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WordPress Company Sites

A decade ago, it is not surprising and embarrassing if large corporation did not have their own websites. Now, a company without its own website loses its credibility and respect due to vast demand in online business. WordPress websites are made for companies and individuals to compete in this competitive cyber world. Whether it is for commercial or personal purpose, websites are staples in the Internet as a form of communication approach. The success of a website depends on how appealing it is to search engines. To make websites easily accessible, WordPress are created to be SEO friendly.
WordPress can be customized easily to optimize search. The term ‘SEO’ which stands for search engine optimization, is used as a tool to gauge traffic and volume of a website. It is not difficult to change WordPress URL into a more SEO friendly one with a few simple steps. Users just need to change and update their permalink structures. The reason behind this is to create a new SEO keyword-friendly URL structure. Bloggers need not worry about their old URL because all incoming links which are associated with the old URL will be directed to the latest optimized URL.
Being a platform of blogs and commercial websites, WordPress is user- friendly in terms of site administration and configuration. Users do not have to be highly- skilled in IT knowledge but to learn a few advanced technical optimization to prevent duplicate contents and make their blogs SEO friendly. Some useless archives in the blog need to be disabled to avoid duplicates which will adversely affect blog ranking in search result. It is also wise to exclude unnecessary links and pagination.
Using suitable WordPress themes can shoot your blog to stardom with better SEO. Users can download SEO friendly templates to revamp their blogs to increase popularity and readership. The secret to choose the best template that fits your blog is the matching the theme with blog contents and blog name. Search engines will easily recognize the keywords and WordPress theme used when the blog fulfills certain SEO metrics such as highlighting its contents, onsite optimization and appropriate look and feel.
On top of that, WordPress is blog- publishing software that is compatible to many useful and SEO friendly plug- ins. Killer plug –ins like Comment Luv, Feed Footer and Who Sees Ads give your blog more functionality. WordPress is already great software by itself. With enhanced features by plug –ins, your blog will be more manageable and SEO friendly. Plug – in like Google XML Sitemaps helps to make your blog more visible for search spiders. Marking the online presence of your blog through sitemaps makes you a more successful blogger.
Also, WordPress blog is made to host a more well- structured layout. It is a design stage for corporation and individuals that need no fancy design features. Moreover, design features such as Flash and Javascript might hamper search effort as they are not SEO friendly. Search engines prefer simple but loud layouts that clearly reflect the identity of the website. WordPress websites are not heavily designed so that the websites can appear easily and quickly in the search result.
You can also optimize your WordPress front page with texts. Texts, preferably permanent ones, are personalized to make blogs more visible in search engines. More tags on the front page also optimize search especially the unique ones. You can even replace the “Read More” link with something more meaningful to your every post. This little thing makes a huge difference in your WordPress SEO.
To conclude, many people underestimated the power of SEO in elevating their WordPress websites to greater height. Through intelligent comprehension and understanding of SEO, blogging is not a mere entertainment anymore, but a sign of success in blogosphere.


Having a blog is something very common in cyber world

Having a blog is something very common in cyber world. What makes a blog more superior than other millions of blogs is its friendliness with SEO. The acronym “SEO’’ refers to “search engine optimization” which means the process of improving and elevating volume of traffic to a website from search engines via normal search results. Blogs with better SEO gets heavier traffic and readership compared to the ones with poor SEO. In this case, WordPress websites are able to create SEO friendly sites.
Nothing beats WordPress when it comes to content management systems. WordPress works with themes that are CSS- based. Therefore, it is wise to pick SEO- compliant designs for WordPress which will propel your blog to success. Search engines prefer designs that are CSS- based whether you have a static site or content management systems. It is advisable to exclude Flash or large amount of Javascript because search engines do not read these well. Design features that take ages to load despite fast connection also makes your site less popular in search engines. WordPress countered the problem with its structured configuration that disallows too many design features.
WordPress is also very versatile when it comes to choosing themes. Choosing appropriate theme for you blog is very important to narrow down search. Themes or designs that are associated with certain keywords or keyword phrases are equally important. This is because when your site is indexed by search engines, they will actually review the blog contents and themes. WordPress makes this possible with its easy customization of blog themes. Whether it is Kubrick theme or custom theme, WordPress setup is so user- friendly that switching themes is not difficult to match your website. Your theme is a fundamental approach to appeal to search engines.
WordPress is SEO friendly with its easier customization of URL structure. Users can easily modify and edit their permalinks through WordPress dashboard. All they need to do is to go to ‘Customize Permalink Structure’ page and select ‘Custom Structure’ Option. The main purpose of doing this is to list the Post Name and Post ID number in URL to customize it as /%postname%/%post_id%/. After installing and activating Permalink Redirect WordPress Plugin, you are able to change your .htaccess file before updating your new permalink structure. Simple steps like these will ensure that only one URL is associated with one blog entry. This makes your WordPress URL very SEO friendly.
Furthermore, permanent texts on your WordPress front page make your website more SEO friendly. This can be achieved with WordPress template which can be easily modified to include a text box right under blog header. Bloggers just need to write texts that show up on permanent basis. Texts that are associated only with your blog makes your blog pop out in search results. From this way, your blog will stand out among crowds of other findings because of your significant permanent texts.
It is advisable to sign up for RSS feed for to optimize search for your WordPress blog. “Really Simple Syndication” of simply RSS is a feed format used for blog entries, news and headlines in a standardized format. Each update of your blog entry will be featured in mailbox of people who subscribe to your feed. Also, with RSS feed, it is easier for people to track down your blog titles. WordPress makes RSS customization a simple job with its clear instructions that even beginners can follow. Resolving your RSS customization would mean that the chance of your blog entries being found in search engines is rather high.
To make your WordPress more SEO friendly, there are many plug- ins that you can install. There are as much as 24 plug –ins that WordPress bloggers are recommended to install. Although having a matched theme for your website is sufficient, you can always make your website outstanding since your downloaded theme might be used by other bloggers too. WordPress bloggers can install Akismet, All in one SEO Pack, Feed Copyrighter Plugin and Homepage Excerpts. These plug- ins make your website popular to readers as well as appealing to search engines.
In conclusion, the presence of your blog among a sea of other blogs does not mean that yours will be engulfed quite easily. Making your blog SEO friendly solves the problem easily as well as creating a path to your blog success in long- term.