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There Are Many Shopping Cart Types Merchants Can Choose From

There Are Many Shopping Cart Types Merchants Can Choose From

There are several different types of shopping cart options for online business owners to choose from including merchant service shopping carts, hosted shopping carts, and fully integrated shopping carts.

Merchant service shopping carts can be managed through your administration area. They provide an interface to manage product catalogue, define your prices and to change the prices. You can use “Buy” links or buttons located near the product descriptions. These links and buttons when clicked on by the customer bring the customer to the merchant’s site where they enter the personal data and credit card number to complete their transaction. This financial information is obtained off your site thus allowing you to abstain from having to have a secure site. The fact that the customer is directed away from your site may make your customer uneasy. The redirect tells your customer that you are a small business, and they may not like being taken to another site where they may not be familiar with the company that will be solicitation their credit card number.

A hosted shopping car generally needs little or no programming and allows your customer to stay on your site for the financial part of the purchase experience. Hosted shopping carts are a good deal for both the small and medium sized online businesses that do at least $1,000 USD worth of business each month. The fact is that the customer will still be redirected to the hosting site but with interfaces being able to be configured to look just like your site they probably won’t know that they are being redirected. You keep your integrity and look just like the “big corporate guys” but with out the cost of being one. Some programming may be necessary to be able to set up the hosted shopping cart and you want the ability to keep your color scheme to stay the same as your website. In the hosted shopping cart you are able to use your payment gateway and merchant account so that the customer’s credit card statement will contain your company’s name, and not the name of the merchant service. The ability to have your company’s name on the statement is that it avoids charge backs that occur when the customer sees a different name from the one they are expecting.

The fully integrated shopping carts are the best choice for online business owners who can afford them. They have the ability to configure them with extended features that are not possible with the other two options such as allowing for discounts, certificates, ratings and comments from visitors, and the ability to define product categories and subcategories, to calculate shipping costs, and tax. Fully integrated shopping carts do require some good programming skills and can also be used with your own merchant account.

The shopping cart that you choose to use on your Website will help to determine how professional you appear to your customers. The more professional your site appears the more customers will be drawn to your site. The more customers you have, the more sales you will generate. Research all your shopping cart options carefully before deciding.


How to Make a WordPress Website – Make a Brand New Website By the End of Today With These 4 Steps

How to Make a WordPress Website – Make a Brand New Website By the End of Today With These 4 Steps

Want to know how to make a website in just a few hours or less? WordPress is the answer. Here’s a basic 4 step process to that will help you make a website from scratch and be online by the end of today.

Step One) Buy a Domain and Cheap Hosting Plan- In order to make a website, you need these two things. There is no way around it. But the good news is, these are both cheap things to purchase. The hosting account will be the place where you place your website files. The domain name will be the name of the website.

Average Hosting Cost- Less than $10 per hour.

Average Domain Cost- Around $10.

Step Two) Install WordPress on the Domain- What? Install it on the domain? Don’t worry, this is as simple as clicking the WordPress button, then choosing the domain you want to put it on from a drop down list. Done.

Step Three) Customize The WordPress Site- Click on Appearance and choose from 1,000’s of Themes that will change the look and functionality of the website itself. Some themes are very customizable, whereas others are just “”plug and play””.

You can choose between thousands of Plugins as well, which help to further enhance the usability of the website. Some plugins will help you insert YouTube videos, or add star-ratings, or tables, or anything else under the sun you can think of.

Step Four) Publish the Site- All you have to do to put the website onto the web from here is click “”Publish””. Voila! You are on the web with a fully functional website.

The most important step is to find a quality hosting plan that will give you everything you need to make a WordPress website.


Why Use WordPress

Why Use WordPress?

Are you interested in starting your own blog? Are you using a blogging platform right now and they’re just not happy with that? Well, I’ve great news. I have been blogging for quite some time and have used pretty much every blogging platform out there.

I have finally came to realize that there is no other blogging platform that is comparable to WordPress in my opinion.

WordPress is a far superior blogging platform and there are quite a few reasons why. I will list just a few in order to keep this article relatively short period

The Ease-Of-Use

WordPress by nature is just very easy to use. When it comes to writing down your thoughts and categorizing them in an easy to use and read format WordPress nails it.

The control panel that WordPress uses is super simple. You login, click a couple buttons, start writing and then click another button in your post is ready to be read by the world. Does it get any easier?

Search Engine Friendly

WordPress comes out of the box pretty search engine friendly. Although, you do need to change a few things after you install the blog.

The first, in my opinion, would be the permalink structure. Unfortunately, when you first set up your blog the permalink structure is not very pretty. But luckily that is easily corrected. Now, thepermalinkstructure is just a sample of what you can do with the default WordPress platform.

The Plug-Ins

Oh the plug-ins. You definitely cannot forget the plug-ins when it comes to WordPress. The wide range of plug-ins that are offered for WordPress for absolutely free is astonishing. You can find a WordPress plug-in to do pretty much anything you want.

Especially optimize the blog for search engine performance. A wide range of plug-ins that are available will make your blog a powerhouse when it comes to dominate in the search engines.

The Themes

WordPress has thousands of themes that are available. You can pretty much find a theme for any niche you can possibly imagine. The themes are well coded and very sharp.

You can find many styles of themes that will fit your personal needs, and most likely you will find it for free.

Anyway, that is just the few small reasons why I choose WordPress over the other blogging platforms. I could go on and on for hours about why you should use WordPress, but unfortunately I am limited to the space I can use here today.

But, knows this… WordPress is the number one blogging platform out there right now. That is my opinion at the time of this writing.


How to Make a WordPress Theme – Learn the Correct Steps on How to Edit WordPress

How to Make a WordPress Theme – Learn the Correct Steps on How to Edit WordPress

Do you want to know how to make a WordPress theme? You can learn how to edit WordPress and create your own customized themes. This is one of the most beautiful things about using WordPress. It enables you to truly express yourself by customizing all of your blog posts.

When you have used the standard WordPress installations there are several themes which you get to choose from. This is good for starting out. However, after awhile you will find that this is not enough. You will need to find some more themes if you are going to keep your blogs interesting.

If you want to change the themes on your blog you should click on the theme that you want then click “”activate “”. Of course, if you are tired of using the themes that came with WordPress you can always import some of your own. If you want to use a new theme for your WordPress blog you will need to download it. There are many WordPress themes which are available on the internet. You can go to the galleries and find a theme which perfectly suits you. Be sure that you choose one that is going to add a sense of style to your blog. There is nothing which turns people off of a blog faster than a boring theme and dull site. If you want to enhance your blogs you should download a new theme.

After you have downloaded your new theme you should be sure to upload it. You can either upload a zip of your theme or you can extract the theme and then upload it. The choice is yours. Either way you have to get the theme uploaded before you can use it. Once you have to theme uploaded you should see the option to select it as your site’s default theme.

There are many different WordPress themes. You will be able to find something that suits your tastes and the style of your site. If you are looking for WordPress themes you should start by looking online.

If you are looking for advice on how to use WordPress you should start by looking on the internet. This is best place to go when you are looking for themes as well. There are many great themes out there which you can download for not charge. You can use these on your blogs to keep things fresh and exciting on your site.


How to Install WordPress Themes1

How to Install WordPress Themes

One of the most popular CMS systems going around the world today is WordPress. Much of it’s success is down to ease of use, and how beginner friendly the whole platform is. This ease of use also extends to installing WordPress themes, but sometimes you need a bit of a hand.

Starting from WordPress Version 2.7 onwards. You can now install WordPress themes straight from your admin section. Once logged in into the backend, go Appearance –> Add Themes. From here you can search through WordPress own back catalogue of templates. After choosing one it is just a few simple clicks and follow the steps to install it.

However you may not always be able to find the template you are looking for through this catalogue. Often it is hard to gauge just how well it will look on your site from a tiny thumbnail. In instances like this you can surf around the web looking for free WordPress themes.

Once you find a theme you like, you will need to download it to your own PC. It will likely be in either RAR or ZIP format, so you will need a unzipping tool. WinRar is free to download if the file has a.rar extension. Once unpackaged, you will need to FTP/Upload the files to your own webhost. Most webhosts put your files into the “”public_html”” folder so that is a good place to start. If your WordPress installation is in the root directory, you should be in the right place instantly on connection, otherwise you will need to navigate through the folders.

You then need to navigate through to the themes folder. The directory tree goes something like: public_html –> *WordPress installation folder* –> wp-content –>themes.

You can upload your unpackaged theme to this folder.

Then it is is a matter of logging back into your admin panel. Going Appearance –> Themes and activating your new theme. If on this screen you cannot see a thumbnail picture of the the theme you just uploaded. Try doing a refresh of the page by pressing f5 on your keyboard. If it still doesn’t show, make sure that when you uploaded the new theme, that it was placed into it’s own folder. If this still doesn’t resolve the problem you may have downloaded a dud package and you can either try downloading it again, or finding another theme.

Learning how to install WordPress themes just becomes second nature after a while. Especially once you work out the WordPress directory structure. Plus don’t forget that once you settle on a nice looking theme, you rarely change it again!


Where to Find Free Internet Marketing Video Tutorials

Where to Find Free Internet Marketing Video Tutorials

Google Video is a goldmine of how to video tutorials for affiliates seeking to learn Internet marketing. Its resources containing over 33,000 files on affiliate marketing from video sharing sites around the web and growing everyday. Approximately, one third of these videos originate from Youtube.

Just a small sampling would include topics like online marketing, installing WordPress, Joomla, traffic building, webhosting, email marketing and many more.Although, some are blatant advertisements, many provide the viewer with valuable information.

There are many other video sharing sites that can be used as a resource.But, Google Video is unique in that it has indexed all the video contained at these sites making them all available at one location.

Finding Online Marketing Tutorials On Google

You can access Google Videos from their home page. At the very top of the page click on the words more and then video, from there you can use topic specific keywords to narrow search results.

You can narrow results further by relevance, rating, popularity, date and time duration.

Weed out many of the advertisements by selecting a time duration greater than 4 minutes. This will also allow you to bring up more search results.Time durations greater than 20 minutes will render fewer search results but they tend to be the most content rich videos.

There are three viewing options TV, list and grid.To view videos without opening a new window select list.

A service that will allow you to stay current on topic related video is Google Alerts.Once you sign up for this service they notify you by email.

Who Gains From Video Marketing

Available to rich and poor alike, Youtube cuts across class lines. Gurus and amateurs use the popularity of video to teach new internet marketers strategies to build successful online businesses. If they provide good information, they can attract a loyal following.

This is a win win situation for all parties. Affiliates or new online marketers are provided with free training.And, the video marketer through attraction marketing has a receptive audience, which can be leveraged to sell future products and services.

Tutorials Include List Building: Create squeeze pages to capture email addresses. Content Management: A simple domain search (ex. WordPress for WordPress tutorials renders over 52,000 in the search results. Traffic Building Tools: Social networking, bookmarking, article writing and linkexchanges. Article Writing: Creating and distributing articles to directories. Website Tools: Learn about free website tools for design and graphics. Google Adwords: How to set-up up and manage an Adwords account. Getting the best ROI (return on your investment). Choosing the most profitable keywords.Don’t Get Scammed

The Internet runs rampant with individuals selling get rich schemes. The promise of earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day can be alluring. Often the promoters of these schemes know the system does not work. But, they profit from the poor unsuspecting individuals who buy the memberships, ebooks and videos they sell.

Like fish in the sea, new Internet marketers who strive to learn the secrets of making money online are often hooked by these con artists. After diligently trying to implement training materials with little or no success, the new Internet marketer begins to doubt their ability to ever succeed in online marketing.

Benefits Of Google and YouTube Videos

As we all know, the written word can sometimes be confusing. Being able to see the narrator give step by step demonstrations can help increase clarity when compared to other media like ebooks and articles.

Youtube and Google videos are an excellent research tool. Because of the massive catalogue of available tutorials you could spend countless hours-learning new and valuable information.

Some of the videos are like mini-courses lasting an hour or more.


If you are just beginning your journey into the world of affiliate marketing, buying expensive teaching materials may not be an option.Youtube and Google are a great place to find free instructional videos.


The Usefulness of a Shopping Cart To Commercial Websites

The Usefulness of a Shopping Cart To Commercial Websites If you are a website owner you should understand how useful a shopping cart will be to the success of your website. A shopping cart can be used for easy purchasing of items especially multiple item purchases. A shopping cart can be used for physical products, for services, for subscriptions, and for free trials. Shopping carts can calculate subtotal of the cost of the items selected, the cost of various shipping options, and the cost of tax if that is an option. Shopping carts can handle various currencies, domestic and international shipping options and discount and certificate options. Shopping carts are used in commercial websites worldwide. There are many benefits to the website owner in using a shopping cart. When a shopping cart is installed on a website individuals from all over the world can go online and shop on your website. Shopping carts can be customized to accommodate these international visitors. Multiple currencies can be utilized by shopping cart software and can also be made available to different languages. Your shopping cart should have the best security available to protect your customers and to give them confidence in purchasing from you. There are many benefits to using a Paypal Shopping cart including the fact that it is inexpensive there are no set-up charges, monthly charges, merchant accounts, gateway or shopping cart fees. Paypal does payment processing; there is fraud protection, and merchant tools to accept payments, which are included in the fees, accessed by Paypal, which are very reasonable. The fees are only applied when you accept the payment. If the individual does not pay, then you do not pay a fee. The Paypal shopping cart integrates well with other payment processors and is easy to set up on your Website. You can add product details, and use multiple options such as color, size etc. You can use multiple buttons such as a donation button, a buy now button, and a customizable button option. You can also include your own image or logo or even a background in order to integrate the shopping cart to your website. The Paypal shopping cart is the perfect solution for small business owners when they have 50 or less items to offer on their websites. The benefits of Google Checkout are many and include the fact that it can help to increase your sales and it works with AdWords and reduces your lead-generation expenses. You can reach more customers by using the Google Checkout badge on your AdWords so that you are identified as a participating merchant which will give your customers confidence. Google’s checkout process is a secure process. Google has a policy that for every $1 you spend on AdWords you can process $10 in sales for free. Google has reasonable per transaction fees, which is a low payment processing cost.