Tag Archives | Love

20 Best WordPress Plugins

WordPressLapdance.com 20 Best WordPress Plugins To be successful as a blogger, you definitely need a helping hand with some of the best WordPress plugins which can help you leverage your efforts to get more traffic in less time. Whilst it’s absolutely true that getting Google Traffic is as easy as ABC, it certainly cannot harm your cause to leverage your efforts with the best WordPress plugins out there. Here are the best WordPress plugins I fully recommend. The first 3 are premium plugins which will cost you a small investment, but worth every cent. 1. All In One SEO Pro This plugin allows you to optimise your content by giving it title tags, descriptions and keywords which form the essential elements of your blog posts. 2. SEO Pressor: This is like having an SEO consultant sitting with you at your computer as you sit and type your post. Save your draft as you write your blog posts and the SEO consultant scores you out of 100 in the sidebar of your post to let you know how well your post is optimised. If you’re spending your valuable time posting, you should make sure it’s time well spent to get you some love from the search engines. You can easily do this with SEO Pressor. 3. WP Syndicator: This enables you to syndicate your content across multiple blogging and micro blogging platforms and accounts. This helps you to build your backlinks each time you make a post and cascades your content to extend your brand. WP Syndicator allows you do this on complete AutoPilot. 4


WordPress Plugin Review: Social Media Share Buttons with Digg Digg

just-ask-kim.com If you’ve had a chance to check out my Top 10 Must Have WordPress Plugins post, you probably already know that I’m in love with the Digg Digg plugin. If not, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a plugin that has become a must have on my blog! Social media integration is a must these days and few things are more annoying than trying to get countless little share button plugins to all behave at the same time. It seems no matter what you do with the suckers at least one of them always has to have a mind of its own. Fortunately for us, there’s Digg Digg, a WordPress plugin which integrates nineteen and counting possible social media share buttons. It makes them all easy to lay out, lots of flexibility and the best part is they tend to actually go where you tell them to! (Novel idea right?) PS: You can find my Top 10 list at: just-ask-kim.com