Five Quick Tips For Easy Blogging

Five Quick Tips For Easy Blogging

Blogging is a phenomenon that has swept across society with the fervor and enthusiasm of things new and life-changing. People are blogging about all kinds of things – from corporate business blogging, news blogging to personal blogs on a plethora of interesting subjects. In order to get the most out of your blog, you need to observe five simple steps to make it a success:

1. Pagerank versus Relationship Building

Most people after they’ve been blogging for a while become cognizant of pagerank and what it can do for traffic and search engine results. Pagerank is a number that is placed on your page by search engines that represents just how important the content of your page ranks when compared to another page. The higher your pagerank, the more important your page – the higher the page shows in the search engine results. This means that if somebody searches for a specific topic, your webpage will show up on page 1 or 2 of the results pages versus page 1,265 or lower. Most people make decision and click on a search result on the first 5 pages or less of the search results, so showing up on those results pages means that you will get more clicks which equals more visitors.

While you may optimize your pages strictly to turn up very high in the search results, you will want to keep in mind that what you write is just as important as the number of keywords you use in order to get good search engine results. The reason this is important is that while search engines are driven by robots who scour the web for relevant content to populate their database of search results, the people who click on those results are actual human beings. So, you will want to present a blog that is both search engine optimized AND human readable. This builds relationships which is just as important.


Comments are those things that people leave on your blog posts that tell you opinions of your readership. A good blog builds like a community, and everything you blog about is comment-able. The more good comments, the more social-friendly your blog becomes and more popular by result. Comments are made by human beings who are reading your content and posting their negative or positive opinions.

3. Trackbacks

Trackbacks, on the other hand, are automated. They automatically notify another blog that have a link to an article on the other blog. You can use trackbacks to initiate a “ping” which is a way to alert the other blog that there is now an incoming link from your blog to theirs. Sending trackbacks usually results in an incoming link to your site, and since you are referencing their post, it is only courteous to let them know. This is also another method of relationship building.

4. Linkbacks

Linkbacks are actual links on your website to another blog. These are considered incoming links, but unlike trackbacks, they are automatic. Link exchanging is one of the highest forms of relationship building, and linking to a specific blog or blog post is what makes the Internet go round. The best type of linkback is an incoming link. So, if you have two blogs that are similar, you can link from one site, and have the other blog owner link to the second site you own. In that way, everyone gets a non-reciprocal linkback which builds search engine love.

5. Ways To Add Content

A good blog has a number of different methods to add content to their site – direct blogging, automatic blogging and guest blogging. These three methods are easy to implement and add variety to your blog site. Direct blogging is just like it sounds – you write up a relevant article or post and put it up on your blog. The second, automatic blogging requires a blog plugin. With it you can set it up to blog on a schedule, either articles you have posted with dates into the future or from an RSS feed that posts on a schedule. Lastly, you can allow other folks to post, or guest blog, on your site. They write the content and you give them a special log in and password. This adds content to your site without you writing it. Usually, all you need to do is approve what they’ve written.

There you have it. We’ve just gone through five quick tips to get you started on running a successful blog. Now that you know more about ways to add content, linkbacks, trackbacks, comments and pagerank, you can get started today with making your blog the best it can be.

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