possibly, but you’re also going to have a more authority blog by making it in a niche. Many niches to this day don’t have an authority in the niche and that simply means there is still opportunity for more people to take control of a niche market.

There are niche markets everywhere and for every topic you just need to use your imagination. One important thing to remember is not to make your blog to narrow of a niche though because then you simply run into problems with content. It can hard to constantly update a blog about a certain tool or something so instead of blogging about a brand of hammers blog about all hammers. Hammers would be considered a good niche because you’re narrowing it down from the general niche of tools. You can take anything basically and make it into a smaller niche and the reason it’s smart to do so is because you can make a lot more money. Many internet marketers talk about how important it is to get targeted traffic to your products and lead offers and the best way to get targeted traffic on the internet right now is through a niche blog.

If you think about all of your traffic should be targeted because frankly I don’t know anyone who’s looking for clothes find there way onto a blog about hammers. It simply doesn’t happen and if it does then it’s a mistake obviously and it won’t a visitor who stays very long on the blog. All the traffic you get should be people interested in hammers, this means you know have a bunch of people interested in hammers coming to a blog you own. Lights should be going off in your head right now, because by having people at your blog interested in hammers you can now sell hammers on your blog and make a pretty penny.

It could take months to build up the readership on the blog before you start making money but once it starts coming in you’ll be set for a long time to come. If you choose like hammers then if you market yourself properly you could ensure income for life because people will always need to buy hammers. The fact is more people are moving online to buy products and if you can make a niche blog about a certain product then you could be in for big money. Don’t choose a product that gets upgraded every year though because then all the work you do is a waste once the upgrade comes and people stop wanting the old version.

There is an unlimited amount of money that can be made for bloggers who begin narrowing their efforts down to niches and if done properly it’s a goldmine. There is also a lot less work when you create a niche blog because often times it doesn’t need to be updated to often, basically only when there is something going on in the niche of the blog which could be once a week or even once a month. You’ll want to post at least once a month so that you can ensure your blog maintains its traffic and revenue though. When you begin marketing your niche blog you should try finding directories that are specifically related to your niche as they will be valued higher then general directory submissions. Also try obtaining links from other webmasters that already have blogs or sites in your niche, this is a sure fire way to get the search engines you want to see in the quickest amount of time. Remember to stay natural with your link building campaigns though or else you could face problems down the road once the search engines catch on.