
Video Training Unplugged

How to host a newly created domain name?

After you register a domain name, the next thing that you should be doing is to host it somewhere. Its better to go with a reputed hosting company even if they charge a little bit higher than the rest. But if you don’t care with whom you host your site, then you may even go with a free hosting provider.

Depending on the size and complexity of your site, you may choose either a shared hosting, virtual private hosting or a dedicated hosting. When you buy a shared hosting account from a hosting provider, you will be allocated a portion of the disk space that is shared by thousands of other members who have already bought shared hosting from them. Not just the disk space, you’ll be sharing the RAM, bandwidth and other such resources with the many others who are hosting their sites with that particular shared hosting provider. If your site is getting a large amount of traffic daily, then it’s better to go with either a VPS (virtual private server) or a dedicated hosting.

The working of a VPS is much like a dedicated server. Here some kind of special software will be used by the hosting provider and this way you’ll be given a separate area under a server. But unlike a shared hosting account, the RAM, bandwidth and other such resources won’t be shared with others. You will be able to choose different plans according to your needs. Based on that, you’ll be given the resources which will be used exclusively for your needs. A VPS can be ordered for as low as $20 per month.

If your site is getting a lot of traffic, then you may opt for a dedicated server. This way, you are buying a separate server machine from the hosting provider. The server will be taken care by them exclusively for your needs. You can host unlimited number of sites in your dedicated server. The various resources like RAM, bandwidth, etc will be allocated just for your sites that you are hosting under the server. The price for a dedicated server will range from $ 65 to upwards per month.

Video Training Unplugged

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