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On-Site SEO Optimization

On-Site SEO Optimization

Most bloggers love talking about the many off-site SEO optimization techniques you can use to get better SE rankings, but most neglect to also discuss on-site SEO optimization. If you don’t have a strong handle on your on-site SEO optimization of your blog then you will never see the full affect of your off-site marketing and promotion work. I actually work solely on the on-site SEO of my blog before I even begin starting my off-site SEO methods because without on-site SEO you won’t go very far. There are quite a few ways to make sure your blog is optimized for the search engines and that is exactly what we’re going to discuss in this article.

The first thing to do is make sure all of your meta tags are filled out properly and optimized correctly for your blog. The most important tag is the title tag which basically every search engine uses to gather information pertaining to your blog so make sure that this is filled out properly. You also need to make sure you write a custom description and add keywords to your blogs pages. There is a plug-in for WordPress which lets you make custom titles, keywords and description for each page on your blog and it’s something I couldn’t live without. You don’t need any knowledge of meta tags or HTML to be able to utilize the plug-in either which I find to be awesome.

After you’ve got all your meta tags and other important tags set-up you need to then create a sitemap for your blog. Now there is a plug-in that does this for you but you should also create your own HTML sitemap which is simply a new page on your blog with links to every page on the blog. This will allow the search engines to easily crawl your site and therefore index your pages a lot quicker then if you didn’t have a sitemap.

Once done setting up the sitemap you can begin looking at your content that is already on the blog. Make sure the content is optimized for the keywords that you’re targeting and also clean up any messy code that you notice. Messy code is bad for your search engine optimization and you should do the best you can to clean up all loose ends of coding so that you’re blog is optimized as well as it can be. Also make sure you add in keywords to previous posts for the new keywords that you’re targeting as it will help.

There is more you can do to make sure you have properly done your on-site SEO but there is always more that can be done. On-site SEO is a never ending task that takes time and effort out of your schedule every week, but without it your blog won’t do well at all. The more optimized you make your blog the more exposure you’ll receive from the search engines and if you’re receiving more exposure from the SE’s that directly turns into traffic and possible revenue.


Niche Blogging

Niche Blogging – What Exactly Does It Mean?

As blogging became more crowded and more blogs were being created everyday there came a time when there were to many general bloggers around and many smart webmasters decided to start creating blogs based solely on niche markets. A niche blog is a blog that is narrowed down in topic so that it doesn’t fall into a general category. An example of this would be instead of having a celebrity blog you would have a Paris Hilton blog. As you can see you’ve went from the entire celebrity niche which is too big for person to blog about to just Paris Hilton niche which is easier to blog about and remain on top of all the news. As you know some celebrities have enough news that a blog could be updated everyday with new content and there are also some celebrities that have thousands of search engine searches everyday. This means that by narrowing your audience down you cut down on some traffic possibly, but you’re also going to have a more authority blog by making it in a niche. Many niches to this day don’t have an authority in the niche and that simply means there is still opportunity for more people to take control of a niche market.

There are niche markets everywhere and for every topic you just need to use your imagination. One important thing to remember is not to make your blog to narrow of a niche though because then you simply run into problems with content. It can hard to constantly update a blog about a certain tool or something so instead of blogging about a brand of hammers blog about all hammers. Hammers would be considered a good niche because you’re narrowing it down from the general niche of tools. You can take anything basically and make it into a smaller niche and the reason it’s smart to do so is because you can make a lot more money. Many internet marketers talk about how important it is to get targeted traffic to your products and lead offers and the best way to get targeted traffic on the internet right now is through a niche blog.

If you think about all of your traffic should be targeted because frankly I don’t know anyone who’s looking for clothes find there way onto a blog about hammers. It simply doesn’t happen and if it does then it’s a mistake obviously and it won’t a visitor who stays very long on the blog. All the traffic you get should be people interested in hammers, this means you know have a bunch of people interested in hammers coming to a blog you own. Lights should be going off in your head right now, because by having people at your blog interested in hammers you can now sell hammers on your blog and make a pretty penny.

It could take months to build up the readership on the blog before you start making money but once it starts coming in you’ll be set for a long time to come. If you choose like hammers then if you market yourself properly you could ensure income for life because people will always need to buy hammers. The fact is more people are moving online to buy products and if you can make a niche blog about a certain product then you could be in for big money. Don’t choose a product that gets upgraded every year though because then all the work you do is a waste once the upgrade comes and people stop wanting the old version.

There is an unlimited amount of money that can be made for bloggers who begin narrowing their efforts down to niches and if done properly it’s a goldmine. There is also a lot less work when you create a niche blog because often times it doesn’t need to be updated to often, basically only when there is something going on in the niche of the blog which could be once a week or even once a month. You’ll want to post at least once a month so that you can ensure your blog maintains its traffic and revenue though. When you begin marketing your niche blog you should try finding directories that are specifically related to your niche as they will be valued higher then general directory submissions. Also try obtaining links from other webmasters that already have blogs or sites in your niche, this is a sure fire way to get the search engines you want to see in the quickest amount of time. Remember to stay natural with your link building campaigns though or else you could face problems down the road once the search engines catch on.


Making Use of WordPress Plug-Ins

Making Use of WordPress Plug-Ins

A lot of bloggers don’t make proper use of the many WordPress plug-ins that are available to them and when you don’t utilize them your work becomes a lot harder. There is hundreds of different WordPress plug-ins that can make your blog more SEO friendly as well as more interactive, and you should be using a large number of plug-ins for each of your blogs. Some plug-ins is almost mandatory in the minds of bloggers and I’m going to list some of the more useful plug-ins that you can utilize.

– All in One SEO Pack
– Google Sitemap Generator
– KB Robots Text
– FlickrRSS
– Feedburner Feed Replacement
– Add-This
– WP-Contact Form
– Related Posts
– Popular Posts
– Ad-Man

There is many more plug-ins that can be useful to your blogging experience but typically you should make sure that you’re using the plug-ins listed above. All of the plug-ins can be found on lists throughout the internet by doing a simple search in Google. Simply type the name above and WordPress plug-in and you should find the plug-in mentioned above.

I personally utilize all of the above plug-ins for all of my blogs, and the only one I really don’t use on all my blogs is the FlickrRSS which posts pictures to your sidebar. I only use this for entertainment type blogs and that’s about it. Once you have all of these plug-ins set-ups you’ll notice more traffic coming from the search engines and will also allow for easier navigation and interactivity between users and your blog.

Making your life easier with the use of plug-ins is one of the reasons why so many people are now switching to blogging platforms for their websites and if you don’t utilize the helpful plug-ins then there isn’t much reason to blog. Blogging is ideal for people without programming knowledge which is why the plug-ins is so abundant for WordPress. If you struggle setting up sites, by using WordPress and WordPress plug-ins you’ll be able to change that around quickly. Plug-ins is very simple to activate and use on WordPress as well and most of them come with instructions in the folder file that you download. If you have problems installing I’d check their first and if there isn’t instructions then you could search for them on Google as many places list detailed walkthroughs for many of the popular plug-ins.


5 Popular Must Have WordPress Plugins

5 Popular “Must Have” WordPress Plugins

If you have a WordPress blog, there are certain plugins you will need to install to make blogging easier. A lot of blog posts lately recommend various, “”must-have”” WordPress plugins. Most of the commonly recommended plugins include:

1. All-in-One SEO Pack: Easy fill-in-the-blanks features to optimize your blog post for first-page search engine ranking. Add a Title, Meta Description, and Meta Tags (keywords) to every post you create.

2. WP Greet Box: Shows a different greeting message to your visitors depending on which referrer url they’re coming from (ex., Google, Facebook, Digg, etc.).

3. Aweber Web Form Plugin: “”This widget allows you to quickly and easily…Drag and drop web forms that you have created in your AWeber email marketing account into your blog, without having to log into your AWeber account or copy and paste anything!””

4. Thank Me Later: Automatically sends a “”thank you”” email to anyone who comments on your blog and reminds them to engage further with your blog.

5. Askimet: This plugin comes preloaded on your blog, but you will need to activate it with a WordPress.com API. Just follow the instructions and this plugin will take care of all your blog spam.

Another popular WordPress plugin that you have to purchase and download to your WordPress blog is Popup Domination. This plugin undoubtedly helps increase your email opt-in rates and makes your blog look professional. Most importantly, it helps build your email list. It is widely used and comes highly recommended by professional bloggers. A more affordable alternative is another plugin called OptinPop.

You can find and install most of them from within your WordPress backoffice. Popup Domination can be found by doing a Google search for the product. Installation is usually quick easy with all of the plugins, but OptinPop requires additional technical know-how in order to make it work correctly. You can learn more about OptinPop on their website.

Of course there are more great plugins you can choose from and install on your WordPress blog, but these will definitely make your blogging experience much easier and smoother. This list of popular plugins was compiled from recommendations from professional bloggers and are most certainly recommended for a reason, but having the right plugins will not make you more profitable as a blogger. You have to learn the basics of blogging for success, then you must learn how to market professionally to monetize your blogging efforts.


How to Make Money by Blogging

How to Make Money byBlogging Millions


of people around the world have started blogging, most of them unsuccessful but there are still tons of people who have been successful in making money through blogging. Some bloggers have earned millions of dollars already and we’re only getting into the beginning of blogging which is the scary part. If you want to earn money online then you should take up blogging immediately, it’s not difficult at all and you can earn tons of sustainable income. Blogging is simply writing about a topic you have interests or expertise in and can write on it daily. Typically you need to write daily so the topic should be broad enough to write content on it for years, but then again not to broad that it doesn’t fit into a niche market. With millions of blogs on the internet you need to make sure you niche your blog enough that it fits into a niche market and not a general market. There are already enough authority blogs in the general market and if you plan on making money


then you’ll need to do something better then anyone else has done to date. Now with millions of dollars being spent on blogging by some companies you can expect that some niches aren’t going to make you any money at all because they’ve already been owned by a big company. You should look for something you have expertise in and that fits into a niche, meaning if you like sports don’t make a general sports blog because it won’t make any serious money for you. Instead choose the sport you like the most and then become an authority for that sport, or better yet narrow it down to your favourite sports team and keep the world updated on how they do. If you can narrow your blog range down like we have just down above with sports then you’ll have a much better chance of making money through blogging. Once you have your topic you should then get the domain and hosting to set-up your blog and then begin setting it up. There isn’t much to do in set-up except for choosing plug-ins and a theme basically. Once you have done your set-up process and are happy with the looks of your blog then you should begin posting once a day. If you’ve narrowed your blog down for instance to the Toronto Blue Jays then you’d write a game recap on the days they play and on the days they don’t you’d write about a player or something going on with the team. It’s simple to think up topics for a niche such as your favourite sports team and you shouldn’t face problem with the content as it’s the least of your worries. Once you’ve been adding content for about a month and traffic is starting to become steady then you can start implementing the techniques to earn money. The first thing you should do is sign-up for

Google Adsense

and then implement some of there ads onto your blog. They pay on a cost-per-click basis which means you get paid generally $.XX amount per click. Depending on your blogs topic you might get paid as little as $.0X per click or as much as $XX.XX per click, this number is strictly based on the topic of your blog. For instance a celebrity blog receives low amount per click but a lot of people click the ads whereas a medical blog will receive higher amount per click but a lot less amount of clicks generally. You should focus more on what you expertise in though and less on the amount per click, because without good content you won’t have traffic, and without traffic you won’t make any money. Once you’ve added your Adsense ads you can begin looking at the other possible monetization methods of your blog. Usually the second step to making money on your blog is to implement some affiliate leads or products. Generally if you write a review for the product and post your affiliate link it can earn some sales for you depending on how targeted your traffic is. You can also sell banners and links on your blogs, either through the sidebar or in your blog posts. If you sell the links in blog posts it’d better for the SEO of your blog because you don’t want many outgoing links on your homepage. You can also join review sites which pay you to write a review on your blog. You can earn quite bit money by adding reviews to your blogs from sites like Payu2Blog. There are literally tons of methods you can utilize to monetize your blog and the more you use the better chance you have of making money. You need to ensure that you don’t overdo the ads and affiliate links though because many visitors are turned off by excessive monetizing. People understand you need to make an income, but when you make it obvious they aren’t usually impressed, so you should try camouflaging your ads into your blog posts. The most important to making money through blogging is through good content and promotion. If you don’t have content that makes people stick around then you don’t stand a chance, but if you take the time to write good content then you’ll stand a good chance. Blogging takes months before it begins earning substantial income and you should make sure you allow your blog time to earn you money before giving up on it. It doesn’t take long to write a post each day and if you can do this then the money will come.


How to Make Money Off Of Affiliates

How to Make Money Off Of Affiliates

Most bloggers who are blogging to make money already have some experience with affiliates most likely but for those of you who don’t an affiliate is simply someone who sells a product for someone and receives a commission. You can also get leads that pay money too and this can actually be easier in the beginning and I would recommend that if you’re new you work with getting leads rather then sales. People are more inclined to join something free then to buy something, especially off of a new blog which doesn’t have too much reputation so for the first while stick with leads. I actually wouldn’t even introduce affiliate sales or leads into your blog until at least one month after you begin it. Also it’s only one month if you post everyday if you post less frequently then give it a couple months before introducing affiliates. The last thing you want to do is bombard all your new readers with affiliate ads, instead you want to first build up a readership and then move forward with affiliate ads.

Once you’ve decided to start working with affiliates you need to decide how you’ll go about the task. Some people will make a separate page for affiliates and list them all on one page so that it’s somewhat tucked away and then only people interested in the offers will have to look through them. Other people will add banners or links into their sidebar pointing to the affiliate and then others will make a new blog post with the affiliate lead or product. I find that creating a new post for the product or lead is the best way to go about getting sales, because this way you can write a review of the product and let people know a bit about what there buying. You’ll notice you get more sales from the products and leads that you offer some guidance or knowledge on rather then just posting a banner or link.

When you’re placing links on your blog that point to affiliate URL’s you should use a cloaking plug-in so that you can make friendlier URL’s. A lot of people won’t click links if they know it’s an affiliate link and it’s easy to tell because most affiliate networks use there URL to forward you to the affiliate product. There are plug-ins for WordPress which make this simple though and a quick Google search will do the trick for finding the right plug-in. I’ve noticed on blogs where I cloak my affiliate links up to 30% more action on the links then when I simply use the affiliate link normally and when you’re dealing with money 30% is a fairly large percentage.

That’s about all you need to do in order to display your affiliate links properly so that you can maximize your profits and apart from that all you should be concerned about is making sure the affiliate banners and links you use on your blog fit in the blog. Meanings don’t promote a shoe affiliate on a hat blog, only choose affiliate leads or products that are directly involved with your niche. Also ensure you don’t overdo any affiliate ads because people will quickly become turned off from your blog if everything is an affiliate ad. You should use them sparsely throughout the blog posts to make sure you don’t come off as someone just trying to make a quick buck. People are far more inclined to buy something off of someone who has taught them stuff through the content on the blog, so make sure you continue writing solid content and mix in the affiliate ads as you go.


What You Need to Successfully Run a Blog Network

What You Need to Successfully Run a Blog Network

A lot of bloggers who run either one or a few blogs have been looking into expanding their reach and creating what’s known as a blog network. There are lots of companies who own blog networks nowadays and more are created each day, but only a select few of them are well known and profitable. You can’t expect too be able too run a blog network on your own and that’s the main mistake a lot of bloggers are doing. They think that they can do everything, but the fact is there is only so much time in a day and you won’t be able to do everything needed by yourself if you want too become successful. The one thing all the profitable and well known blog networks have in common is that they outsource a lot of the tedious work and capitalize on cheap outsourcing rates around the web.

Outsourcing too international countries has become a popular way for webmasters too get work done for the lowest possible rates and it’s vital to a blog network. If you want to run a blog network you’ll need an entire team of people working for you, and you’ll basically need to spend your time managing the workers and also working on the small details.

To have any success with a blog network it will take a lot of time as you need to establish each one of the blogs in their market. This isn’t an easy task for one blog let alone multiple blogs so make sure you’re ready to put in the time and work. The first thing you’ll need to purchase is a server in which you can purchase C-Class IP’s with because you’ll need quite a few of these. You should put each blog on there own C-Class IP as it will only cost you roughly $1 per month per IP which is definitely worth it. You don’t want the blogs on the same IP because then Google might see them as a link farm and could punish them severely without any notice. You’ll also need to purchase all of the domains you want to use and set them up on WordPress each on there own IP. Once this is done you’ll need to begin outsourcing too get the blogs going.

At first you’ll only need to be concerned about content and should you hire a couple freelance writers to complete some article packs for you on the niches you’ve chosen for your blog network. Add the articles to post on the blogs once daily and timestamp each article accordingly so that you don’t need to go to each blog each day to make the post. In these early stages you’ll want to make sure you install all your stat counters so that everything is ready to be tracked. Once the content begins too compile on the blogs and they start getting indexed in Google then you’ll need to start finding link builders to build some links. You won’t need too many links in the beginning and should only get a few of them so that you gain some SE recognition. A lot of links can be built down the road for free once you become popular so don’t spend too much money on link building. The most important part to spend money on is the content and you should make sure you have lots of it.

There is a lot more to running a blog network, but this guide should give you a brief outline of what you’re thinking about getting into. Unless you have a fairly nice budget then don’t even consider doing it because you won’t stand a chance. You’ll just burn yourself out quickly and then become bored with blogging in general. You can’t do something that isn’t possible so realize early that if you want to run a blog network you’ll need to outsource most of the work. This means you’ll be running in the negatives for the first few months and then you may start moving into the green. There is a chance you won’t even move into the profits though and this is the risk you take when starting a blog network.


WordPress How To Use WordPress SEO Training Optimization Plugin

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