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WSO Google Share Button WordPress Plugin gets Real Traffic from Google Plus – Google Share Button

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Where to Find Free Internet Marketing Video Tutorials

Where to Find Free Internet Marketing Video Tutorials

Google Video is a goldmine of how to video tutorials for affiliates seeking to learn Internet marketing. Its resources containing over 33,000 files on affiliate marketing from video sharing sites around the web and growing everyday. Approximately, one third of these videos originate from Youtube.

Just a small sampling would include topics like online marketing, installing WordPress, Joomla, traffic building, webhosting, email marketing and many more.Although, some are blatant advertisements, many provide the viewer with valuable information.

There are many other video sharing sites that can be used as a resource.But, Google Video is unique in that it has indexed all the video contained at these sites making them all available at one location.

Finding Online Marketing Tutorials On Google

You can access Google Videos from their home page. At the very top of the page click on the words more and then video, from there you can use topic specific keywords to narrow search results.

You can narrow results further by relevance, rating, popularity, date and time duration.

Weed out many of the advertisements by selecting a time duration greater than 4 minutes. This will also allow you to bring up more search results.Time durations greater than 20 minutes will render fewer search results but they tend to be the most content rich videos.

There are three viewing options TV, list and grid.To view videos without opening a new window select list.

A service that will allow you to stay current on topic related video is Google Alerts.Once you sign up for this service they notify you by email.

Who Gains From Video Marketing

Available to rich and poor alike, Youtube cuts across class lines. Gurus and amateurs use the popularity of video to teach new internet marketers strategies to build successful online businesses. If they provide good information, they can attract a loyal following.

This is a win win situation for all parties. Affiliates or new online marketers are provided with free training.And, the video marketer through attraction marketing has a receptive audience, which can be leveraged to sell future products and services.

Tutorials Include List Building: Create squeeze pages to capture email addresses. Content Management: A simple domain search (ex. WordPress site:www.youtube.com) for WordPress tutorials renders over 52,000 in the search results. Traffic Building Tools: Social networking, bookmarking, article writing and linkexchanges. Article Writing: Creating and distributing articles to directories. Website Tools: Learn about free website tools for design and graphics. Google Adwords: How to set-up up and manage an Adwords account. Getting the best ROI (return on your investment). Choosing the most profitable keywords.Don’t Get Scammed

The Internet runs rampant with individuals selling get rich schemes. The promise of earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day can be alluring. Often the promoters of these schemes know the system does not work. But, they profit from the poor unsuspecting individuals who buy the memberships, ebooks and videos they sell.

Like fish in the sea, new Internet marketers who strive to learn the secrets of making money online are often hooked by these con artists. After diligently trying to implement training materials with little or no success, the new Internet marketer begins to doubt their ability to ever succeed in online marketing.

Benefits Of Google and YouTube Videos

As we all know, the written word can sometimes be confusing. Being able to see the narrator give step by step demonstrations can help increase clarity when compared to other media like ebooks and articles.

Youtube and Google videos are an excellent research tool. Because of the massive catalogue of available tutorials you could spend countless hours-learning new and valuable information.

Some of the videos are like mini-courses lasting an hour or more.


If you are just beginning your journey into the world of affiliate marketing, buying expensive teaching materials may not be an option.Youtube and Google are a great place to find free instructional videos.


Best WordPress Plugins

Best WordPress Plugins

Before getting into the best WordPress plugins out there, let’s cover a couple of definitions for the uninitiated among us.

WordPress is the world’s most widely-used open source Content Management System (CMS). While it is often employed as a blog, WordPress is strong enough to run entire websites. So it isn’t just a blogging platform. WordPress is powered by PHP and MySQL, and has exciting features such as templates and plugins that make building fantastic websites relatively effortless. WordPress is used by 13% of the 1,000,000 biggest websites in the world, no small feat considering the breadth of options available.

Plugins are simply applications that augment the capabilities of WordPress and make it better to work with. Most plugins are free.

Here are the best WordPress plugins out there. My opinions are highly subjective, but these are plugins I want you to know about.

#1: All-in-One SEO Pack

The All-in-One SEO Pack makes on-page search engine optimization simple. For this reason, it’s my top pick. With this plugin, adding Meta tags such as title tags, meta descriptions, and keywords has never been easier. This is a good thing, as too many websites are missing these crucial elements (and missing out on online lead generation and/or online sales as a result).

#2: Askimet

Askimet allows you to quit moderating comments. It automatically checks comments left on your website against the Askimet web service to see if they look like spam or not. If it’s spam, they toss the comment out. To keep the service honest, you can analyze the spam it catches to make sure the plugin is doing its job accurately. There are two things that make using this plugin vital. One, your readers will never have to type in a CAPTCHA again. Two, your readers will never have to wait for their comment to be moderated again (this drives me nuts when we visit other blogs).

#3: Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps will produce a special XML sitemap which will allow search engines to index your blog. If that sentence makes your head hurt, just know this: it makes it easier for Google to read your website. That’s a good thing. If Google can’t or doesn’t read your website, that’s bad. You want them to read it so they can share your website with people that use the Internet. Consider this a crucial WordPress plugin if you enjoy trading your labor and/or skills for money.

#4 Subscribe to Comments Reloaded

Consider this one a cherry on the top of your delicious WordPress sundae. Subscribe to Comments Reloaded will change the way people use your blog. Without it, people just stop in, leave a comment, and never return. With this plugin, your readers can click a box saying they wish to be notified of follow-up comments via email. This email notification will (in some cases) cause the reader to return and leave a comment. This will give you more Web traffic, more comments, and it will make your blog more conversational.

#5: TweetMeme

Guy Kawasaki once called this the most important button on the Internet. It probably isn’t at that level today, but it is certainly still highly useful when it comes to getting your message to the masses. Twitter has proven to be a highly beneficial viral marketing tool. If you have something important or interesting to say, odds are Twitter will go a long way in getting your voice heard. Within the Twitter-sphere, there is nothing more valuable than a ReTweet. A ReTweet occurs when someone that reads your content re-broadcasts it to all of their followers. When this happens, viral marketing magic happens. TweetMeme makes it convenient for your blogs’ readers to ReTweet your content, which will bring you more traffic, more comments, and (hopefully) more business.

So there you have it. Those are, in my estimation, the five best WordPress plugins out there.


Best WordPress Plugins to Help With Website Design and Functionality

Best WordPress Plugins to Help With Website Design and Functionality

The great thing about WordPress is the ability to continually add new functions into your blog as they are developed. This functionality is added through plugins which can be easily added through an admin panel. As someone who uses them daily, these are the best WordPress plugins in my opinion.

Deans FCK Editor

This replaces the default WordPress editor that comes with WordPress 3.1. The main reason that I use this is for setting columns and rows inside the pages. This plugin makes it child’s play for setting pages as you can tell it to make the width 100%. The plugin then figures out the pixels for you. With different width themes this is a time saver.

All In One SEO

Setting a website without this plugin is tantamount to criminal neglect. The plugin adds fields underneath the blog post for title, description and keywords metatags. You don’t need to know code or visit metatag generator sites any more.

CBNET Ping Optimizer

During the initial set up of your website, you will probably make lots of changes to pages. This will save your WordPress blog from being tagged as spammer as it won’t post the edits only the new pages.

Contact Form 7

This allows you to set up a contact form on any page. You can create as many forms as you like for the various pages including radio buttons and drop down selections. It creates a piece of code that you can then place on the web page in the appropriate area.

Really Simple Captcha

This useful plugin allows you to have a simple captcha on your contact form above. It’s not the hardest captcha to break but it will stop a certain amount of automated rubbish traffic to your email which can be very annoying otherwise.

Google XML Sitemaps

This plugin automatically updates your sitemap and sends it to Google, AOL and Bing automatically. You need to get an API from Yahoo for it to send automatically to it. You can manually rebuild the sitemap or leave on automatic. It is a great set and forget plugin.


This allows you to make a post sticky at the top of the blog. For those who have never heard the term sticky it simply means that when you click the sticky option on a blog post it is never pushed to the bottom of the page when other posts are made.

Multi Level Navigation Plugin

This allows you to have drop downs from any top menu on your site. It allows unlimited drop down levels if you want. For SEO purposes placing too many sub levels will not be great but it’s there if you really want it.

Page Lists Plus

This allows you to create pages but not show them in the menu. This is perfect for creating privacy policy, terms of use and similar pages which you will probably want to manually add in the footer.

To add in a plugin for your blog, simply click on the plugin menu on the left in the admin section and then choose the “”add new”” option. It will then give you a search box. Type the plugin name and it will find it for you from the WordPress extension site.


How to easily edit your WordPress theme without scripting

A video tutorial on how to edit and change your current WordPress theme without doing a single bit of scripting (which is nice for the lazy people out there like me!) Tutorial for downloading FireFTP: dsblog.orangehorizon.net Psdtuts (Photoshop tutorials): psd.tutsplus.com All you need is a way to recieve and send files to your site (I use the free FireFTP add-on for Firefox), any picture-editing application (I use Photoshop), and an ability to search for images on Google!


Best Ways to Learn WordPress

Best Ways to Learn WordPress

WordPress is an open source web publishing platform. Once the favorite of bloggers, it is quickly becoming the go to application to build any type of website. There are a lot of benefits to using WordPress, including it being search engine friendly and it is simple to change an entire website’s design. The feature that makes it a must use for me is that you can put the control back into the web owners hand. WordPress is significantly easier to update than your traditional HTML websites. This is important because it means web designers can create a website that their clients can control. Anyone who has seen their web designer go AWOL knows the importance of this.

This brings up one question though: Where do I learn how to use WordPress?

1. WordPress.org: If you are new to WordPress make this your first stop. This site is home to the WordPress codex and it contains just about every piece of WordPress knowledge known to man. The codex can be a lot to wrap your head around at first, but there is also a message board here that is quite handy. The message board will allow you to ask the questions you couldn’t figure out from the codex. You might run into some people who just tell you to “”Learn The Codex NOOB”” but most people are willing to help.

2. Online Tutorials: There are a number of WordPress tutorials online. If you have a WordPress issue you can probably search and find a tutorial dealing with that. Using Google and YouTube searches is probably your best bet. Whether you prefer written or video tutorials you should be able to find what you are looking for. Some of the downsides of this method are that video quality can be bad and sometimes the person doing the voice over has an annoying or intelligible voice. I hate having to rewind five times tying to catch what someone is saying. Depending on where you find your tutorial, the creator may not be actively answering any follow up questions you have. This is extremely annoying if you get to end of tutorial and notice you have an issue they didn’t address. That said, if you search around enough you can find good quality tutorials.

3. Coaching: This is the proverbial Cadillac of learning options. There is usually a cost involved but when you figure in how much your time is worth, it is the best option. This is actually how I learned WordPress and it saved me weeks and weeks of time. I spent my first week on WordPress complaining about how it didn’t make sense, and how I wanted to switch back to HTML. I ended up spending a couple hours with a new colleague and he had me up and running in no time. A coupe hours of coaching was able to accomplish more than an entire week of learning on my own. The benefits are that a WordPress coach has dealt with new users before. They have probably already answered your questions. Also he had some tutorials that were unmatched quality. Lastly, instant feedback was amazing. I didn’t have to wait and see if someone would reply to my blog comment. I asked a question and it was answered. If their wasn’t an answer right away – I knew their would be within the day. This is definitely the easiest way to learn.

It is up to you what way you want to learn. All of the above techniques will get you where you want to be, it is just a question on how quick and direct the route is.