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Google Analytics WordPress Plugin

www.profitblog.com Google analytics wordpress plugin for your wp blog The Google Analytics for WordPress plugin allows you to track your blog easily and with lots of metadata. Full list of features Simple installation through integration with Google Analytics API: authenticate, select the site you want to track and you’re done. This plugin uses the asynchronous Google Analytics tracking code, the fastest and most reliable tracking code Google Analytics offers. Option to manually place the tracking code in another location. Automatic Google Analytics site speed tracking. Outbound link & downloads tracking. Configurable options to track outbound links either as pageviews. Option to track just downloads as pageviews in Google Analytics. Allows usage of custom variables in Google Analytics to track meta data on pages. Support for the following custom variables: Author Single category and / or multiple categories Post type (especially useful if you use custom post types) Logged in users Publication Year Tags Possibility to ignore any user level and up, so all editors and higher for instance. Easily connect your Google AdSense and Google Analytics accounts. Option to tag links with Google Analytics campaign tracking, with the option to use hashes (#). Option anonymize IP’s, for use in countries like Germany. Full debug mode, including Firebug lite and ga_debug.js for debugging Google Analytics issues. Allow local hosting of ga.js file. Tracking of search engines not included in