Learn to Use the WordPress.org Codex at Treehouse

The WordPress Codex is the name given to the primary WordPress documentation that lives at codex.wordpress.org. The Codex contains information for all level of users, from those who are just…

6 Responses to Learn to Use the WordPress.org Codex at Treehouse

  1. Eli Prenten April 9, 2014 at 6:07 pm #

    I’ve noticed these wordpress videos are getting a lot of dislikes.
    It probably has to do with the instructor. If you just listen he does
    great, but the gestures and expressions are a little over the top which
    turns everything awkward.

    No hate to him btw, just noticing this.

  2. Atacama Humanoid April 10, 2014 at 1:49 am #

    Why is this guy talking to me this way?

  3. whatthechaos April 12, 2014 at 6:59 am #

    Anders??? Is that you?

  4. Tatoke kokipa April 16, 2014 at 9:09 am #

    Every one with worlpress should kick them self in the face.
    Just build you own templed and start from there.
    or leave the work to the people who know what there doing, worldpress is a
    dutch goverment funded program, design to take away the learning motivation.
    people who know what they are doing (web programmers) are sellings these
    worldpress sites for 5000 euro a pop.
    becouse there to lazy do create there own.

  5. Michael Guy April 25, 2014 at 6:00 am #

    this guy is an idiot… i joined tree house and it was a joke. Why is he
    acting like the 5th member of the wiggles? the first 5 minutes are shout
    outs to facebook users wth…?

  6. Richard Dale May 17, 2014 at 1:24 pm #

    +Tatokekokipa what are you talking about? WordPress is an open source
    platform not funded by any government. Where did you get this information?
    Rather than moaning why don’t you develop for wordpress if you are that
    convinced it’s taking all your work. Create plugins or themes for it. It’s
    just a cms there are 1000’s of them, they don’t take work from good devs as
    clients will always want something bespoke to them. 

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