Archive | wordpress

Artisteer – Create You Own Stunning WordPress Themes – And Much More1

Artisteer – Create You Own Stunning WordPress Themes – And Much More

If you’re online regularly you’ve undoubtedly heard of WordPress. If you’re into Internet Marketing or have a personal blog, chances are you’re using WordPress, and most likely more than a single installation if you’re an Affiliate Marketer.

I have no doubt that a new program called Artisteer will soon be synonymous with WordPress, even though you may not have heard of it …yet. Artisteer is one of the hottest new software programs to be released recently, and was the
Product of the Year by
The Red Ferret Journal. If you haven’t heard of Artisteer yet, I can promise you that it will soon be in every smart marketers WordPress toolbox. As much as you need those certain plugins every time that you install WordPress, you also need a beautiful, functional, fully W3C compliant theme. That’s where Artisteer comes in.

When you install WordPress one of the first decisions to be made is, which theme will I use ? Obviously there are tens of thousands of themes to choose from, but there’s drawbacks to free themes as well as premium themes.

Should you choose a free theme, there’s a chance that unless you really know the source of the theme, you could be getting more in the code that you want, read
malicious script. Although I like to believe that the overwhelming majority of people are honest and aren’t out to do anything underhanded, there are those individuals lurking around the Internet that have bad intentions. Also, when you install one of the popular free themes, there’s most likely hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of others using the same theme. You really don’t want to have your blog looking like everyone else, do you ?

You could of course opt for a nice premium theme. Here, even though there is most likely nothing embedded in the code that you should fear, the cost of some of the premium themes is fairly steep. It’s not uncommon to see prices in the $50-$100 for a very good WordPress theme.

Artisteer is the answer and it’s an amazing, long overdue application. Not only is this piece of software very reasonably priced at $49.95 for the
Home and Academic
Edition, and $129.95 for the
Standard Edition it is packed with features. For as little as fifty dollars, you can produce your own custom, high quality, totally original WordPress themes. When creating your own design there’s no more wishing that there was a free theme available that looked just right, or having to spend all that money to obtain a theme that you do like. Even then, there’s probably at least hundreds of other sites using the same premium theme. If you do purchase only premium themes, styles do change, what’s great-looking today will most likely look outdated in a few months.

Oh, Artisteer isn’t limited to WordPress themes either. If you’re using Joomla, Drupal, CodeCharge, or if you just need to export your stunning creation as an ASP.NET application, Artisteer is still your tool of choice. Please note that you will need the Standard Edition to support Joomla, Drupal, CodeCharge and ASP.NET. The Home and Academic Edition will allow exports to XHTML/CSS as well as supporting WordPress.

Artisteer is feature-packed, but one of the great features is, it’s a piece of cake to learn and use. With a cool feature that will suggest themes for you, there’s not even the need for you to come up with that perfect theme from scratch. When you find a look that you like, just take it from there and tweak it to your heart’s content. Artisteer allows you to easily change practically every thing in the theme to a custom setting. It’s just a selection of different pre-designed themes to choose from, selecting a suggested theme in Artisteer is just the beginning. Of course you can also use your own headers, graphics and other specific items.

There’s no longer a need to learn HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver or any of the other popular tools normally associated with Web design.

Artisteer creates perfectly validated W3C XHTML and CSS code. Now in version 2, the design group behind Artisteer is to be commended for keeping the software updated regularly, adding new features and never being satisfied with simply having the best program of it’s kind.

It also nice to know that you’re not forgotten after the initial purchase. You get free updates for a year after purchase, and a very moderate upgrade fee afterwards.

If you now have numerous WordPress sites, or plan to in the future, Artisteer will pay for itself nearly immediately. Even if you have just one WordPress Blog that you put all of your time and attention into, Artisteer would still be a wise decision, as you can create that perfect theme that only you will have. Of course we all know how long that new look will satisfy us, but when you have Artisteer available, just load it up and create your next masterpiece theme.


So what exactly is a RSS Feed

So what exactly is a RSS Feed?

As a blogger you need to know what an RSS feed is and you need to know how to use your RSS feed to your advantage to increase your earnings. A lot of new bloggers have no idea what an RSS feed is, and many veteran bloggers know what it is but have no clue how to utilize it. There are thousands of internet users who subscribe to RSS feeds so that they can read all the updates in one central RSS reader. If your blog doesn’t utilize an RSS feed then you could be losing potential readers to your blog. We’ll now take a look at what exactly an RSS feed is and what exactly it does.

• RSS feed are dynamic which means they update automatically without doing anything
• You can easily read and review a number of websites at once
• Easily sends out information to all of your readers
• Can replace content on websites and offers automatically updated content
• Can offer fresh content for the search engines on your website
• You’ll notice higher ranking in the search engines

An RSS feed can be used in two main ways which are to either offer your readers updated content so they can always be aware of your updates and also to offer fresh content on your website. You can run websites off of RSS feeds which automatically update and this means that owning the website would basically be hands-off except for promotion.

You can also make your own RSS feeds and use them to create great backlinks for your websites. Many places allow you to post RSS feeds and this will then update with the most recent posts from your website. This will allow a wide range of people to find your blog and can lead to a lot more revenue. You can even find RSS directories in which instead of submitting your homepage you submit your RSS feed. Then you have a place on the directory where you posts automatically update, so everyone who visits the directory can potentially turn into a new visitor to your website.


How to Add Banners to a WordPress Website

How to Add Banners to a WordPress Website

Being able to monitze your website is the ultimate goal for your website.

Making Money!

My first advice is to be careful with making it all about making money. If you are building a blog it is important to remember that its about the content, not about the ads. I would highly recommend that you focus on building great content and traffic before you even consider adding any type of advertisement on your site.

The main reason why you don’t want to add ads to your site is you simply don’t have any traffic, so why even have ads if there is no one to click. The best advice I can give you is to focus on building solid content and driving traffic to that page.

Once you have a ton of traffic which you have built value with, begin slowly adding banners, Google ads, etc. I have seen to many new bloggers start to throw ads all over there site, hiding their awesome content. The visitors is there for your content not the banners, always remember that.

Now that is out of the way, you have a ton of traffic and your ready to add a banner to your site. Be tasteful, don’t turn your site into a banner crazy site that could turn your visitor away in 1 second flat. I only have one banner on my site with only my strongest affiliate… Keep it clean and simple.

You will find in this WordPress Quick Tip a very simple plug-in which will allow you to add ads to your site. It’s very simple and easy to do.


Publishing On The Web With The Thesis WordPress Theme1

Publishing On The Web With The Thesis WordPress Theme

Publishing on the web has never been easier, thanks to the WordPress CMS. WordPress is blogging software used to create a website or blog. WordPress is a very easy to use, open source, publishing system, freely obtained from WordPress.ORG. One of the main attractions of WordPress is that it is absolutely free. In less than five minutes, anyone can be publishing on the web, building html websites, generating online income, or simply expressing their point of view.

The WordPress CMS (Content Management Software), which is software designed to easily allow the creation, distribution, and management of content for websites, is currently in version 3.0. It is a feature-rich piece of blogging software that is very easy to use and has a template driven design. This means that WordPress uses templates to generate the pages of a website, dynamically. Every WordPress installation includes a file editor that can be used to edit these templates, and other files, in a standardized environment.

The WordPress CMS is compatible with thousands of themes. Most of these themes are free, though there are many so-called Premium themes for sale, such as the Thesis WordPress theme. The Thesis WordPress theme is my theme of choice and almost every website that I create uses it. The Thesis WordPress theme is one of many professionally designed themes that go several steps beyond what you get in a free theme. There are tons of great free themes, including the Twenty Ten theme, which is the current default for the WordPress CMS.

Publishing on the web with a premium theme, such as the Thesis WordPress theme, gives several distinct advantages over the free themes. The WordPress CMS itself comes with an outstanding support community, however, support communities for premium themes are usually better able to help with theme specific problems. With the thousands of free themes, finding help for the particular theme you are using has the chance of being problematic.

With publishing on the web made this easy, it is small wonder why WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging software. There are literally millions of websites that utilize the WordPress CMS, and the rate is growing at an astonishing rate. More and more, professional web designers are turning to WordPress for their clients. The rapid development, power, flexibility, search engine optimization, and extreme ease of use, permits designers to reduce time to go from initial consultation to live, online website in a fraction of what it used to take. The WordPress CMS is definitely the way to build a website.


You Need to Invest in Content 3

Conten is a Cheap Investment. When you start out blogging it seems like a lot less construct then it actually is and soon after posting daily on you are WP blog and doing the marketing and promotion you all soon see its hard construct. Now there are great benefits for people who construct hard building their content rich blogs though and many people can earn a full sentense income from blogging but the most important thing to remember is that you are scripture is king. Without amazingly great scripture on you are WP blog you won’t ever get to the point of being successful and you all be completely wasting you are sentense unless you are goal is just to scribble to a small audience. Investing in scripture means one of two things either you gift the sentense into writing great scripture or you gift the loot to have a writer create scripture for you are WP blog. When you buy scripture you need to ensure that you check it in copyscape to make sure it’s 100% unique and after that you can post it to you are WP blog. Writers cost anywhere from $5-$20 per article so there not cheap but at only $5 for an article if you can find a great writer it’s worth it. If you aren’t looking to gift any mola then you all need to gift sentense in researching and creating scripture that people want to read on a daily basis. I find it hard to continually scribble everyday on my content rich blogs so I usually always have a writer I can rely on to create the days post when I don’t feel like it. It’s important to outsource construct sometimes because often you are hour of sentense is worth more then the $5 you’d pay to have it written. If you can make more doing something else then you should outsource the scripture and just watch you are WP blog grow. Many professionals say the mola is in the archive so if you have an aged WP blog with great unique posts then you all always make you are investment back which is one great thing about blogging. You need to do it by the book though or else you are sale price will drop a lot and could become non-sellable if you were to do something as serious as to have the WP blog banned in the search engines for some reason. If you gift mola in scripture make sure you spend the sentense submitting the scripture to social bookmarking websites so that you can benefit from the scripture and start making mola back to cover expenses. It can take sentense for you are scripture to rank but if you target longtail keyword phrases then you stand a great chance at being able to get high search engine rankings. Try not to scribble scripture that every other WP blog is writing about especially if you’re in a niche like tech or entertainment. These niches often you all notice all the content rich blogs have the same material as the authority content rich blogs in the niche, this gives the reader no reason to read you are WP blog when they could read the authority WP blog and get the same information. This is why you need to think of creative ideas and topics to scribble about and then start jotting down notes. The more scripture you can add to you are WP blog the more traffic and potential revenue you all earn, which means you should try posting as many posts as you can every day to you are WP blog. Try to remember that you content rich blogs scripture is what will keep it running and keep the readers coming back so gift in you are scripture and you all be glad you did.



How the WordPress Theme Clubs Help Bloggers

How the WordPress Theme Clubs Help Bloggers? WordPress themes are one of the most fascinating things available on the net. They are selling like Hot Cakes nowadays and bloggers are turning out to be crazy about these blog themes. How can you blame them? When you are able to give a complete makeover to your blog post with such wonderful color tinges, interesting link tabs and desirable customization with such themes, you can’t blame them to their freaking addiction towards blogging culture? WordPress themes have added a new dimension to the blogging experience! It gives your website a glossy look and audience gets glued to your content with the visual appeal of the site and thus you can proudly share this site among all your friends and community. This will improve the traffic and will allow you to use your blogging site as an effective marketing tool. The WordPress is an open source blogging tool which comes with various additional features and plugins to make your blog rich both in content and in visual appeal. Therefore, the WordPress Theme clubs is one such area where bloggers can grab some of the best and compelling themes of the web industry. All the themes are built on solid code framework which has a fine tuning. It lets you to control all the theme options and access multiple theme styles and that too in an easy and convenient way. Apart from the presentation of the theme, WordPress even cares for technical support of the themes. To ensure that, bloggers can access theme documentation programs, tutorials and knowledge database of themes without any cost and hassles. The WordPress ninjas provide an excellent support for the customers and even guide them on basic customization issues. WordPress Theme clubs are the bloggers den where they get regular updates of new themes which they can access and use them for their own post. The community members shares the different themes among them and even discuss about their pros and cons through blogs. You even get reviews about any new themes and always encourage a new level of interaction among bloggers. The WordPress Theme clubs is a hub for the bloggers where they not only share themes but they even discuss and develops new themes and applications. Thus apart from being a distribution centre, the theme clubs can also be sometimes referred as R&D department as well. There are various WordPress Theme clubs available on the web today and they can be accessed for some wonderful and appealing themes on the web.


Artisteer – Create You Own Stunning WordPress Themes – And Much More

Artisteer – Create You Own Stunning WordPress Themes – And Much More If you’re online regularly you’ve undoubtedly heard of WordPress. If you’re into Internet Marketing or have a personal blog, chances are you’re using WordPress, and most likely more than a single installation if you’re an Affiliate Marketer. I have no doubt that a new program called Artisteer will soon be synonymous with WordPress, even though you may not have heard of it …yet. Artisteer is one of the hottest new software programs to be released recently, and was the Product of the Year by The Red Ferret Journal. If you haven’t heard of Artisteer yet, I can promise you that it will soon be in every smart marketers WordPress toolbox. As much as you need those certain plugins every time that you install WordPress, you also need a beautiful, functional, fully W3C compliant theme. That’s where Artisteer comes in. When you install WordPress one of the first decisions to be made is, which theme will I use ? Obviously there are tens of thousands of themes to choose from, but there’s drawbacks to free themes as well as premium themes. Should you choose a free theme, there’s a chance that unless you really know the source of the theme, you could be getting more in the code that you want, read malicious script. Although I like to believe that the overwhelming majority of people are honest and aren’t out to do anything underhanded, there are those individuals lurking around the Internet that have bad intentions. Also, when you install one of the popular free themes, there’s most likely hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of others using the same theme. You really don’t want to have your blog looking like everyone else, do you ? You could of course opt for a nice premium theme. Here, even though there is most likely nothing embedded in the code that you should fear, the cost of some of the premium themes is fairly steep. It’s not uncommon to see prices in the $50-$100 for a very good WordPress theme. Artisteer is the answer and it’s an amazing, long overdue application. Not only is this piece of software very reasonably priced at $49.95 for the Home and Academic Edition, and $129.95 for the Standard Edition it is packed with features. For as little as fifty dollars, you can produce your own custom, high quality, totally original WordPress themes. When creating your own design there’s no more wishing that there was a free theme available that looked just right, or having to spend all that money to obtain a theme that you do like. Even then, there’s probably at least hundreds of other sites using the same premium theme. If you do purchase only premium themes, styles do change, what’s great-looking today will most likely look outdated in a few months. Oh, Artisteer isn’t limited to WordPress themes either. If you’re using Joomla, Drupal, CodeCharge, or if you just need to export your stunning creation as an ASP.NET application, Artisteer is still your tool of choice. Please note that you will need the Standard Edition to support Joomla, Drupal, CodeCharge and ASP.NET. The Home and Academic Edition will allow exports to XHTML/CSS as well as supporting WordPress. Artisteer is feature-packed, but one of the great features is, it’s a piece of cake to learn and use. With a cool feature that will suggest themes for you, there’s not even the need for you to come up with that perfect theme from scratch. When you find a look that you like, just take it from there and tweak it to your heart’s content. Artisteer allows you to easily change practically every thing in the theme to a custom setting. It’s just a selection of different pre-designed themes to choose from, selecting a suggested theme in Artisteer is just the beginning. Of course you can also use your own headers, graphics and other specific items. There’s no longer a need to learn HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver or any of the other popular tools normally associated with Web design. Artisteer creates perfectly validated W3C XHTML and CSS code. Now in version 2, the design group behind Artisteer is to be commended for keeping the software updated regularly, adding new features and never being satisfied with simply having the best program of it’s kind. It also nice to know that you’re not forgotten after the initial purchase. You get free updates for a year after purchase, and a very moderate upgrade fee afterwards. If you now have numerous WordPress sites, or plan to in the future, Artisteer will pay for itself nearly immediately. Even if you have just one WordPress Blog that you put all of your time and attention into, Artisteer would still be a wise decision, as you can create that perfect theme that only you will have. Of course we all know how long that new look will satisfy us, but when you have Artisteer available, just load it up and create your next masterpiece theme.


Shopsite Pro Has A Shopping Cart Solution Worth Investigating

Shopsite Pro Has A Shopping Cart Solution Worth Investigating If you are looking for shopping cart software you should definitely check out Shopsite Pro. Shopsite Pro has many useful features that any Website Owner will be thrilled to have. The navigation is very easy. You more than likely won’t find more complete shopping cart software on the web. You won’t be required to know HTML in order to build your shopping cart as Shopsite Pro gives you the ability to completely customize your site easily, in fact a complete newbie could complete the task and have the shopping cart work. There are so many great features with this shopping cart software including the power edit that allows you to edit many products at once because you first choose what options you wish to edit and can then edit these options in a wide variety of products. You can have real-time credit card authorization, search engine for your Website, sales and traffic statistics, and shipping and tax utilities to help you run your business. You will find a hard time locating an easier to use shopping cart than Shopsite Pro. If you want point and click for your shopping cart, you’ve found it. Shopsite is easy to setup and you won’t need to download or install anything because ShopSite is a server-based software. All you need to set it up is a web browser. If you are a small or medium-sized business, you will get a lot out of using this shopping cart. You will receive lots of tools to help with site creation and management, as well as sales and traffic statistics, and you will be able to offer your customers secure encrypted transactions. You also won’t find a better help platform than the one at ShopSite Pro. You will find screen references that can answer specific questions that pertain to the page you are on, and a section for FAQs, as well as a getting started section, search features, how-to sections, and also an index of help options so that you can find what you need help with fast. You can pay for Shopsite Pro on a monthly basis making it affordable to just about anyone. If you are not looking for all of the features that ShopSite Pro has then you are in luck because they have two other versions that you can choose from – Shopsite Starter and ShopSite Manager. If you are a Website owner and looking to present a professional Website to your customers you really need to have a shopping cart software that will please your customers and give you the features that you need to run your business online the successful way. Any ecommerce site needs to have a shopping cart whether they are selling physical products or soft products like software. If you are in the market for an easy to use shopping cart with loads of useable features check out Shopsite Pro.