Tag Archives | blogger

Shutter Reloaded

Extensions, or plugins, are used to give your site or blog more functions and extend its usefulness. They also make it more interesting and more convenient for you, the blogger, and may even draw more readers to your blog! This article will list a few basic WordPress plugins that will definitely improve your blogging experience.
Starting off the list is Shutter Reloaded, a plugin that makes your photo-viewing experience a better one. It uses the Lightbox effect, which is a script that enables images to overlay the existing page you’re on. It is very cool and definitely enhances your image-viewing experience. And because it doesn’t use an external JavaScript framework, it’s very light. That’s always a plus!
Another item on the list is the Google Custom Search plugin. The default search capability that comes with the WordPress page is limited to searches within your posts only. This powerful search capabilities can expand your search to the whole of your website and will be able to return more relevant results to your users.
Third on the list is a very interesting plugin called Akismet. What it does is that it blocks automated spam, which is the type that is sent by automated bots. Akismet eliminates spam by scrutinising the method of delivery, instead of the message itself. Installing this plugin will mean virtually no comment spam, as it is commonly delivered by bots. Automated bots, beware!
Another plugin that would up the convenience level of your WordPress is the Query Posts. It compiles a list of pages similar to the one you’re currently viewing, by way of a calculation of a page’s similarity in terms of title, content and tags. There are a lot of options that you can choose from for you to find related posts.
I’m sure your readers would like leave comments on your page, right? Well then you should install Subscribe to Comments. It enables your commenters to choose if they’d like to be notified of recent comments on your page. When this plugin is installed, a checkbox will appear for your commenters to tick whether or not they’d like to be informed via email of new comments.
Last but definitely not least is the WordPress Automatic Online Backup, an automated backup program that’ll save you the hassle of manually backing up all your databases. As you should already know, it’s crucial to have backups, especially for important data. WordPress Automatic Online Backup sends database backups to your free account at its website, but also does it on-demand. It will delete any old backup as soon as it receives a new one. You can also determine which backup version that you do not want to be deleted.
In conclusion, all the plugins listed are basically plug-and-play, so no hassle of long-winded installations; they are also compatible with WordPress 2.7; not to mention LEGAL and licensed under GNU GPL. They’ll make your WordPress experience a million times better!


WordPress.com – Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Blog

Chris Abraham walks you through how to join the fastest-growing and most elegant free blogging services, WordPress.com. Go from the simple acts of joining all the way through set up and administration. Become a blogger in few than 45-minutes. Most folks only need the first 15 minutes to get you started. Chris is a professional blogging instructor. Enjoy!


How To Install WordPress Plugins To Your Blog Using FTP?

www.PrajwalShinde.com – Free Blogging Videos And Resources WordPress Plugins are one of the most important things that every blogger should use to enhance the functionality, features and presence of their blog. A WordPress Plugin is a special piece of software that helps you to enhance the functionality, features and presence of your blog. The best thing about these plugins are that they help you to add all the features and functions to your blog without you having to do any of the coding. No matter if you are not a web designer, you will be still be able to make your blog look beautiful and powerful with the help of these plugins. Choosing the right wordpress plugins for your blog is very critical for your online presence and business. The point here is not to install all the wordpress plugins that are out there on the internet. You need to choose a handful of important plugins that are going to serve your purpose. I have discussed few very important things relating to wordpress plugins, which every new blogger and online entrepreneur needs to consider for their blogging and internet marketing career. Here is a sneak peak of the things discussed in the video 1. What Is A WordPress Plugins? 2. Why You Need WordPress Plugins? 3. Where To Find The Important WordPress Plugins For Your Blog? 4. Important Plugins Recommended By PrajwalShinde.com Don’t forget to leave your comments below the video. Your comments are really important for me. Prajwal Shinde Follow Me On My Blog


Knowing the difference between Do-Follow and No-Follow Links

Knowing the difference between Do-Follow and No-Follow Links

Not everyone knows the difference between a do-follow link and a no-follow link, but they are two links that differ by a lot and you should make sure you know how they differ. If you have no-follow links then the links won’t be counted towards any search engine rankings, but if the link is do-follow then you will get a boost in your search engine rankings for the given keyword phrase that the link is under. Do-follow links is the only type of links that will help you when trying to help you search engine rankings or when trying to raise your page rank. Not a lot of the links that you build will be no-follow and if you’re wasting your time on building no-follow links then you need to reconsider how you’re spending your time.

When you comment on a blog you should make sure that you spend time only commenting on the blogs that have do-follow links enabled. Usually a blogger will show you that their blog is do-follow by showing some image near the comment box that says something like U-Comment – I-Follow. This means that the blog should be do-follow and that the links will count towards helping you in the search engines. Not too many bloggers allow this though on their blogs, and when you do find them it’s hard to find any pages on the blog with page rank that you can comment on. Finding these links is over half the battle that you will face when searching for these links, but once you have them then you can re-use them on all of your blogs which can help you out in the long run.

Certain links on many of the social bookmarking sites are also no-follow, but these should still be pursued by you as a blogger because they offer an initial traffic surge. It only takes a couple minutes to do and will help your blog in the long run with building an established traffic base. Even if a link isn’t do-follow it can still be profitable pending it brings you in a lot of clicks, so sometimes it’s wise to get some links in high traffic areas even if they are no-follow links.

Most of your links that you’ve built in the past will most likely be no-follow links since there always abundant and easy to get. Once you find a couple high rankings pages that have do-follow enabled though then you should be able to increase your page rank and search engine rankings with just a couple links. It’s not always the amount of links that matters for search engine rankings as you’ll learn. For instance one of my blogs has thousands of no-follow links and is PR0 and another one of my blogs has roughly 100 backlinks and is a PR4 because it has strong do-follow backlinks.

You should also make sure that you remember the use of the different links when you blog on your own blog as well, because there is no point giving someone a do-follow link when they shouldn’t get one. If all of the links on your blog are do-follow then it could also hurt your search engine rankings simply because of all the outgoing links that you will have on your blogs. If you make the link no-follow then it won’t be credited a backlink from your blog which means that it won’t hurt your page rank or rankings in the search engines at all. Often people need to use a link in their blog posts which if you post daily can add up to a lot of outgoing links fairly quickly, so to avoid this make sure you use the no-follow attribute when adding your links to your posts.


Can I Build My Blog Links to Quickly

Can I Build My Blog Links to Quickly

Bloggers constantly are working on building links to there blog and you can believe on many webmaster forums there are bloggers discussing whether or not links can be built to quickly on a blog. I tend to believe that as long as you’re building natural links to your blog, then you won’t be penalized and I haven’t seen any evidence to show me that bloggers have been punished for building natural links too quickly. The problem is that some bloggers use unethical techniques or automated software to build links and these are the people that are punished. Any type of link building that looks unnatural to the search engines will usually result in your blog becoming banned from that search engines index. Being banned from Google could ruin the whole blog and you might need to start over again on a new domain if it happens so try to make sure you only use ethical link building techniques.

If you feel the method is dodgy then don’t do it for your blog, instead test it out on another domain you own and see what happens. This is how I find out if many of the services offered around webmaster forums are worth it or not. If it bans a new blog then I don’t really care and its lesson learned for cheap, but if you use the service on your good blog first then if it’s a shifty service you might be in trouble with the search engines.

As long as you follow basic rules then you will be fine when building links. For instance many bloggers are good at writing content and therefore receive a lot of link bait, which results in a ton of backlinks very quickly for the blogger. The search engines don’t punish the blogger for this as it’s a natural form of link building. If you use an automated program to submit your blog to a thousand directories then you might need to be a bit concerned about Google and the other search engines banning your blog.

If you think your site might be banned then check the index of the search engines to see if your blogs pages are still appearing in the search rankings. Also check your stats to see if there is a big dip in the search engine traffic, because this either means you’re in the sandbox or banned. If you’re in the sandbox this could be because your domain is new and therefore you’ll need to wait a few months to regain your search engine rankings. In the meantime you should build more backlinks to your blog though.


Blogging for Money

Blogging for Money

Blogging for money is one of the loosest terms in the blogosphere lately and almost everyone who’s anyone has there own blog now. Celebrities, sports stars, rock stars and even kids have blogs nowadays and with them being so easy to function it’s no wonder they’ve become so popular. Blogs are now used to earn an income from and after the likes of ShoeMoney who is a blogger who became rich from it everyone wants their piece of the action. Now there are many methods of monetizing your blog and your efforts won’t be unnoticed. The more work you put into your blog the more return you will see in the long-run and it’ll be completely worth it.

In the beginning you shouldn’t be looking for methods to monetize your blog but instead you should be aiming to try and target traffic. The most important part to running a successful blog is the traffic and without the traffic you won’t be able to get very far in the industry. Millions of blogs are on the internet and with so many being on the internet it’s difficult to make yours stand out from the others. This is why you should avoid adding ads in the beginning until you’ve established a good amount of steady traffic to your blog and once you do that then implement your ads.

When it comes times to begin implementing your ads to your blog you will need to take a look at the many different options you have. First and probably the most popular is your cost per click ads like Google Adsense, where you place a block of ads on your site and every time someone clicks it you receive a certain amount of money. This can add up over time and the more traffic you have viewing the ads the higher your earnings will be, which is why I stress leaving ads off your blog until it would be worth having them on it. Many people get turned off by ads, especially badly places ads. Try refraining from having Google Adsense in the content of your blog and try keeping it off to the side in one of the themes sidebars.

Another form of monetizing your blog can be from CPA offers which is a cost per action usually either an email submit or a sale of a product. There are many networks hosting many different CPA offers and some can pay very nice amounts of money depending on the niche that you’re involved in. Some great networks to join are Commission Junction and MaxBounty, one is for product sale commissions and the other offers many trail and free cost per action offers.

There is a lot of money that can be made in the blogosphere and depending on your skills you could have a head start to making money, but no matter your experience you’ll have a chance of making money. It’s rather simple to maintain and set-up a blog so you should have many problems with that and the networks for ads all have great support and guides for you to follow. Make sure you take the time to read the guidelines and also the rules so that you don’t break them, and then start implementing the ads throughout your established blogs.


Blog users have turned themselves into graphic- savvy people

Blog users have turned themselves into graphic- savvy people. Some famous and popular blogs are very distinctive not only their contents and posts but also their designs. Even if you are not an influential blogger, you still prefer to create a blog that portrays your personality. Themes featured in websites are not merely there to decorate sites. They are created to show individuality and personalization. Kubrick theme has become WordPress staple in terms of site theme. However, there are several reasons why custom themes are chosen over Kubrick theme.
The theme chosen is crucial to portray the type of blog you want show to public. Photography blogs adapt more photo- related layout designs than bland and boring theme to show more attitudes. Beauty blogs will of course feature cosmetic-related headers and pastel- coloured layout designs. That is why Kubrick theme is slowly fading from blogging scene. Kubrick theme has simply failed to bring the X- factor in blogs no matter how well the posts are written. People feast their eyes first before reading the contents.
Another reason to the rising popularity of custom theme over Kubrick theme is practicality. Custom theme can be changed many times according to your liking whereas for Kubrick theme, you can only re-adapt it. If it is total makeover that people want, Kubrick theme loses out big time because no matter how you re-adapt the theme, it still retains the Kubrick look. That is a turn- off to many users which explains the declining popularity of Kubrick theme.
For beginners, Kubrick theme is used to start a blog. However, after they are well- versed in site application they might want to change themes for fresher look. People do get bored easily with the same theme. In this case, people will get bored of Kubrick theme if the theme is used for a long time.
Custom theme is created to make blogosphere merrier with bright hues and pictures. If everyone is using Kubrick theme for WordPress sites, reading blog is going to be so boring since you will be looking at the same layout over and over again. Therefore, custom themes are the best solution to re-create websites with a dash of personalization and attitude.
Creating new themes out of sheer enjoyment seems to be popular for people who have basic HTML, CSS and Photoshop skills. More people are utilizing their talents to customize their own sites. Sometimes it is not about reputation, people do enjoy being creative. Using only Kubrick theme in websites only makes your creativity stagnant.
People also download many themes at the same time to keep in case they want to test which theme suit their blogs the best. Unlike Kubrick theme, custom themes can be studied and reproduce to create new and better designs. Even if you are IT illiterate, there are always free design websites that give a variety of designs to be chosen. To take your WordPress website to a higher level, you can either choose to hire professionals to design theme of your choice or download limited version of designs form paid websites.
In conclusion, we live in a world where illustration and graphics matter. Kubrick theme used to be the trendiest thing until we discover custom themes.


Blog Posting Networks

Blog Posting Networks

There are plenty of blog posting networks out there now and over the past couple years they have made people thousands of dollars. Blogging has become a great way for advertisers to advertise to a targeted market and many companies are taking advantage of this. Basically a blog posting network is a middle man between the blogger and the advertiser.

The network works on finding advertisers for their network marketplace and then as a blogger you can sign-up to the network and apply for jobs from the marketplace. There are some big networks out there already that offer quite a larger amount of advertising availabilities so you should be able to find some offers for your blog. Advertisers will post their needs in the marketplace and if your blog meets the requirements then you’ll be able to take on the job. Once you make the post, the network will confirm it’s been made and then in one month they will confirm that the post is still there and pay you for it. Most networks can pay you with either Paypal or a check. Before you can utilize blog posting networks you’ll need a blog with some traffic and preferably some page rank. If you have both of those then you won’t have a problem making a part-time income.

Most blog networks allow the advertiser to establish their own budgets for each blog post, so the price you get paid ranges from $3-$50 depending on how good your blog is. If you have a good blog then you can make $20-$50 per blog post that you make which is a lot of money. Some of the other blog networks out there pay a flat rate for each blog post which is alright, but I prefer working with the networks that don’t set a flat rate. You’ll make more money with the other networks, and there more ethical and not trying to take a huge cut.

Blog post networks don’t become valuable until after you’ve put a few months into blogging, but then you can reap the benefits. Many people have small personal blog networks that run solely off of these blog posting networks and make them a lot of money. If you have the time then the money can be made fairly easily, it just takes hard work and commitment. I want to take some time to give you a little bit of information about some of the popular blog posting networks out there that you should join once you have an aged blog with traffic.

PayPerPost – www.payperpost.com

This is by far the most popular blog posting network out there and the busiest. There are always hundreds of opportunities and if your blog is good enough then you’ll be able to do a lot of them. They pay new members $20 to do an introduction post onto their blog, and then you get paid by the advertisers for each post you do. They pay on a monthly basis and the easiest and quickest way to get paid is through Paypal.

PayU2Blog – www.payu2blog.com

This network is coming along and they have quite a few offers. They simply email you when they have a job that fits your blog and then they pay you on a monthly basis. Many people have found this network be good for a couple months and then the offers die down, but you can easily make a few hundred dollars in a few months doing the offers that they do have.

Smorty – www.smorty.com

Smorty is a well established pay per post network and they have been around for awhile now and I don’t think you need to worry about them going anywhere. They have a knack for attracting advertisers and therefore also have some awesome blogs in their networks arsenal. Smorty always pays it’s bloggers on time and they offer decent compensation for your work.

ReviewMe – www.reviewme.com

ReviewMe is one of the biggest marketplaces and there are tons of offers in the marketplace. They have a strong foothold in the marketplace and a long list of bloggers ready to make money. They attract some of the highest paying advertisers in the blogging industry and therefore have tons of bloggers looking for opportunities from them. If you have a good blog then you can easily make a part-time income with this network.

SponsoredReview – www.sponsoredreview.com

This is the last network that is on this list and should be all you need. This network has some high paying opportunities and although they don’t have the biggest marketplace you get paid almost twice as much here on average. I recommend this network highly if you’re serious about writing sponsored blog posts.

These five pay per post networks are plenty enough to get you into the world of blog post networks and you should be able to get going immediately pending you have a blog. If you already have a blog then you can join today and get paid within the next thirty days for your first few reviews. There is a lot of money spent in advertising dollars online so grab your piece of the pie today by writing sponsored reviews.